
Request 642625 accepted

- Ensure neutrality of description and summary
- Stop overriding _disable_source_fetch
- Remove unnecessary comments
- Update to version 0.18.0:
* Include also ext jars in the bootclasspath jar.
* Fix toolchain_java9 on --host_javabase= after
* Release notes: fix markdown
* Fix NestHost length computation
* Don't rethrow any remote cache failures on either download or
upload, only warn. Added more tests.
* Fix broken IdlClassTest on Bazel's CI.
* Fix the Xcode version detection which got broken by the
upgrade to Xcode 10.0.
* Temporarily restore processing of workspace-wide
tools/bazel.rc file.
* New bazelrc file list.
* .bazelignore is now fully functional.
* The startup flag --host_javabase has been renamed to
--server_javabase to avoid confusion with the build flag
* The Android resource processing pipeline now supports
persistence via worker processes. Enable it with
--persistent_android_resource_processor. A 50% increase was
observed in build speed for clean local builds and up to 150%
increase in build speed for incremental local builds.
* In-memory package //tools/defaults has been removed
(controlled by --incompatible_disable_tools_defaults_package
* Late bound option defaults (typical example was the --compiler
flag, when it was not specified, it’s value was computed using
the CROSSTOOL) are removed (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_late_bound_option_defaults flag).
* Depsets are no longer accepted in user_compile_flags and
user_link_flags in the C++ toolchain API (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_depset_in_cc_user_flags flag) affects
C++ users.
* CROSSTOOL is no longer consulted when selecting C++ toolchain
(controlled by
* C++ specific Make variables are no longer passed from the
CppConfiguration, but from the C++ toolchain (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_cc_configuration_make_variables flag).
* Skylark api accessing C++ toolchain in ctx.fragments.cpp is
removed (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_legacy_cpp_toolchain_skylark_api flag).
* cc_binary link action no longer hardcodes -static-libgcc for
toolchains that support embedded runtimes (guarded by
--experimental_dont_emit_static_libgcc temporarily). Proper
deprecation using --incompatible flags will follow.
* Future versions of Bazel will require a locally installed JDK
for Java development. Previously Bazel would fall back to using
the embedded --server_javabase if no JDK as available. Pass
--incompatible_never_use_embedded_jdk_for_javabase to disable
the legacy behaviour.
* --javacopt= no longer affects compilations of tools that are
executed during the build; use --host_javacopt= to change
javac flags in the host configuration.
* objc_library now supports the module_name attribute.
* Support fileset expansion in ctx.actions.args(). Controlled by
* --windows_exe_launcher is deprecated, this flag will be removed
soon. Please make sure you are not using it.
* Bazel now supports the symlink runfiles tree on Windows with
--experimental_enable_runfiles flag.
* A new experimental option --experimental_ui_deduplicate has
been added. It causes the UI to attempt to deduplicate
messages from actions to keep the console output cleaner.
* Add --modify_execution_info, a flag to customize action
execution info.
* Add ExecutionInfo to aquery output for ExecutionInfoSpecifier
* When computing --instrumentation_filter, end filter patterns
with "[/:]" to match non-top-level packages exactly and treat
top-level targets consistently.
* Added the bazel info server_log command, which obtains the
main Bazel server log file path. This can help debug Bazel
* aapt shrink resources now properly respect filter
- Update to version 0.17.2:
* Update checker framework dataflow and javacutil versions
* Stop using --release in versioned java_toolchains
* make_deb: Add new empty line in the end of conffiles file
* Properly mark configuration files in the Debian package.
* Add flag --incompatible_symlinked_sandbox_expands_tree_
* Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- add new files
* Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- update references
* Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- remove 3.6.0 sources
* Fix protobuf in the WORKSPACE
* Revert "Update to JDK 10 javac"
* Fix tests on JDK 9 and 10
* Fix more tests on JDK 9 and 10
* Add ubuntu1804_nojava, ubuntu1804_java9, ubuntu1804_java10 to
* Disable Android shell tests on the "nojava" platform.
* Update bazel_toolchains to latest release.
* Windows: fix writing java.log
* Fix toolchain_java9 on --host_javabase=
* Include also ext jars in the bootclasspath jar.
* Do not fail the build when gcov is not installed
* Ignore unrecognized VM options in desugar.sh, such as the JVM
9 flags to silence warnings.
* In the future, Bazel will expand tree artifacts in runfiles,
too,which causes the sandbox to link each file individually
into the sandbox directory, instead of symlinking the entire
directory. In this release, the behavior is not enabled by
default yet. Please try it out via --incompatible_symlinked_
sandbox_expands_tree_artifacts_in_runfiles_tree and let us know
if it causes issues. If everything looks good, this behavior
will become the default in a following release.
- Update to version 0.15.0:
+ Bazel now always runs binaries in with "bazel run" in
interactive mode. The "--nodirect_run" command line option is
now a no-op.
+ "bazel run --noas_test" is not supported anymore.
+ Indentation on the first line of a file was previously ignored,
this is now fixed.
+ New features:
* C++,runfiles: to access data-dependencies (runfiles) in C++
programs, use the runfiles library built into Bazel.
+ Bazel now allows almost all 7-bit ASCII characters in labels.
+ Remove vestigial java_plugin.data attribute
+ Bazel supports including select Java 8 APIs into Android apps
targeting pre-Nougat Android devices with
+ Flag --incompatible_disable_glob_tracking is removed.
+ SkyQuery's rbuildfiles now returns targets corresponding to
broken packages.
+ Introduce build support for providing cache prefetch hints.
+ Update the skylark DefaultInfo documentation to spell out
runfiles, data_runfiles and default_runfiles.
+ An internal action for symlinking runfiles will use Command
instead of a Spawns. This should have no functional chages; the
only user visible consequence should be that the internal
action is no longer be included in statistics when calculating
processes count.
+ --batch is deprecated
+ Execution strategies line no longer handles differently the
case where all processes have the same strategy.
+ The --experimental_remote_spawn_cache flag is now enabled by
default, and remote caching no longer needs --*_strategy=remote
flags (it will fail if they are specified).
+ android_binary.aapt_version='aapt2' now supports en_XA and
+ With --incompatible_no_support_tools_in_action_inputs enabled,
Skylark action inputs are no longer scanned for tools. Move any
such inputs to the newly introduced 'tools' attribute.
- Changes from version 0.14.1:
+ Critical fixes for:
* Sometime hangs before running any actions,
* Has no way to unset --disk_cache flag (interferes with
remote build testing), (gh#bazelbuild/bazel/#5308).
- Changes from version 0.14.0:
+ Add --incompatible_disallow_legacy_javainfo flag.
+ Added flag --incompatible_disallow_old_style_args_add to help
migrate from args.add() to args.add_all() / args.add_joined()
where appropriate.
+ New features:
* Bash,runfiles: use the new platform-independent library in
@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles to access runfiles
* TemplateVariableInfo can now be constructed from Skylark.
* The java_host_runtime_alias rule is now implemented in Java.
+ Introduce fdo_profile rule that allows architecture-sensitive
specification of fdo profiles.
+ canonicalize-flags no longer reorders the flags
+ CppRules: optional_compiler_flag was removed from CROSSTOOL,
use features instead.
+ Labels of the form ////foo are disallowed.
+ The / operator is deprecated in favor of // (floor integer
division). Try the --incompatible_disallow_slash_operator flag
to ensure your code is forward-compatible.
+ Flip default value of --experimental_shortened_obj_file_path to
true, Bazel now generates short object file path by default.
+ Exposed "mnemonic" and "env" fields on skylark "Action"
+ Removed flag --incompatible_disallow_toplevel_if_statement.
+ Remove vestigial 'deps' and 'data' attributes from
+ Args objects (ctx.actions.args()) have new methods add_all()
and add_joined() for building command lines using depsets.
+ FileType is deprecated and will be removed soon.
+ Try the --incompatible_disallow_filetype flag to ensure your
code is forward-compatible.
+ Introduce absolute_path_profile attribute that allows
fdo_profile to accept absolute paths.
+ Support two-arg overloads for ctx.actions.args (eg.
args.add("--foo", val))
+ Introduce 'tools' attribute to ctx.actions.run.
+ Fixed error message for proguard_apply_dictionary.
+ "bazel run" now lets one run interactive binaries.
+ Repository rules are no longer restricted to return None.
+ Add --high_priority_workers flag.
+ CppRules: Feature configuration can be created from Skylark
Adds new-style JavaInfo provider constructor.
+ Make java_common.compile now uses java_toolchain javacopts by
default; explicitly retrieving them using
java_common.default_javac_opts is unnecessary.
+ CppRules: C++ command lines and env variables for C++ actions
can be retrieved from feature configuration.
+ Skylark rule definitions may advertise providers that targets
of the rule must propagate.
+ Bazel now supports running actions inside Docker containers.
To use this feature, run "bazel build --spawn_strategy=docker
+ Fixing start/end lib expansion for linking. There were many
cases where archive files were still being used with toolchains
that support start/end lib. This change consolidates the places
that make that decision so they can be more consistent.
+ Add support for reporting an error if
android_test.binary_under_test contains incompatible versions
of deps.
+ We replaced the --experimental_local_disk_cache and
--experimental_local_disk_cache_path flags into a single
--disk_cache flag. Additionally, Bazel now tries to create the
disk cache directory if it doesn't exist.
+ Save Blaze memory by not storing LinkerInput objects in
+ In the JavaInfo created by java_common.create_provider now
includes both direct and transitive arguments in
transitive_compile_time_jars and transitive_runtime_jars
+ Allow --worker_max_instances to take MnemonicName=value to
specify max for each worker.
+ Allow java_toolchain.header_compiler to be an arbitrary
- Changes from version 0.13.1:
+ Sort entries by segment when building a parent node to prevent
unordered directory structures.
- Add attributions and license to package.
- FIXME, don't build bash-completion as it breaks build, plus
it's not installed andyway.
- Update to 0.13.0
- Update to 0.11.0
- Do not strip the binary
- Fix compilation issue
- Inital Package 0.8.1


Michał Rostecki's avatar

Explanation for those who didn't see the superseeded rq:

I would like to submit Bazel to Factory, because we (CaaSP/container developers at SUSE) would like to package several projects using Bazel as a build system. The devel project for those packages will be devel:CaaSP:Head:ControllerNode. And we would like to have those packages later in Factory as well - they are going to be a part of Kubic project and CaaSP product.

Michał Rostecki's avatar

Curently, two examples of software using Bazel that we'd like to package are:

Gustavo Yokoyama Ribeiro's avatar


failed to build bazel: "The system is out of resources."

Michał Rostecki's avatar

It happens only on architectures other than x86_64 and this is the issue which needs to be resolved upstream. That's why the spec contains ExclusiveArch. I don't know why OBS still tries to build on other archs. Do I need to do something else to disable architectures?

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

The real problem seems to be

[  289s] ./src/tools/singlejar/mapped_file_posix.inc:30:2: error: #error This code for 64 bit Unix.

though, not some resource exhaustion.

Michał Rostecki's avatar

I would like to submit Bazel to Factory, because we (CaaSP/container developers at SUSE) would like to package several projects using Bazel as a build system. The devel project for those packages will be devel:CaaSP:Head:ControllerNode. And we would like to have those packages later in Factory as well - they are going to be a part of Kubic project and CaaSP product.

Curently, two examples of software using Bazel that we'd like to package are: - Envoy (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy) - gvisor (https://github.com/google/gvisor)

@mrdocs Let me know what do you think about submitting Bazel to Factory.

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

Please work on the description. "Correct, reproducible and fast builds for everyone" is a vision, not a description of the program.

Wikipedia on the matter says: "tool that allows for the automation of building and testing of software". That sounds much more accurate.

"Build and test Java ..." -> "It builds and tests Java ..." (descriptions cannot meaningfully use imperatives only, so a proper sentence needs to be formed)

Ismail Dönmez's avatar

This is so confusing:

+#FIXME If not installing, why build?
+#./output/bazel build //scripts:bazel-complete.bash

yeah, why?

+# they warn against doing this ... :-\
+%define _disable_source_fetch 0


Request History
Michał Rostecki's avatar

mrostecki created request

- Ensure neutrality of description and summary
- Stop overriding _disable_source_fetch
- Remove unnecessary comments
- Update to version 0.18.0:
* Include also ext jars in the bootclasspath jar.
* Fix toolchain_java9 on --host_javabase= after
* Release notes: fix markdown
* Fix NestHost length computation
* Don't rethrow any remote cache failures on either download or
upload, only warn. Added more tests.
* Fix broken IdlClassTest on Bazel's CI.
* Fix the Xcode version detection which got broken by the
upgrade to Xcode 10.0.
* Temporarily restore processing of workspace-wide
tools/bazel.rc file.
* New bazelrc file list.
* .bazelignore is now fully functional.
* The startup flag --host_javabase has been renamed to
--server_javabase to avoid confusion with the build flag
* The Android resource processing pipeline now supports
persistence via worker processes. Enable it with
--persistent_android_resource_processor. A 50% increase was
observed in build speed for clean local builds and up to 150%
increase in build speed for incremental local builds.
* In-memory package //tools/defaults has been removed
(controlled by --incompatible_disable_tools_defaults_package
* Late bound option defaults (typical example was the --compiler
flag, when it was not specified, it’s value was computed using
the CROSSTOOL) are removed (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_late_bound_option_defaults flag).
* Depsets are no longer accepted in user_compile_flags and
user_link_flags in the C++ toolchain API (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_depset_in_cc_user_flags flag) affects
C++ users.
* CROSSTOOL is no longer consulted when selecting C++ toolchain
(controlled by
* C++ specific Make variables are no longer passed from the
CppConfiguration, but from the C++ toolchain (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_cc_configuration_make_variables flag).
* Skylark api accessing C++ toolchain in ctx.fragments.cpp is
removed (controlled by
--incompatible_disable_legacy_cpp_toolchain_skylark_api flag).
* cc_binary link action no longer hardcodes -static-libgcc for
toolchains that support embedded runtimes (guarded by
--experimental_dont_emit_static_libgcc temporarily). Proper
deprecation using --incompatible flags will follow.
* Future versions of Bazel will require a locally installed JDK
for Java development. Previously Bazel would fall back to using
the embedded --server_javabase if no JDK as available. Pass
--incompatible_never_use_embedded_jdk_for_javabase to disable
the legacy behaviour.
* --javacopt= no longer affects compilations of tools that are
executed during the build; use --host_javacopt= to change
javac flags in the host configuration.
* objc_library now supports the module_name attribute.
* Support fileset expansion in ctx.actions.args(). Controlled by
* --windows_exe_launcher is deprecated, this flag will be removed
soon. Please make sure you are not using it.
* Bazel now supports the symlink runfiles tree on Windows with
--experimental_enable_runfiles flag.
* A new experimental option --experimental_ui_deduplicate has
been added. It causes the UI to attempt to deduplicate
messages from actions to keep the console output cleaner.
* Add --modify_execution_info, a flag to customize action
execution info.
* Add ExecutionInfo to aquery output for ExecutionInfoSpecifier
* When computing --instrumentation_filter, end filter patterns
with "[/:]" to match non-top-level packages exactly and treat
top-level targets consistently.
* Added the bazel info server_log command, which obtains the
main Bazel server log file path. This can help debug Bazel
* aapt shrink resources now properly respect filter
- Update to version 0.17.2:
* Update checker framework dataflow and javacutil versions
* Stop using --release in versioned java_toolchains
* make_deb: Add new empty line in the end of conffiles file
* Properly mark configuration files in the Debian package.
* Add flag --incompatible_symlinked_sandbox_expands_tree_
* Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- add new files
* Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- update references
* Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- remove 3.6.0 sources
* Fix protobuf in the WORKSPACE
* Revert "Update to JDK 10 javac"
* Fix tests on JDK 9 and 10
* Fix more tests on JDK 9 and 10
* Add ubuntu1804_nojava, ubuntu1804_java9, ubuntu1804_java10 to
* Disable Android shell tests on the "nojava" platform.
* Update bazel_toolchains to latest release.
* Windows: fix writing java.log
* Fix toolchain_java9 on --host_javabase=
* Include also ext jars in the bootclasspath jar.
* Do not fail the build when gcov is not installed
* Ignore unrecognized VM options in desugar.sh, such as the JVM
9 flags to silence warnings.
* In the future, Bazel will expand tree artifacts in runfiles,
too,which causes the sandbox to link each file individually
into the sandbox directory, instead of symlinking the entire
directory. In this release, the behavior is not enabled by
default yet. Please try it out via --incompatible_symlinked_
sandbox_expands_tree_artifacts_in_runfiles_tree and let us know
if it causes issues. If everything looks good, this behavior
will become the default in a following release.
- Update to version 0.15.0:
+ Bazel now always runs binaries in with "bazel run" in
interactive mode. The "--nodirect_run" command line option is
now a no-op.
+ "bazel run --noas_test" is not supported anymore.
+ Indentation on the first line of a file was previously ignored,
this is now fixed.
+ New features:
* C++,runfiles: to access data-dependencies (runfiles) in C++
programs, use the runfiles library built into Bazel.
+ Bazel now allows almost all 7-bit ASCII characters in labels.
+ Remove vestigial java_plugin.data attribute
+ Bazel supports including select Java 8 APIs into Android apps
targeting pre-Nougat Android devices with
+ Flag --incompatible_disable_glob_tracking is removed.
+ SkyQuery's rbuildfiles now returns targets corresponding to
broken packages.
+ Introduce build support for providing cache prefetch hints.
+ Update the skylark DefaultInfo documentation to spell out
runfiles, data_runfiles and default_runfiles.
+ An internal action for symlinking runfiles will use Command
instead of a Spawns. This should have no functional chages; the
only user visible consequence should be that the internal
action is no longer be included in statistics when calculating
processes count.
+ --batch is deprecated
+ Execution strategies line no longer handles differently the
case where all processes have the same strategy.
+ The --experimental_remote_spawn_cache flag is now enabled by
default, and remote caching no longer needs --*_strategy=remote
flags (it will fail if they are specified).
+ android_binary.aapt_version='aapt2' now supports en_XA and
+ With --incompatible_no_support_tools_in_action_inputs enabled,
Skylark action inputs are no longer scanned for tools. Move any
such inputs to the newly introduced 'tools' attribute.
- Changes from version 0.14.1:
+ Critical fixes for:
* Sometime hangs before running any actions,
* Has no way to unset --disk_cache flag (interferes with
remote build testing), (gh#bazelbuild/bazel/#5308).
- Changes from version 0.14.0:
+ Add --incompatible_disallow_legacy_javainfo flag.
+ Added flag --incompatible_disallow_old_style_args_add to help
migrate from args.add() to args.add_all() / args.add_joined()
where appropriate.
+ New features:
* Bash,runfiles: use the new platform-independent library in
@bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles to access runfiles
* TemplateVariableInfo can now be constructed from Skylark.
* The java_host_runtime_alias rule is now implemented in Java.
+ Introduce fdo_profile rule that allows architecture-sensitive
specification of fdo profiles.
+ canonicalize-flags no longer reorders the flags
+ CppRules: optional_compiler_flag was removed from CROSSTOOL,
use features instead.
+ Labels of the form ////foo are disallowed.
+ The / operator is deprecated in favor of // (floor integer
division). Try the --incompatible_disallow_slash_operator flag
to ensure your code is forward-compatible.
+ Flip default value of --experimental_shortened_obj_file_path to
true, Bazel now generates short object file path by default.
+ Exposed "mnemonic" and "env" fields on skylark "Action"
+ Removed flag --incompatible_disallow_toplevel_if_statement.
+ Remove vestigial 'deps' and 'data' attributes from
+ Args objects (ctx.actions.args()) have new methods add_all()
and add_joined() for building command lines using depsets.
+ FileType is deprecated and will be removed soon.
+ Try the --incompatible_disallow_filetype flag to ensure your
code is forward-compatible.
+ Introduce absolute_path_profile attribute that allows
fdo_profile to accept absolute paths.
+ Support two-arg overloads for ctx.actions.args (eg.
args.add("--foo", val))
+ Introduce 'tools' attribute to ctx.actions.run.
+ Fixed error message for proguard_apply_dictionary.
+ "bazel run" now lets one run interactive binaries.
+ Repository rules are no longer restricted to return None.
+ Add --high_priority_workers flag.
+ CppRules: Feature configuration can be created from Skylark
Adds new-style JavaInfo provider constructor.
+ Make java_common.compile now uses java_toolchain javacopts by
default; explicitly retrieving them using
java_common.default_javac_opts is unnecessary.
+ CppRules: C++ command lines and env variables for C++ actions
can be retrieved from feature configuration.
+ Skylark rule definitions may advertise providers that targets
of the rule must propagate.
+ Bazel now supports running actions inside Docker containers.
To use this feature, run "bazel build --spawn_strategy=docker
+ Fixing start/end lib expansion for linking. There were many
cases where archive files were still being used with toolchains
that support start/end lib. This change consolidates the places
that make that decision so they can be more consistent.
+ Add support for reporting an error if
android_test.binary_under_test contains incompatible versions
of deps.
+ We replaced the --experimental_local_disk_cache and
--experimental_local_disk_cache_path flags into a single
--disk_cache flag. Additionally, Bazel now tries to create the
disk cache directory if it doesn't exist.
+ Save Blaze memory by not storing LinkerInput objects in
+ In the JavaInfo created by java_common.create_provider now
includes both direct and transitive arguments in
transitive_compile_time_jars and transitive_runtime_jars
+ Allow --worker_max_instances to take MnemonicName=value to
specify max for each worker.
+ Allow java_toolchain.header_compiler to be an arbitrary
- Changes from version 0.13.1:
+ Sort entries by segment when building a parent node to prevent
unordered directory structures.
- Add attributions and license to package.
- FIXME, don't build bash-completion as it breaks build, plus
it's not installed andyway.
- Update to 0.13.0
- Update to 0.11.0
- Do not strip the binary
- Fix compilation issue
- Inital Package 0.8.1

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:25 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:25"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:25

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh accepted review

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review


Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

ready to accept

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot approved review

ready to accept

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Factory

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