
Request 917905 accepted

- Update to 3.12.4:
- Properly handle ATOMIC_REQUESTS when multiple database
configurations are used. [#7739]
- Bypass COUNT query when LimitOffsetPagination is configured
but pagination params are not included on the request.
- Respect allow_null=True on DecimalField. [#7718]
- Allow title cased "Yes"/"No" values with BooleanField.
- Add PageNumberPagination.get_page_number() method for
overriding behavior. [#7652]
- Fixed rendering of timedelta values in OpenAPI schemas, when
present as default, min, or max fields. [#7641]
- Render JSONFields with indentation in browsable API forms.
- Remove unnecessary database query in admin Token views.
- Raise validation errors when bools are passed to
PrimaryKeyRelatedField fields, instead of casting to ints.
- Don't include model properties as automatically generated
ordering fields with OrderingFilter. [#7609]
- Use deque instead of list for tracking throttling .history.
- Fix issue if rest_framework.authtoken.models is imported, but
rest_framework.authtoken is not in INSTALLED_APPS. [#7571]
- Ignore subclasses of BrowsableAPIRenderer in OpenAPI schema.
- Narrower exception catching in serilizer fields, to ensure
that any errors in broken get_queryset() methods are not
masked. [#7480]
- Add TokenProxy migration. [#7557]
- Add --file option to generateschema command. [#7130]
- Support tags for OpenAPI schema generation. See the schema
docs. [#7184]
- Support customising the operation ID for schema generation.
See the schema docs. [#7190]
- Support OpenAPI components for schema generation. See the
schema docs. [#7124]
- The following methods on AutoSchema become public API:
get_path_parameters, get_pagination_parameters,
get_filter_parameters, get_request_body, get_responses,
get_serializer, get_paginator, map_serializer, map_field,
map_choice_field, map_field_validators, allows_filters. See
the schema docs
- Add support for Django 3.1's database-agnositic JSONField.
- SearchFilter now supports nested search on JSONField and
HStoreField model fields. [#7121]
- SearchFilter now supports searching on annotate() fields.
- The authtoken model no longer exposes the pk in the admin
URL. [#7341]
- Add __repr__ for Request instances. [#7239]
- UTF-8 decoding with Latin-1 fallback for basic auth
credentials. [#7193]
- CharField treats surrogate characters as a validation
failure. [#7026]
- Don't include callables as default values in schemas. [#7105]
- Improve ListField schema output to include all available
child information. [#7137]
- Allow default=False to be included for BooleanField schema
outputs. [#7165]
- Include "type" information in ChoiceField schema outputs.
- Include "type": "object" on schema objects. [#7169]
- Don't include component in schema output for DELETE requests.
- Fix schema types for DecimalField. [#7254]
- Fix schema generation for ObtainAuthToken view. [#7211]
- Support passing context=... to view .get_serializer()
methods. [#7298]
- Pass custom code to PermissionDenied if permission class has
one set. [#7306]
- Include "example" in schema pagination output. [#7275]
- Default status code of 201 on schema output for POST
requests. [#7206]
- Use camelCase for operation IDs in schema output. [#7208]
- Warn if duplicate operation IDs exist in schema output.
- Improve handling of decimal type when mapping ChoiceField to
a schema output. [#7264]
- Disable YAML aliases for OpenAPI schema outputs. [#7131]
- Fix action URL names for APIs included under a namespaced
URL. [#7287]
- Update jQuery version from 3.4 to 3.5. [#7313]
- Fix UniqueTogether handling when serializer fields use
source=.... [#7143]
- HTTP HEAD requests now set self.action correctly on a ViewSet
instance. [#7223]
- Return a valid OpenAPI schema for the case where no API
schema paths exist. [#7125]
- Include tests in package distribution. [#7145]
- Allow type checkers to support annotations like
ModelSerializer[Author]. [#7385]
- Don't include invalid charset=None portion in the request
Content-Type header when using APIClient. [#7400]
- Fix \Z/\z tokens in OpenAPI regexs. [#7389]
- Fix PrimaryKeyRelatedField and HyperlinkedRelatedField when
source field is actually a property. [#7142]
- Token.generate_key is now a class method. [#7502]
- @action warns if method is wrapped in a decorator that does
not preserve information using @functools.wraps. [#7098]
- Skip TestNaiveDayLightSavingTimeTimeZoneDateTimeField.test_invalid_inputs
- Skip TestViewNamesAndDescriptions.test_markdown

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

- Update to 3.12.4:
- Properly handle ATOMIC_REQUESTS when multiple database
configurations are used. [#7739]
- Bypass COUNT query when LimitOffsetPagination is configured
but pagination params are not included on the request.
- Respect allow_null=True on DecimalField. [#7718]
- Allow title cased "Yes"/"No" values with BooleanField.
- Add PageNumberPagination.get_page_number() method for
overriding behavior. [#7652]
- Fixed rendering of timedelta values in OpenAPI schemas, when
present as default, min, or max fields. [#7641]
- Render JSONFields with indentation in browsable API forms.
- Remove unnecessary database query in admin Token views.
- Raise validation errors when bools are passed to
PrimaryKeyRelatedField fields, instead of casting to ints.
- Don't include model properties as automatically generated
ordering fields with OrderingFilter. [#7609]
- Use deque instead of list for tracking throttling .history.
- Fix issue if rest_framework.authtoken.models is imported, but
rest_framework.authtoken is not in INSTALLED_APPS. [#7571]
- Ignore subclasses of BrowsableAPIRenderer in OpenAPI schema.
- Narrower exception catching in serilizer fields, to ensure
that any errors in broken get_queryset() methods are not
masked. [#7480]
- Add TokenProxy migration. [#7557]
- Add --file option to generateschema command. [#7130]
- Support tags for OpenAPI schema generation. See the schema
docs. [#7184]
- Support customising the operation ID for schema generation.
See the schema docs. [#7190]
- Support OpenAPI components for schema generation. See the
schema docs. [#7124]
- The following methods on AutoSchema become public API:
get_path_parameters, get_pagination_parameters,
get_filter_parameters, get_request_body, get_responses,
get_serializer, get_paginator, map_serializer, map_field,
map_choice_field, map_field_validators, allows_filters. See
the schema docs
- Add support for Django 3.1's database-agnositic JSONField.
- SearchFilter now supports nested search on JSONField and
HStoreField model fields. [#7121]
- SearchFilter now supports searching on annotate() fields.
- The authtoken model no longer exposes the pk in the admin
URL. [#7341]
- Add __repr__ for Request instances. [#7239]
- UTF-8 decoding with Latin-1 fallback for basic auth
credentials. [#7193]
- CharField treats surrogate characters as a validation
failure. [#7026]
- Don't include callables as default values in schemas. [#7105]
- Improve ListField schema output to include all available
child information. [#7137]
- Allow default=False to be included for BooleanField schema
outputs. [#7165]
- Include "type" information in ChoiceField schema outputs.
- Include "type": "object" on schema objects. [#7169]
- Don't include component in schema output for DELETE requests.
- Fix schema types for DecimalField. [#7254]
- Fix schema generation for ObtainAuthToken view. [#7211]
- Support passing context=... to view .get_serializer()
methods. [#7298]
- Pass custom code to PermissionDenied if permission class has
one set. [#7306]
- Include "example" in schema pagination output. [#7275]
- Default status code of 201 on schema output for POST
requests. [#7206]
- Use camelCase for operation IDs in schema output. [#7208]
- Warn if duplicate operation IDs exist in schema output.
- Improve handling of decimal type when mapping ChoiceField to
a schema output. [#7264]
- Disable YAML aliases for OpenAPI schema outputs. [#7131]
- Fix action URL names for APIs included under a namespaced
URL. [#7287]
- Update jQuery version from 3.4 to 3.5. [#7313]
- Fix UniqueTogether handling when serializer fields use
source=.... [#7143]
- HTTP HEAD requests now set self.action correctly on a ViewSet
instance. [#7223]
- Return a valid OpenAPI schema for the case where no API
schema paths exist. [#7125]
- Include tests in package distribution. [#7145]
- Allow type checkers to support annotations like
ModelSerializer[Author]. [#7385]
- Don't include invalid charset=None portion in the request
Content-Type header when using APIClient. [#7400]
- Fix \Z/\z tokens in OpenAPI regexs. [#7389]
- Fix PrimaryKeyRelatedField and HyperlinkedRelatedField when
source field is actually a property. [#7142]
- Token.generate_key is now a class method. [#7502]
- @action warns if method is wrapped in a decorator that does
not preserve information using @functools.wraps. [#7098]
- Skip TestNaiveDayLightSavingTimeTimeZoneDateTimeField.test_invalid_inputs
- Skip TestViewNamesAndDescriptions.test_markdown

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factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


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dimstar_suse added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:12 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:12"

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dimstar_suse accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:12"

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dimstar_suse accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:12 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:12 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:12 got accepted.

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