Revisions of nnn

Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 884925 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 51)
- No renaming of source file after download from source0.
- Update to version 3.7
    * allow plugins to clear selection (#884, #889, #917)
    * do not clear selection on hovered file deletion
    * resurrect `'c'urrent/'s'el` prompt and option `-u` (#889)
    * show only file name in reverse in detail mode
    * more file/mime types supported in `preview-tui-ext`
    * plugin `mtpmount` - (un)mount MTP devices
    * plugin `cleanfilename` - more shell-friendly file names
    * plugin `rsynccp` - copy-paste with visual progress
    * replace `$HOME` by `~` in address bar
    * show current path in terminal title (#911)
    * total links and inode number of hardlink in statusbar
    * fix symlink to text file not opening in CLI editor (#890)
    * fix symlink size shown as 0B in statusbar (#888)
    * show symlink target in statusbar (#893)
    * show correct disk free/total on macOS (#888)
    * fix directory disk usage showing as 0 on macOS (#941)
    * fix name col len with `-C` and icons compiled-in (#936)
    * refactor printing entries in light/detail modes (#934)
    * make option `O_CKBOARD` for checker board as indicator
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 879354 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 50)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 879332 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 49)
- Update to version 3.6
    * REPL command prompt (<kbd>Esc</kbd> or <kbd>Enter</kbd> to exit)
    * invert selection with <kbd>A</kbd>
    * option `-u` removed (always prefer selection to hovered)
    * visit start dir on <kbd>@</kbd> when start path is a file
    * exit filter mode and redraw on <kbd>^L</kbd> if no last filter
    * plugin `fzcd` now selects the chosen file (#876)
    * `ueberzug` support in plugin `preview-tui`
    * new plugin `preview-tui-ext` with extra preview support
    * clear selection after successful plugin invocation
    * add method to sync subshell `$PWD` in WIki
    * clear selection on single file deletion (#812)
    * copy between instances not working (#864)
    * plugin `togglex` to toggle exe mode of a selection (#813)
    * fix `memccpy()` buffer overlap fault on macOS (#786)
    * show `0 selected` msg on cp/mv with empty selection (#855)
    * fix frozen terminal caused by opener (#858)
    * migrate macOS CI to GitHub workflows, retire Travis
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 848995 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 48)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 848994 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 47)
- Update to version 3.5
    * compile-in Alexey Tourbin's QSORT macro
    * support Nerd Font patched icons [`make O_NERD=1`]
    * enhance plugin `dups` to delete duplicates interactively
    * plugin `autojump` now supports `jump` and `zoxide`
    * support `gio trash` to Trash [`export NNN_TRASH=2`] (#740)
    * quit program on double <kbd>Esc</kbd> in normal mode (#775)
    * <kbd>^Space</kbd> replaces <kbd>^K</kbd> for range selection/clear selection
    * show selection symbol (`+`) next to filename in detail mode (#741)
    * error & quit on <kbd>Q</kbd> if no selection, else pick to stdout
    * repeat <kbd>^T</kbd> to cycle sort by time, size and clear
    * option `-U` to show user & group info in status bar
    * option `-J` to disable auto-proceed on select (#713)
    * option `-D` to show dirs in context color with `NNN_FCOLORS`
    * honor option `-C` for context colors
    * show indicators if more entries above/below listing (#744)
    * show missing utility name in flash msg (#753)
    * exit `preview-tabbed` on <kbd>^C</kbd> (#727)
    * fix HW cursor moves to wrong line (#735)
    * fix rollover bug with multiline scroll (#743)
    * fix input stream not listed with `-s`/`-S` (#777)
    * fix locker not being invoked
    * make target `upx` for additional binary compression
    * compress auto-generated static binaries with upx
    * make variable `O_NOSSN` to compile out sessions
    * make variable `O_NOUG` to compile out user & group info
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 827646 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 46)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 827644 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 45)
- Update to version 3.4
    * icons with icon-specific colors (thanks @KlzXS)
    * enhanced `NNN_COLORS` with xterm 256 colors support
    * new colorscheme with `NNN_FCOLORS` (file type specific colors)
    * switch `-C` to force earlier colorscheme (dirs follow context color)
    * updates for Haiku (thanks @CodeforEvolution)
    * fix XFS navigation issue (thanks @ucs1)
    * optimize archive extension matching on file open
    * show location in context color
    * support `host[:dir]` format for remote mounts
    * clear selection after copy
    * support traversal on file/dir creation
    * show selection in reverse in status bar
    * show status bar indicator `H` when hidden files are listed
    * show and confirm archive command output
    * support _cd on quit_ in picker mode
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 821080 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 44)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 821079 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 43)
- Update to version 3.3
    * subdir `mounts` for remote and archive mounts
    * remove mount point on successful unmount of remote/archive
    * show error and prompt user if `cp`/`mv`/`rm` operation fails
    * support absolute/relative paths in cp/mv as
    * mark current path automatically on archive/remote mount
    * mark current path automatically on target file visit in _find and list_ mode
    * option `-C` to place HW cursor on hovered for screen readers and braille displays
    * option `-u` to use selection (if available) and skip `current/sel` prompt
    * key <kbd>Alt+Esc</kbd> to clear filter prompt and redraw
    * support <kbd>Esc</kbd> to cancel remove operation
    * `gpge` & `gpgd`: encrypt and decrypt with GPG
    * `blknew`: create new files and directories in bulk
    * `preview-tui`
      - unified to support `tmux`/`kitty`/`xterm`/`$TERMINAL`
      - auto-determine split orientation based on terminal height and width
      - provision to use [``]( and [`pistol`](
    * various other improvements
    * `upload`: send to Firefox Send if [`ffsend`]( is found
    * `hexview`: add [`hx`]( as alternative hex viewer
    * `nuke` and `imgview`: add [`imv`]( as alternative image viewer
    * add find (with `fd`) and grep (with `rg`) examples in plugins doc
    * key <kbd>Esc</kbd> or left click to resend hovered file path to `NNN_FIFO`
    * show `+` instead of `s` in status bar on selection
    * <kbd>F5</kbd> removed (misfit for toggle hidden), <kbd>^S</kbd> removed (often masked, redundant)
    * handle abnormal program termination and remove NNN_PIPE and/or NNN_FIFO
    * clear selection after successful batch rename, link creation
    * make option `O_CTX8` for 8 contexts (NOT backward compatible with 4 contexts)
    * fix issue with child window resize (see #656)
    * fix issue with `NNNLVL` on macOS (see #639)
    * fix issue with restoring session with du/au enabled
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 808881 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 42)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 808880 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 41)
- Update to version 3.2
    * previews
      - config `NNN_FIFO` to write hovered file paths a previewer can read
      - plugin `preview-tabbed`: [tabbed]( based file previewer
      - plugin `preview-tui`: simple TUI file previewer in tmux/xterm
      - plugin `preview-kitty`: preview using kitty terminal's capabilities
      - [live preview]( configuration example
    * find & list
      - send list of files from (cmd run as) plugin to  `nnn`
      - plugin `finder`: find/fd/fzf/grep/ripgrep/fzf (in subtree) and list in `nnn`
      - <kbd>Right</kbd> or <kbd>l</kbd> on symlink in list dir takes to target file
    * persistent session option `-S` [for disk usage, run `nnn -T d` (see help)]
    * hover on the file when a file path is passed as positional argument
    * go to first file or match with <kbd>'</kbd> (followed by <kbd>'</kbd> or <kbd>char</kbd>)
    * config `NNN_SEL` to specify custom selection file
    * config `NNN_LOCKER` to specify locker program
    * dim file details in detail mode
    * call `chdir()` on directory change
    * option `-l`: number of lines to move on mouse scroll
    * graphical [keybind map](
    * let `NNN_COLORS` override `NO_COLOR`
    * plugins
      - option `-P`: run plugin by key at start
      - run plugins with <kbd>Alt+key</kbd>
      - allow `NNN_PIPE` usage by commands run as plugin
      - input format to `NNN_PIPE`: `<ctxcode><opcode><data>` (see plugins doc)
      - set `ctxcode` to `+` for smart context usage (next inactive, else current)
      - `getplugs` to fetch plugins by installed version of `nnn`
      - plugin `mimelist`: list files by mime type in subtree
      - plugin `bookmarks`: named bookmarks using symlinks
      - plugin `nbak`: backup `nnn` config
      - `nuke` adds lowdown as alternative markdown viewer
      - several plugin improvements
    * fix broken screen on resize (see #520)
    * fix broken version sort (see #550)
    * fix list and pipe modes not working together
    * fix multiple issues with listing files
    * fix `@` shown in detail mode for symlink to dir
    * fix listing files directly under `/`
    * move to `-std=c11`
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 793523 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 40)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 793521 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 39)
- Update to version 3.1
    * unlimited bookmarks and plugin keys
    * status bar text in context color
    * support config `NO_COLOR` to disable colors
    * config `NNN_OPTS` to specify binary options to `nnn`
    * config `NNN_MCLICK` to emulate configurable key
    * toggle selection on right click
    * ignore hard links when calculating disk usage
    * dim (hard/sym) link names (symlink to file has `@`)
    * more special keys at empty filter prompt in _type-to-nav_
    * key <kbd>></kbd> to export file list
    * option `-F` to show fortune in help and settings screen
    * option `-T` to specify sort order (obsoletes `-v`)
    * option to clear sort order
    * key <kbd>T</kbd> to change time type (access/change/mod)
    * `.nmv` - internal fully-functional batch renamer plugin
    * make var `O_NOBATCH` to disable native batch renamer
    * `nuke` & `imgview` - open all images in directory sxiv
    * `nuke` - open log files in vi
    * plugin `x2sel` - system clipboard to selection copier
    * plugin `fzy` - cd using z database
    * plugin `fzopen` - support `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND`
    * create new context on TAB without prompt
    * hover and connect by dir name (within config dir)
    * move to next entry on current file delete
    * on single file copy/move, select the copied/moved file
    * option `-f` to to use readline history file (off by default)
    * use `s` in status bar to indicate selection in progress
    * make var `O_NOMOUSE` to disable mouse support
    * do not store `NNN_TRASH` and `-Q` in config/session
    * add sample .desktop file for XDG compatible DEs
    * rename _nav-as-you-type_ to _type-to-nav_ mode
    * fix PCRE case-insensitive regex search
    * fix no error msg when filter length limit exceeded
    * fix static package generation
    * fix broken abort message when started in du-mode
    * fix filter lost on context switch in non _type-to-nav_ mode
    * fix broken readline prompt
    * fix long strings treated as action keys in filter prompt
    * fix `NNNLVL` not reset when spawned shell is exited 
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 774761 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 38)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 774760 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 37)
- Update to version 3.0
    * take list of files as input and show
    * option `-e` replaces `NNN_USE_EDITOR`
    * option `-t` replaces `NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT`
    * PCRE support
    * more readline bindings for native prompts
    * run GUI app as plugin
    * attempt lazy unmount when regular unmount fails
    * fix unmount on macOS: use `umount`
    * detect `sshfs` and `rclone` to prompt intelligently
    * auto-proceed on file open (toggle key <kbd>+</kbd>)
    * quit with error code on <kbd>Q</kbd>
    * additional key <kbd>F5</kbd> to toggle hidden
    * key 'e' to edit in EDITOR (back on multiple user requests)
    * option to edit list of files in selection is changed to 'E'
    * do not end selection on redraw
    * `nuke`: [`glow`]( as Markdown viewer
    * `nuke`: refactor, handle some common video types by extension
    * file name removed from status bar
    * static Makefile target
    * generate, upload static package on release
    * fix crash on entering empty dir, then Down
    * fix keypresses lost when showing message
    * fix #227: `nnn` creates xdg-open zombies
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 765522 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 36)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 765521 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 35)
- Update to version 2.9
    * user pain points addressed
       - all keybinds and options reviewed by the team and frozen (see #422)
       - fewer keybinds
       - greatly improved help screen readability
    * nuke: sample opener (CLI-only by default) and plugin
    * fast line redraws instead of full screen refresh (thanks @annagrram)
    * auto archive handling by extension (see config NNN_ARCHIVE)
    * Lead key simplified to bookmark key (b or ^/)
    * single key to toggle order (t or ^T)
    * plugins
       - .cbcp: copy selection to system clipboard (internal, program option -x)
       - .ntfy: show noti on cp, mv, rm completion (internal, program option -x)
       - autojump: navigate using autojump
       - upload: paste text files to, upload rest to
       - all fuzzy plugins modified to support both fzf and fzy
    * more control on plugins
       - prefix - to skip directory refresh after running (cmd as) plugin
       - suffix * to skip confirmation after running cmd as plugin
    * indicate range selection mode with *
    * list keys at bookmark and plugin key prompts
    * visit to pinned dir like bookmarks (Bookmark key followed by ,)
    * toggle executable (key *)
    * show mime along with file details
    * more special keys at empty filter prompt:
       - apply the last filter (^L)
       - toggle between string and regex (/)
       - toggle case-sensitivity (:)
    * retain filter on Esc, Up, Down
    * show filter details when filter is on
    * remove option to run filter as cmd on prompt key (can be disruptive)
    * program options
        - option -x: enable notis and copy selection to system clipboard
        - option -g: regex filters (string filter is default now)
        - option -Q: quit program without confirmation
        - option -s: load session
        - option -n: start in nav-as-you-type mode
        - option -v: version sort
        - option -V: show program version
        - option -A: disable dir auto-select
    * ISO 8601 compliant date in status bar
    * ported to Haiku OS (thanks @annagrram)
    * sort only filtered entries (to avoid directory refresh)
    * fix getplugs to install hidden files
    * fix several selection issues (see #400)
    * fix detail mode not restored on loading session
    * fix symlink to directory not auto-selected
    * fix regex error on partial regex patterns
    * fix symlink not shown if stat(2) on target fails
    * fix flags when spawning a CLI opener as default FM
    * fix issue with stat flag on Sun (no support for dirent.d_type)
    * fix current file in current context not saved correctly in session
    * signed source distribution on release
    * simplified debugging with line numbers in logs
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 754220 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 34)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) accepted request 754219 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 33)
- Update to version 2.8.1
   * Fixes to regression caused by 2.8.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 753854 from Dilawar Singh's avatar Dilawar Singh (dilawar) (revision 32)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 21 - 40 of 71
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