
Request 922933 accepted

- Add missing bug reference to allow inclusion in SLE-15:SP4.
- use /usr/sbin/apxs for build, not -prefork
- Update to version 4.7.1:
+ Use Python 3 style print.
+ Mostly changes around distribtion from PyPi, where mod_wsgi is
completented by a mod_wsgi-standalone with an own apache
- Drop the python2 based package (py2 is EOL): Move the content of
the former apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 package into apache-mod_wsgi.
Provide/Obsolete the old -python3 package for ease of upgrade.
- Add Python-native build so Python metadata and wrapper is present
- add %apache_rex_deps
- version update to 4.6.8
* If no system mime types file can be found, fall back to ``/dev/null``
so that Apache can still at least start up.
* Fix compilation failures when using Python 3.8.
* The Apache request ID is accessible in request events as ``request_id``.
* The per request data dictionary accessible using ``mod_wsgi.request_data()``
is now also accessible in events as ``request_data``.
* When the queue timeout was triggered for requests sent to daemon mode
processes, the error response wasn't being flushed out correctly resulting
in the connection still being held up to the time of the socket timeout.
- test with %apache_rex_check
- update to 4.6.5:
* When running mod_wsgi-express and serving up static files
from the document root, and the WSGI application was mounted
at a sub URL using --mount-point, the static files in the
document root outside of the mount point for the WSGI
application would no longer be accessible.
* If no system mime types file can be found, fall
back to /dev/null so that Apache can still at least
start up.
* Now possible to use mod_wsgi-express in an a zipapp
created using shiv. This entailed a special workaround
to detect when shiv was used, so that the unpacked
site-packages directory could be added to the Python
module search path for mod_wsgi-express.
- update to 4.6.4:
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.19.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.20.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.21.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.22.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.23.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.24.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.0.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.1.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.2.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.3.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.4.html
- Fix description (bsc#1084882)
- update to 4.5.18 see full changes bugfix and new features here:
- specleanup
- update to 4.5.2
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.5.2.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.5.1.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.5.0.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.23.html
- minimized delta between spec files
- use the #/ trick for the source url
- update to 4.4.22
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.22.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.21.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.20.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.19.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.18.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.17.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.16.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.15.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.14.html
- update to 4.4.13
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.13.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.12.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.11.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.10.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.9.html
- test module with %apache_test_module_load
- update to 4.4.8
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.7.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.8.html
- seperate package for python3 to fix module loading errors
- conflict with mod_wsgi-python3
- Build subpackage with mod_wsgi_python3 (bsc#939717)
- Requries: %{apache_suse_maintenance_mmn}
This will pull this module to the update (in released distribution)
when apache maintainer thinks it is good (due api/abi changes).
- Fix build failure on SLE 12 (Apache 2.4.10)
+ add wsgi_fixVersionCheck.patch
+ build failed due to improper version check
- Update to version 4.4.6
- Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.6.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.5.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.4.html
- As of version 4.2.7 mod_wsgi is effected by

- call spec-cleaner
- use apache rpm macros
- change URL to new location
- provide short module name
- Update to version 4.2.5
- remove mod_wsgi-3.4-connsbh.patch - included in upstream version
- remove mod_wsgi-setuid-patch.diff - included in upstream version
- No longer support the use of mod_python in conjunction with
- Adding a lot of new configuration option
- fix off-by-one error in setgroups (bnc#883229)
- fix Local privilege escalation (bnc#878550)
- Fix module name sent to a2enmod/a2dismod and fix/cleanup
post/postun scripts.
- Add patch "mod_wsgi-3.4-connsbh.patch" to fix segmentation faults
with apache 2.4 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=831701)
- Update to version 3.4:
+ New support for Apache 2.4
+ Support for Python 3.2
+ Is now guaranteed that mod_ssl access handler is run before
that for mod_wsgi so that any per request variables setup by
mod_ssl are available in the mod_wsgi access handler as
implemented by WSGIAccessScript directive.
+ Added 'python-home' option to WSGIDaemonProcess.
+ Added 'lang' and 'locale' options to WSGIDaemonProcess.
+ Split combined WWW-Authenticate header returned from daemon
process back into separate headers.
- Introduce build compatibility with apache 2.4: apxs2 was moved
from %{_sbindir} to %{_bindir}
- Require apache2, a module makes little sense without
- add post/postun section
* enable module after install (a2enmod)
* disable module after deinstall (a2enmod -d)
- fix License as required by http://spdx.org/licenses/
* Apache-2.0
- fix build for CentOS/RHEL
- spec-cleanup
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build
- update to 3.3:
- update to 2.5:
- minor spec file fixes (use %configure, -j%jobs)
- update to 2.3. Changelog:
- update to 2.1. Changelog:
- initial package (version 1.3) (forwarded request 922567 from mcepl)

Request History
Petr Gajdos's avatar

pgajdos created request

- Add missing bug reference to allow inclusion in SLE-15:SP4.
- use /usr/sbin/apxs for build, not -prefork
- Update to version 4.7.1:
+ Use Python 3 style print.
+ Mostly changes around distribtion from PyPi, where mod_wsgi is
completented by a mod_wsgi-standalone with an own apache
- Drop the python2 based package (py2 is EOL): Move the content of
the former apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 package into apache-mod_wsgi.
Provide/Obsolete the old -python3 package for ease of upgrade.
- Add Python-native build so Python metadata and wrapper is present
- add %apache_rex_deps
- version update to 4.6.8
* If no system mime types file can be found, fall back to ``/dev/null``
so that Apache can still at least start up.
* Fix compilation failures when using Python 3.8.
* The Apache request ID is accessible in request events as ``request_id``.
* The per request data dictionary accessible using ``mod_wsgi.request_data()``
is now also accessible in events as ``request_data``.
* When the queue timeout was triggered for requests sent to daemon mode
processes, the error response wasn't being flushed out correctly resulting
in the connection still being held up to the time of the socket timeout.
- test with %apache_rex_check
- update to 4.6.5:
* When running mod_wsgi-express and serving up static files
from the document root, and the WSGI application was mounted
at a sub URL using --mount-point, the static files in the
document root outside of the mount point for the WSGI
application would no longer be accessible.
* If no system mime types file can be found, fall
back to /dev/null so that Apache can still at least
start up.
* Now possible to use mod_wsgi-express in an a zipapp
created using shiv. This entailed a special workaround
to detect when shiv was used, so that the unpacked
site-packages directory could be added to the Python
module search path for mod_wsgi-express.
- update to 4.6.4:
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.19.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.20.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.21.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.22.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.23.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.5.24.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.0.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.1.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.2.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.3.html
* see http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/develop/release-notes/version-4.6.4.html
- Fix description (bsc#1084882)
- update to 4.5.18 see full changes bugfix and new features here:
- specleanup
- update to 4.5.2
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.5.2.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.5.1.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.5.0.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.23.html
- minimized delta between spec files
- use the #/ trick for the source url
- update to 4.4.22
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.22.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.21.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.20.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.19.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.18.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.17.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.16.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.15.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.14.html
- update to 4.4.13
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.13.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.12.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.11.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.10.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.9.html
- test module with %apache_test_module_load
- update to 4.4.8
* Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.7.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.8.html
- seperate package for python3 to fix module loading errors
- conflict with mod_wsgi-python3
- Build subpackage with mod_wsgi_python3 (bsc#939717)
- Requries: %{apache_suse_maintenance_mmn}
This will pull this module to the update (in released distribution)
when apache maintainer thinks it is good (due api/abi changes).
- Fix build failure on SLE 12 (Apache 2.4.10)
+ add wsgi_fixVersionCheck.patch
+ build failed due to improper version check
- Update to version 4.4.6
- Upstream release notes:
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.6.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.5.html
+ http://modwsgi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/release-notes/version-4.4.4.html
- As of version 4.2.7 mod_wsgi is effected by

- call spec-cleaner
- use apache rpm macros
- change URL to new location
- provide short module name
- Update to version 4.2.5
- remove mod_wsgi-3.4-connsbh.patch - included in upstream version
- remove mod_wsgi-setuid-patch.diff - included in upstream version
- No longer support the use of mod_python in conjunction with
- Adding a lot of new configuration option
- fix off-by-one error in setgroups (bnc#883229)
- fix Local privilege escalation (bnc#878550)
- Fix module name sent to a2enmod/a2dismod and fix/cleanup
post/postun scripts.
- Add patch "mod_wsgi-3.4-connsbh.patch" to fix segmentation faults
with apache 2.4 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=831701)
- Update to version 3.4:
+ New support for Apache 2.4
+ Support for Python 3.2
+ Is now guaranteed that mod_ssl access handler is run before
that for mod_wsgi so that any per request variables setup by
mod_ssl are available in the mod_wsgi access handler as
implemented by WSGIAccessScript directive.
+ Added 'python-home' option to WSGIDaemonProcess.
+ Added 'lang' and 'locale' options to WSGIDaemonProcess.
+ Split combined WWW-Authenticate header returned from daemon
process back into separate headers.
- Introduce build compatibility with apache 2.4: apxs2 was moved
from %{_sbindir} to %{_bindir}
- Require apache2, a module makes little sense without
- add post/postun section
* enable module after install (a2enmod)
* disable module after deinstall (a2enmod -d)
- fix License as required by http://spdx.org/licenses/
* Apache-2.0
- fix build for CentOS/RHEL
- spec-cleanup
- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile
- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build
- update to 3.3:
- update to 2.5:
- minor spec file fixes (use %configure, -j%jobs)
- update to 2.3. Changelog:
- update to 2.1. Changelog:
- initial package (version 1.3) (forwarded request 922567 from mcepl)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:41 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:41"

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:41"

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:41 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:41 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:41 got accepted.

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