
Request 865494 accepted

- Update to version 5.0
* The copyright was transferred to the Free Software Foundation.
* To fix some licensing problems the routines in the following
files were disabled by replacing with dummy ones that print an
error message:
+ src/api/gridgen.c
+ src/api/netgen.c
+ src/api/rmfgen.c
+ src/misc/qmd.c
+ src/misc/relax4.c
+ Note that this change does not affect the main functionality
of the package.
* Some minor bugs were fixed.
- Added pkgconfig file

Request History
Luigi Baldoni's avatar

alois created request

- Update to version 5.0
* The copyright was transferred to the Free Software Foundation.
* To fix some licensing problems the routines in the following
files were disabled by replacing with dummy ones that print an
error message:
+ src/api/gridgen.c
+ src/api/netgen.c
+ src/api/rmfgen.c
+ src/misc/qmd.c
+ src/misc/relax4.c
+ Note that this change does not affect the main functionality
of the package.
* Some minor bugs were fixed.
- Added pkgconfig file

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request


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