
Request 664397 accepted

- Initial version 20190109


Adam Majer's avatar

In /usr/src/ ? Why? Maybe better location would be /usr/share/ ?

Remove the %fdupes. There is no symlinks in the target anyway.

Michał Rostecki's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

/usr/src/ is the directory which we already use to store kernel sources and nginx sources. Please take a look:


I never saw any source package installing the whole source tree inside /usr/share. /usr/share, as far as I know, is designed more for static data files rather than sources.

%fdupes macro is working perfectly fine here. When you remove it, you receive a lot of warnings and errors about duplicate files and I wanted to get rid of them. This macro actually creates a lot of symlinks, because the source tree contains some empty files or files with the same content. Same for the other -source packages I'm submitting now.

Michał Rostecki's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Ah, and in case if anyone is wondering why I want to package the whole source tree of googleapis.

googleapis source tree contains .proto files and BUILD files, which are needed by envoy-proxy[0] to build properly. Installing only .proto files somewhere wouldn't be enough. The whole source tree with BUILD files is needed, That's how Bazel[1] buildsystem works. Yeah, that's sad, trust me that I'm unhappy about that as much as I can, but what can I do. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Same applies for any -source package which I'm submitting now (or I'm going to submit soon) to devel:libraries:c_c++ .

[0] https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:mrostecki/envoy-proxy https://www.envoyproxy.io/ [1] https://bazel.build/

Michał Rostecki's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

@adamm: Any thoughts? Does my explanation sound good to you?

Request History
Michał Rostecki's avatar

mrostecki created request

- Initial version 20190109

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh accepted request

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