
Request 888641 accepted

- Update to 3.4.4:
* `RRuntimeError` exceptions raised while evaluating R code
an R magic (ipython/jupyter) are now propagated (issue #792).
* :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2` maps more functions in the
R package (issue #767)
* Utility function :func:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2.dict2rvec`
to convert a Python `Dict[str, str]` into an R named vector
of strings.
* Converting pandas series with the older numpy types could result
in an error (issue #781)
* Numpy converter was not properly turing R integer or float arrays
into their numpy equivalent (issue #785)
* Multithreading during the initialization of the embedded R no longer
triggers a fatal error (issue #729)
* The mapping of the R C API now includes `Rf_isSymbol()`.
* Singleton class :class:`rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.RVersion` to report
the R version for the embedded R.
* :func:`rpy2.rinterface.local_context` to create a context manager
to evaluate R code within a local environment.
* The `staticmethod` :meth:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.DateVector.isrinstance`
will tell whether an R objects is an R `Date` array.
* The functions :func:`rpy2.robjects.numpy.activate()` and
:func:`rpy2.robjects.pandas.activate()` are deprecated and will
be removed in rpy2*3.5.0.
* :meth:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2.vars` to map the R function
`ggplot2::vars` (issue #742).
* Report correctly the class of R matrix objects with R>=4.0: it is
now `('matrix', 'array')`. With R<4.0 `('matrix')` is still reported.
* The conversion `rpy2py` is now working with any Python object inheriting
from `_rinterface_capi.SupportsSEXP`.
* More complete and correct mapping of R class names in
* The conversion of R string arrays to `numpy` arrays was leaving
R's `NA` value as R NA objects. NAs in this type of arrays are now
turned to `None` in the resulting `numpy` array (issue #751).
* `rpy2.situation.get_rlib_path()` was returning an environment variable
with an invalid separator on Windows (mentioned in issue #754).
* R strings encoded with something else than 'utf-8' could result in
errors when trying to convert to Python strings (issue #754).
* R `Date` arrays/vectors were not wrapped into
:class:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.DateVector` objects but left as
R arrays of floats (which they are at the C level).
* The :meth:`__repr__` of `robjects`-level objects was not displaying
the rpy2 class the R object is mapped to.
* The unit tests for importing R packages with `lib_loc` were
broken (issue #720).
* Fix the constructor of metaclass
* Fix call to end the embedded R in :class:`rpy2.robjects.R.__cleanup__`
(issue #734).
- Do not build on Python 3.6, due to no NumPy.

Request History
Steve Kowalik's avatar

StevenK created request

- Update to 3.4.4:
* `RRuntimeError` exceptions raised while evaluating R code
an R magic (ipython/jupyter) are now propagated (issue #792).
* :mod:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2` maps more functions in the
R package (issue #767)
* Utility function :func:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2.dict2rvec`
to convert a Python `Dict[str, str]` into an R named vector
of strings.
* Converting pandas series with the older numpy types could result
in an error (issue #781)
* Numpy converter was not properly turing R integer or float arrays
into their numpy equivalent (issue #785)
* Multithreading during the initialization of the embedded R no longer
triggers a fatal error (issue #729)
* The mapping of the R C API now includes `Rf_isSymbol()`.
* Singleton class :class:`rpy2.rinterface_lib.sexp.RVersion` to report
the R version for the embedded R.
* :func:`rpy2.rinterface.local_context` to create a context manager
to evaluate R code within a local environment.
* The `staticmethod` :meth:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.DateVector.isrinstance`
will tell whether an R objects is an R `Date` array.
* The functions :func:`rpy2.robjects.numpy.activate()` and
:func:`rpy2.robjects.pandas.activate()` are deprecated and will
be removed in rpy2*3.5.0.
* :meth:`rpy2.robjects.lib.ggplot2.vars` to map the R function
`ggplot2::vars` (issue #742).
* Report correctly the class of R matrix objects with R>=4.0: it is
now `('matrix', 'array')`. With R<4.0 `('matrix')` is still reported.
* The conversion `rpy2py` is now working with any Python object inheriting
from `_rinterface_capi.SupportsSEXP`.
* More complete and correct mapping of R class names in
* The conversion of R string arrays to `numpy` arrays was leaving
R's `NA` value as R NA objects. NAs in this type of arrays are now
turned to `None` in the resulting `numpy` array (issue #751).
* `rpy2.situation.get_rlib_path()` was returning an environment variable
with an invalid separator on Windows (mentioned in issue #754).
* R strings encoded with something else than 'utf-8' could result in
errors when trying to convert to Python strings (issue #754).
* R `Date` arrays/vectors were not wrapped into
:class:`rpy2.robjects.vectors.DateVector` objects but left as
R arrays of floats (which they are at the C level).
* The :meth:`__repr__` of `robjects`-level objects was not displaying
the rpy2 class the R object is mapped to.
* The unit tests for importing R packages with `lib_loc` were
broken (issue #720).
* Fix the constructor of metaclass
* Fix call to end the embedded R in :class:`rpy2.robjects.R.__cleanup__`
(issue #734).
- Do not build on Python 3.6, due to no NumPy.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:59 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:59 got accepted.

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