
Request 736432 accepted

- Update version to 1.5.1
* Fix:
+ GH issue #73: Ctrl, Alt, Ins causes the pre-edit duplicate commit
+ GH issue #74: Failed to clean the PreEdit when changing input focus
+ GH issue #79: Failed to input space when "space-as-selection"
+ GH issue #87 Modify dropdown menu for selecting keys
+ GH issue #88 Numpad should be able to select
+ RHBZ #1337185 - Cannot add phrases with Ctrl
A.k.a GH issue #63
Thank for contribution from hiunnhue
* Acknowledge:
+ Obata Akio contributed pull request 71, 72, 73
+ hiunnhue contributed pull request 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86,
87, 90, 91, 92, 94
+ hiunnhue fixed issue 73, 74, 79, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94
* Fixed the issues found in static checks
* Fixed Bug 1182813 ibus-chewing crashes gedit in search box while window out
of focus
a.k.a GitHub issue #28
* Fixed GitHub issue #37 Cannot use cmake out of source build Cannot use cmake
out of source build
* Fixed GitHub issue #47 CHEWING_DATADIR CMake variable name mismatch
* Fixed GitHub issue #61 GConf2 should be removed from INSTALL document
* Fixed GitHub issue #64 systray should be able to show the Chinese/English
* Fixed GitHub issue #68 CPU usage very high when switch to Chewing Engine
* Fixed Bug 1177198 - [abrt] ibus-chewing: XGetKeyboardControl():
ibus-engine-chewing killed by SIGSEGV
* Fixed Bug 1319403 - [RFE] ibus-chewing: New option: Caps Lock behavior
a.k.a. GitHub issue #66 (forwarded request 735889 from hillwood)

Request History
Hillwood Yang's avatar

hillwood created request

- Update version to 1.5.1
* Fix:
+ GH issue #73: Ctrl, Alt, Ins causes the pre-edit duplicate commit
+ GH issue #74: Failed to clean the PreEdit when changing input focus
+ GH issue #79: Failed to input space when "space-as-selection"
+ GH issue #87 Modify dropdown menu for selecting keys
+ GH issue #88 Numpad should be able to select
+ RHBZ #1337185 - Cannot add phrases with Ctrl
A.k.a GH issue #63
Thank for contribution from hiunnhue
* Acknowledge:
+ Obata Akio contributed pull request 71, 72, 73
+ hiunnhue contributed pull request 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86,
87, 90, 91, 92, 94
+ hiunnhue fixed issue 73, 74, 79, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 94
* Fixed the issues found in static checks
* Fixed Bug 1182813 ibus-chewing crashes gedit in search box while window out
of focus
a.k.a GitHub issue #28
* Fixed GitHub issue #37 Cannot use cmake out of source build Cannot use cmake
out of source build
* Fixed GitHub issue #47 CHEWING_DATADIR CMake variable name mismatch
* Fixed GitHub issue #61 GConf2 should be removed from INSTALL document
* Fixed GitHub issue #64 systray should be able to show the Chinese/English
* Fixed GitHub issue #68 CPU usage very high when switch to Chewing Engine
* Fixed Bug 1177198 - [abrt] ibus-chewing: XGetKeyboardControl():
ibus-engine-chewing killed by SIGSEGV
* Fixed Bug 1319403 - [RFE] ibus-chewing: New option: Caps Lock behavior
a.k.a. GitHub issue #66 (forwarded request 735889 from hillwood)

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