
Request 925413 accepted

- Add CONFIG parameter to %sysusers_generate_pre


Enzo Matsumiya's avatar

@gmbr3: I don't understand what this is doing.

After expansion, this will become (from /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d/macros.sysusers):

%{_prefix}/lib/rpm/sysusers-generate-pre ${SOURCE1} system-group-audit.conf > audit.pre

Given that $SOURCE1 is already system-group-audit.conf, wouldn't this generate duplicate data in audit.pre?

Please note that this is the most exposure to sysusers stuff that I had. If this actually achieves something else that I'm missing, please elaborate.


Callum Farmer's avatar
author source maintainer

It is needed for the --replace argument of systemd-sysusers (needs to know the installed filename) as shown by


in https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-sysusers.html#--replace=PATH



where $1 would become system-group-audit.conf in https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/Base:System/sysuser-tools/sysusers2shadow.sh?expand=1

Request History
Callum Farmer's avatar

gmbr3 created request

- Add CONFIG parameter to %sysusers_generate_pre

Enzo Matsumiya's avatar

ematsumiya accepted request

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