Revisions of nnn

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1106167 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 71)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1106151 from Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari's avatar Muhammad Akbar Yanuar Mantari (mantarimay) (revision 70)
- nnn v4.9 Elixir release notes.
  * config option NNN_ARCHMNT to specify archive mounter utility
  * key ^y to jump to next young file
  * filter adjustment when opening context from plugin
  * properly update mode after chmod
  * pre-fill selected file name to create link if sel is preferred over hovered
  * fix crash when PWD is empty
  * make quitcd.bash_zsh POSIX-compliant
  * nmount - support udiskctl as default
  * preview-tui - support wezterm split size percentage
  * preview-tui - move to bash for environment manipulation through arrays
  * fzopen - handle empty selection
  * finder - use default path to find
  * add icons for djvu files
  * support Nerd Fonts v3.0.0 and above (older versions are broken by v3.0.0)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1079452 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 69)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1079451 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 68)
- nnn v4.8 Spritz release notes.
  * show total size (key S) of non-filtered selection in a directory
  * fix tilde (~) handling in file name
  * plugin .nmv now respects -u flag
  * env var $NNN_PREFER_SELECTION exported to all plugins
  * support for wezterm in preview-tui
  * create new file or directory (tree) on startup
  * run command as plugin now supports exported variables
  * use "$nnn" anywhere when running command as plugin
  * set defaults for some prompts on Enter
  * improve archive, rename and create new workflows
  * optimize link creation
  * allow overwriting regular files on new empty file creation
  * add patch for colemak keyboard (existing renamed to colemak-dh)
  * add correct check for Wayland in clipboard plugins
  * add quitcd script for nushell
  * plugin kdeconnect - send multiple files
  * plugin preview-tui: add chafa as preferred image viewer, multiple fixes
  * plugin nmount - misc. improvements
  * add icon for jxl files
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1038273 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 67)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1038272 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 66)
- nnn v4.7 Cuba libre release notes.
  * fix ^N not working sometimes (#1449)
  * fix file remove confirmation prompt [Esc - cancel, y/Y - use force, any other key - prompt for each file]
  * bring back atool as the default archive handler
  * add option -B to use bsdtar as the archive utility
  * find and list mode improvements
    * continue even if max paths/data size limit is exceeded
    * speed improvements
    * support listing maximum 16K paths of 64 MiB of data
  * key J to jump to an entry or relative offset from current entry
  * prefill the hard link creation prompt when there's a single target (#1507)
  * documented workaround for docker container crash (#1407, #1476)
  * plugin imgview: handle arguments as strings (#1509)
  * plugin wallpaper: support Wayland (#1512)
  * plugin upload: handle selection using ffsend (#1523)
  * add Rust icons (#1502)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 991323 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 65)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 991322 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 64)
- Update to version v4.6:
  * icon handling overhaul for better performance, memory usage and reduced binary size (#1432, #1436)
  * emoji support for supporting distros and terminals (#1346)
  * open the target directory of symlinked bookmarks (#1353)
  * enable show hidden when a hidden file is passed as argument
  * add Colemak-DH layout keybinds to patch framework (#1421)
  * set bsdtar as the default archive utility
  * support 4 byte unicode keybinds (#1428)
  * enable directory auto-enter during filter operation (-A to disable)
  * enable filter prompt inside the bookmark/plugin dirs
  * show volume usage information in help
  * add Elixir icons (#1437)
  * add new icon colors for mp4 and flac files
  * use stat -x for file details on *BSD and macOS (#1389)
  * interpret suffix $nnn when paging (#1355)
  * disable key e (edit file) in explorer mode (#1394)
  * fix double order chars on filter case match change
  * .cbcp: more verbose message on paste without a selection
  * plugin preview-tui: scale-up kitty previews
  * plugin preview-tui: account for ueberzug offset
  * plugin preview-tui: support SPLIT_SIZE for preview pane (#1431)
  * plugin autojump: support z.lua
  * new Makefile target shellcheck to verify plugins
- Strpping executable
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 974393 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 63)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 974392 from Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar) (revision 62)
- Fix URL to source tarball
- Add also tarball signature and keyring to the source files.
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 973951 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 61)
- Update to version v4.5:
  * Prepare for release v4.5 Cachaça
  * Fix patch conflicts and rebase
  * Use bold forward arrowhead for current
  * Add 2 spaces after icons for better visibility
  * Fix #1345: allow symlink name '@' in single file case
  * quitcd script for Elvish shell > 0.17.0
  * Handle broken window if started in type-to-nav
  * Bind ^J with toggle auto-jump on open
  * Replace ^J with + to (un)select
  * consistently use ELEMENTS macro
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 933387 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 60)
- support macOS iterm2 in plugin preview-tui (#1196)
- use selection at native command prompt with %j and %J (docs)
- scroll strings longer than columns in rename/new prompts (#1213, #279)
- batch rename symlink targets in listing mode (#1214)
- option for recursive rename in plugin .nmv (#1186)
- more frequent checks for cancellation during du (#1236)
- picker mode: enable auto-proceed
- picker mode: don't pick hovered file on Enter if selection exists
- picker mode: fix issue in plugin fzopen when used to pick files
- send file to explorer FIFO on double left click instead of opening it
- new neovim plugin nnn.nvim featuring explorer mode
- explorer mode for nnn.vim
- remove option -w: always place HW cursor on current entry
- accept link name when linking a single target (#1201)
- option -i to show current file information in info bar
- force GNU sed on *BSD and Solaris
- add nsxiv support to nuke, preview-tabbed and imgview (#1230)
- fix preview-tui without -a (#1208)
- pass pts in env var for preview-tui to use in tput (#1235)
- disable editing file in picker mode (#1183)
- save session in picker mode (#1190)
- use nerd icons for gitstatus patch (#1220) 
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) committed (revision 59)
*    update to v4.3
*    add completions
*    cool ASCII art logo in the help screen
*    add bookmarks directory for flexible symlinked bookmarks
*    new key B to add a symlinked bookmark for current dir
*    special variables $dN, $fN available for plugins/prompt/shell to access per-context dir/hovered file
*    config NNN_ORDER to set directory-specific ordering
*    show/hide hidden files as per context state in plugin based batch rename
*    retain search filter history for plugin finder
*    sync multiple instances of nnn after operation on selection
*    signal CWD change to terminal via OSC-7 (#1147)
*    save complete per-context filter when saving sessions
*    disable symlink resolution for paths in NNN_BMS and arg PATH
*    do not end selection mode on running plugins/prompt/shell
*    plugin bookmarks replaced by symlinked bookmarks support
*    list open locations in active contexts in help page
*    make option O_MATCHFLTR to discard filter key if no match
*    configurable NNN_TMPFILE to cd on quit
*    disable auto marking directories (use -)
*    picker mode improvements
        open tty for input if STDIN is non-tty
        truncate output file before writing
        do not double select a file on Enter
*    legacy macOS (< 10.12.0) support
*    no redraw during du calculation, show processed dir name
*    plugin xdgdefault: add dmenu support
*    user patch restorepreview: close/restore preview-tui for internal edits
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 907598 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 58)
- Update to version 4.2 (Mojito)
    - `NNN_PLUG` indicator symbol interpretation has **changed**:
      - `!` - _run-cmd-as-plugin_ (earlier `_`)
      - `&` - _run-gui-cmd-as-plugin_ (earlier `|`)
      - `|` (new) - page noninteractive _run-cmd-as-plugin_ output
    - persistent selection markers (#1086)
    - option _extract to..._ for archives
    - mount remote and mount/extract archive to a smart context
    - confirm file trashing to avoid accidental press of <kbd>x</kbd> (#1101)
    - insert the last command executed at prompt on <kbd>Up</kbd> or <kbd>Down</kbd>
    - insert the current file name at empty prompt on <kbd>TAB</kbd>
    - handle redraw issue on missed `KEY_RESIZE` (#1067)
    - add force-tty capability to spawn and set pagers to it (#1064)
    - clear selection mode on deselecting last selected file (#1098)
    - remove selected hovered entry from selection on deletion
    - disable filtering in empty directories
    - ignore last pressed filter character when no matches
    - fix broken screen on resize while paging (#1072)
    - fix archive not hovered on creation
    - remove libgit2 dependency in `gitstatus` patch (#1095)
    - add `-G` flag for `gitstatus` patch
    - option `-X` for explorer (persistent picker) mode
    - option `-F` decommissioned in favour of config `NNN_HELP`
    - `-F` redefined to multiplex `NNN_FIFO` to preview or explore
    - support paging noninterative _run-cmd-as-plugin_ output
    - `nuke` - add option to execute binaries (#1111)
    - plugin `fzopen` - call `open` on macOS, add option to use `nuke`
    - plugin `fzcd` will not modify selection
    - plugin `suedit` - preserve environment
    - several `preview-tui` fixes
    - plugin `wall` renamed to `wallpaper`
    - remove plugin `fzz` - merged into plugin `autojump`
    - remove plugin `upgrade` - packaging is on OBS now
    - remove plugin `treeview` - needs minor `preview-tui` tweak
    - remove plugin `picker` - `nnn -p -` does the same
    - remove plugin `pdfview` - needs simple change in `pdfread`
    - remove plugin `uidgid` - use program option `-U`
    - remove plugins `mediainf`, `hexview` - simple one-liners
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 906732 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 57)
- update to 4.1.1:
  - fix segfault on session save (#1041)
  - remove redundant `_Atomic` usage
  - move [`patches`](../tree/master/patches) directory to top-level
  - fix and cleanup gitstatus patch
  - plugin `imgview` improvements (#1049)
  - restore source-code packing on CircleCI
  - add Makefile target to compile with musl
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 896833 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 56)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 896831 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 55)
- Update to version 4.1 (Sake)
    * a patch management model for approved patches
    * multi-threaded disk usage calculation using pthreads and FTS
    * dynamic view update when calculating disk usage
    * <kbd>Bksp</kbd>/<kbd>Del</kbd> at empty filter prompt to refresh dir
    * Try to create new context with <kbd>Shift-TAB</kbd>, else reverse cycle
    * <kbd>Alt+Esc</kbd> to quit context from filter prompt
    * fix zombies left behind after running plugins (#999)
    * named persistent sessions (mcchrish/nnn.vim#43)
    * consider nanosecond resolution when sorting by time (#978)
    * check external selection in `'c'urrent / 's'el` prompt (#976)
    * show number of files selected in local selection buffer, if any
    * `nnn` & picker plugin (e.g. `fzopen`) sync (mcchrish/nnn.vim#82)
    * make batch rename interactive (#971)
    * cached uid/gid for performance improvement
    * fixes for `nnn` with `netbsd-curses`, `musl-fts`, `musl` (#998)
    * script to statically compile `nnn` with `musl gcc` on Ubuntu
    * restore hovered file when plugin is chosen from plugin dir
    * support QuickLook on WSL in `preview-tui` (#959)
    * toggle `preview-tui` with the same _custom_ plugin key
    * smoother preview toggling in `preview-tui` (#966)
    * `listen_on` should be set in kitty.conf for `preview-tui` (#970)
    * minimal `bat` style in `preview-tui`, honors `$BAT_STYLE`
    * plugin `preview-tui-ext` supersedes `preview-tui` (#1033)
    * plugin `fzcd` can now fuzzy search multiple directories
    * plugin `imgview` supersedes `imgthumb` and `vidthumb`
    * plugin `umounttree`: unmount remote mntpoint from within
    * plugin `xdgdefault`: set the default app for hovered file type
    * plugin `fzplug`: fuzzy find, preview and run other plugins
    * plugin `cmusq`: queue/play music in `cmus`
    * plugin `mocplay` renamed to `mocq`
    * plugin `cleanfilename` renamed to `fixname`
    * go to last dir on <kbd>~</kbd> (HOME) or <kbd>`</kbd> (ROOT) key repeat
    * ambiguous key <kbd>^Space</kbd> to select/clear range dropped (#998)
    * user wiki page for [Themes](
    * show selection mark (`+`) in reverse bold for improved visibility
    * reverse block replaces `>` to mark hovered entry in detail mode
    * make option `O_CKBOARD` removed
    * make option `O_NOLOC` renamed to `O_NOLC`
    * ignore `O_NOLC` if `O_ICONS` or `O_NERD` is specified (#1026)
    * unicode arrow indicators if `O_ICONS` or `O_NERD` is specified
    * make option `NOX11`: disable notis, sel-clipboard sync, xterm title
    * retain filter in _nav-to-type_ mode after file open
    * fix no files picked with `NNN_TMPFILE` exported and <kbd>q</kbd> to quit
    * disable xterm title setting in picker mode (#974)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 887250 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 54)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 887249 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 53)
- Update to version 4.0 (Shushi)
   * show xterm title on option `-x`.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 884926 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 52)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 71
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