
Request 710322 accepted

- Update to 3.4
- Usability, bells and whistles
* The file browser now includes "Blame" in its context menu.
* The "Push" action now uses "git push --force-with-lease" when using
the "Force" option with Git v1.8.5 and newer.
* Updated German translation.
* The `Status` widget learned to optionally display file counts in its
category headers, and indent the files displayed in each category.
* The `Branches` widget can now sort branches by their most recent commit.
* `git cola` now includes configurable GUI themes that can be used to style
the user interface. Enable the new themes by configuring `cola.theme`
in the preferences window. See the
`cola.theme documentation https://git-cola.readthedocs.io/en/latest/git-cola.html#cola-theme
for more details.
* `git cola` now has built-in support for HiDPI displays by enabling
Qt's 5.6's `QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR` feature.
* `git cola` now uses HiDPI pixmaps when rendering icons, and the builtin
icons have been updated to look sharp when displayed in HiDPI.
- Fixes
* `git cola`'s "Revert Unstaged Edits" previously checked out from "HEAD^",
when in "Amend" mode, and removing staged changes. This behavior has been
changed to always checkout from the index, which avoids data loss.
* `git cola` has been updated to work with newer versions of `gnome-terminal`
and no longer shell-quotes its arguments when launching `gnome-terminal`.
The `cola.terminalshellquote` configuration variable can be set to `true` to
get the old behavior, or to handle other terminals that take the command to run
as a single string instead of as arguments to `execv()`.
* `git dag` now properly handles arbitrary input on Python3.
Previously, an exception would be raised when entering `--grep=xxx` where
`xxx` is a quoted string with a missing end-quote.
- Development
* The contribution guidelines for contributors has been updated to mention
how to regenerate the `*.mo` message files.

Request History
Marcin Bajor's avatar

marcinbajor created request

- Update to 3.4
- Usability, bells and whistles
* The file browser now includes "Blame" in its context menu.
* The "Push" action now uses "git push --force-with-lease" when using
the "Force" option with Git v1.8.5 and newer.
* Updated German translation.
* The `Status` widget learned to optionally display file counts in its
category headers, and indent the files displayed in each category.
* The `Branches` widget can now sort branches by their most recent commit.
* `git cola` now includes configurable GUI themes that can be used to style
the user interface. Enable the new themes by configuring `cola.theme`
in the preferences window. See the
`cola.theme documentation https://git-cola.readthedocs.io/en/latest/git-cola.html#cola-theme
for more details.
* `git cola` now has built-in support for HiDPI displays by enabling
Qt's 5.6's `QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR` feature.
* `git cola` now uses HiDPI pixmaps when rendering icons, and the builtin
icons have been updated to look sharp when displayed in HiDPI.
- Fixes
* `git cola`'s "Revert Unstaged Edits" previously checked out from "HEAD^",
when in "Amend" mode, and removing staged changes. This behavior has been
changed to always checkout from the index, which avoids data loss.
* `git cola` has been updated to work with newer versions of `gnome-terminal`
and no longer shell-quotes its arguments when launching `gnome-terminal`.
The `cola.terminalshellquote` configuration variable can be set to `true` to
get the old behavior, or to handle other terminals that take the command to run
as a single string instead of as arguments to `execv()`.
* `git dag` now properly handles arbitrary input on Python3.
Previously, an exception would be raised when entering `--grep=xxx` where
`xxx` is a quoted string with a missing end-quote.
- Development
* The contribution guidelines for contributors has been updated to mention
how to regenerate the `*.mo` message files.

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

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