
Request 638887 accepted

- Update to 2.0.4
+ Bug fixes:
* Fix render height for rendering full screen applications in Windows.
* Fix in `TextArea`. Set `accept_handler` to `None` if not given.
* Go to the beginning of the next line when enter is pressed in Vi navigation
mode, and the buffer doesn't have an accept handler.
* Fix the `default` argument of the `prompt` function when called multiple
* Display decomposed multiwidth characters correctly.
* Accept `history` in `prompt()` function again.
+ Backwards incompatible changes:
* Renamed `PipeInput` to `PosixPipeInput`. Added `Win32PipeInput` and
* Pass `buffer` argument to the `accept_handler` of `TextArea`.
+ New features:
* Added `accept_default` argument to `prompt()`.
* Make it easier to change the body/title of a Frame/Dialog.
* Added `DynamicContainer`.
* Added `merge_completers` for merging multiple completers together.
* Add vt100 data to key presses in Windows.
* Handle left/right key bindings in Vi block insert mode.
- Update to 2.0.3
+ Bug fixes:
* Fix in 'x' and 'X' Vi key bindings. Correctly handle line endings and args.
* Fixed off by one error in Vi line selection.
* Fixed bugs in Vi block selection. Correctly handle lines that the selection
doesn't cross.
* Python 2 bugfix. Handle str/unicode correctly.
* Handle option+left/right in iTerm.
- Update to 2.0.2
+ Bug fixes:
* Python 3.7 support: correctly handle StopIteration in asynchronous generator.
* Fixed off-by-one bug in Vi visual block mode.
* Bugfix in TabsProcessor: handle situations when the cursor is at the end of
the line.
- Update to 2.0.1
+ Changes:
* No automatic translation from \r into \n during the input processing. These
are two different keys that can be handled independently. This is a big
backward-incompatibility, because the `Enter` key is `ControlM`, not
`ControlJ`. So, now that we stopped translating \r into \n, it could be that
custom key bindings for `Enter` don't work anymore. Make sure to bind
`Keys.Enter` instead of `Keys.ControlJ` for handling the `Enter` key.
* The `CommandLineInterface` and the `Application` classes are merged. First,
`CommandLineInterface` contained all the I/O objects (like the input, output
and event loop), while the `Application` contained everything else. There was
no practical reason to keep this separation. (`CommandLineInterface` was
mostly a proxy to `Application`.)
* prompt_toolkit no longer depends on Pygments, but it can still use Pygments
for its color schemes and lexers. In many places we used Pygments "Tokens",
this has been replaced by the concept of class names, somewhat similar to
> `PygmentsStyle` and `PygmentsLexer` adaptors are available for
plugging in Pygments styles and lexers.
> Wherever we had a list of `(Token, text)` tuples, we now have lists of
`(style_string, text)` tuples. The style string can contain both inline
styling as well as refer to a class from the style sheet. `PygmentsTokens`
is an adaptor that converts a list of Pygments tokens into a list of
`(style_string, text)` tuples.
* Changes in the `Style` classes.
> `style.from_dict` does not exist anymore. Instantiate the ``Style`` class
directory to create a new style. ``Style.from_dict`` can be used to create
a style from a dictionary, where the dictionary keys are a space separated
list of class names, and the values, style strings (like before).
> `print_tokens` was renamed to `print_formatted_text`.
> In many places in the layout, we accept a parameter named `style`. All the
styles from the layout hierarchy are combined to decide what style to be
> The ANSI color names were confusing and inconsistent with common naming
conventions. This has been fixed, but aliases for the original names were
* The way focusing works is different. Before it was always a `Buffer` that
was focused, and because of that, any visible `BufferControl` that contained
this `Buffer` would be focused. Now, any user control can be focused. All
of this is handled in the `Application.layout` object.
* The `buffers` dictionary (`CommandLineInterface.buffers`) does not exist
anymore. Further, `buffers` was a `BufferMapping` that keeps track of which
buffer has the focus. This significantly reduces the freedom for creating
complex applications. We wanted to move toward a layout that can be defined
as a (hierarchical) collection of user widgets. A user widget does not need
to have a `Buffer` underneath and any widget should be focusable.
> `layout.Layout` was introduced to contain the root layout widget and keep
track of the focus.
* The key bindings were refactored. It became much more flexible to combine
sets of key bindings.
> `Registry` has been renamed to `KeyBindings`.
> The `add_binding` function has been renamed to simply `add`.
> Every `load_*` function returns one `KeyBindings` objects, instead of
populating an existing one, like before.
> `ConditionalKeyBindings` was added. This can be used to enable/disable
all the key bindings from a given `Registry`.
> A function named `merge_key_bindings` was added. This takes a list of
`KeyBindings` and merges them into one.
> `key_binding.defaults.load_key_bindings` was added to load all the key
> `KeyBindingManager` has been removed completely.
> `input_processor` was renamed to `key_processor`.
> The `Key` class does not exist anymore. Every key is a string and it's
considered fine to use string literals in the key bindings. This is more
readable, but we still have run-time validation. The `Keys` enum still
exist (for backwards-compatibility, but also to have an overview of which
keys are supported.)
> 'enter' and 'tab' are key aliases for 'c-m' and 'c-i'.
* User controls can define key bindings, which are active when the user control
is focused.
> `UIControl` got a `get_key_bindings` (abstract) method.
* Changes in the layout engine:
> `LayoutDimension` was renamed to `Dimension`.
> `VSplit` and `HSplit` now take a `padding` argument.
> `VSplit` and `HSplit` now take an `align` argument.
> `Float` now takes `allow_cover_cursor` and `attach_to_window` arguments.
> `Window` got an `WindowAlign` argument. This can be used for the alignment
of the content. `TokenListControl` (renamed to `FormattedTextControl`) does
not have an alignment argument anymore.
> All container objects, like `Window`, got a `style` argument. The style for
parent containers propagate to child containers, but can be overriden.
This is in particular useful for setting a background color.
> `FillControl` does not exist anymore. Use the `style` and `char` arguments
of the `Window` class instead.
> `DummyControl` was added.
> The continuation function of `PromptMargin` now takes `line_number` and
`is_soft_wrap` as input.
* Changes to `BufferControl`:
> The `InputProcessor` class has been refactored. The `apply_transformation`
method should now takes a `TransformationInput` object as input.
> The text `(reverse-i-search)` is now displayed through a processor. (See
the `shortcuts` module for an example of its usage.)
* `widgets` and `dialogs` modules:
> A small collection of widgets was added. These are more complex collections
of user controls that are ready to embed in a layout. A `shortcuts.dialogs`
module was added as a high level API for displaying input, confirmation and
message dialogs.
> Every class that exposes a ``__pt_container__`` method (which is supposed
to return a ``Container`` instance) is considered a widget. The
``to_container`` shortcut will call this method in situations where a
``Container`` object is expected. This avoids inheritance from other
``Container`` types, but also having to unpack the container object from
the widget, in case we would have used composition.
> Warning: The API of the widgets module is not considered stable yet, and
can change is the future, if needed.
* Changes to `Buffer`:
> A `Buffer` no longer takes an `accept_action`. Both `AcceptAction` and
`AbortAction` have been removed. Instead it takes an `accept_handler`.
* Changes regarding auto completion:
> The left and right arrows now work in the multi-column auto completion
> By default, autocompletion is synchronous. The completer needs to be
wrapped in `ThreadedCompleter` in order to get asynchronous autocompletion.
> When the completer runs in a background thread, completions will be
displayed as soon as they are generated. This means that we don't have to
wait for all the completions to be generated, before displaying the first
one. The completion menus are updated as soon as new completions arrive.
* Changes regarding input validation:
> Added the `Validator.from_callable` class method for easy creation of
new validators.
* Changes regarding the `History` classes:
> The `History` base class has a different interface. This was needed for
asynchronous loading of the history. `ThreadedHistory` was added for this.
* Changes related to `shortcuts.prompt`:
> There is now a class `PromptSession` which also has a method `prompt`. Both
the class and the method take about the same arguments. This can be used to
create a session. Every `prompt` call of the same instance will reuse all
the arguments given to the class itself.
The input history is always shared during the entire session.
Of course, it's still possible to call the global `prompt` function. This
will create a new `PromptSession` every time when it's called.
> The `prompt` function now takes a `key_bindings` argument instead of
`key_bindings_registry`. This should only contain the additional bindings.
(The default bindings are always included.)
* Changes to the event loops:
> The event loop API is now closer to how asyncio works. A prompt_toolkit
`Application` now has a `Future` object. Calling the `.run_async()` method
creates and returns that `Future`. An event loop has a `run_until_complete`
method that takes a future and runs the event loop until the Future is set.
The idea is to be able to transition easily to asyncio when Python 2
support can be dropped in the future.
> `Application` still has a method `run()` that underneath still runs the
event loop until the `Future` is set and returns that result.
> The asyncio adaptors (like the asyncio event loop integration) now require
Python 3.5. (We use the async/await syntax internally.)
> The `Input` and `Output` classes have some changes. (Not really important.)
> `Application.run_sub_applications` has been removed. The alternative is to
call `run_coroutine_in_terminal` which returns a `Future`.
* Changes to the `filters` module:
> The `Application` is no longer passed around, so both `CLIFilter` and
`SimpleFilter` were merged into `Filter`. `to_cli_filter` and
`to_simple_filter` became `to_filter`.
> All filters have been turned into functions. For instance, `IsDone`
became `is_done` and `HasCompletions` became `has_completions`.
This was done because almost all classes were called without any arguments
in the `__init__` causing additional braces everywhere. This means that
`HasCompletions()` has to be replaced by `has_completions` (without
The few filters that took arguments as input, became functions, but still
have to be called with the given arguments.
For new filters, it is recommended to use the `@Condition` decorator,
rather then inheriting from `Filter`.
* Other renames:
> `IncrementalSearchDirection` was renamed to `SearchDirection`.
> The `use_alternate_screen` parameter has been renamed to `full_screen`.
> `Buffer.initial_document` was renamed to `Buffer.document`.
> `TokenListControl` has been renamed to `FormattedTextControl`.
> `Application.set_return_value` has been renamed to `Application.set_result`.
* Other new features:
> `DummyAutoSuggest` and `DynamicAutoSuggest` were added.
> `DummyClipboard` and `DynamicClipboard` were added.
> `DummyCompleter` and `DynamicCompleter` were added.
> `DummyHistory` and `DynamicHistory` was added.
> `to_container` and `to_window` utilities were added.

Request History
Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat created request

- Update to 2.0.4
+ Bug fixes:
* Fix render height for rendering full screen applications in Windows.
* Fix in `TextArea`. Set `accept_handler` to `None` if not given.
* Go to the beginning of the next line when enter is pressed in Vi navigation
mode, and the buffer doesn't have an accept handler.
* Fix the `default` argument of the `prompt` function when called multiple
* Display decomposed multiwidth characters correctly.
* Accept `history` in `prompt()` function again.
+ Backwards incompatible changes:
* Renamed `PipeInput` to `PosixPipeInput`. Added `Win32PipeInput` and
* Pass `buffer` argument to the `accept_handler` of `TextArea`.
+ New features:
* Added `accept_default` argument to `prompt()`.
* Make it easier to change the body/title of a Frame/Dialog.
* Added `DynamicContainer`.
* Added `merge_completers` for merging multiple completers together.
* Add vt100 data to key presses in Windows.
* Handle left/right key bindings in Vi block insert mode.
- Update to 2.0.3
+ Bug fixes:
* Fix in 'x' and 'X' Vi key bindings. Correctly handle line endings and args.
* Fixed off by one error in Vi line selection.
* Fixed bugs in Vi block selection. Correctly handle lines that the selection
doesn't cross.
* Python 2 bugfix. Handle str/unicode correctly.
* Handle option+left/right in iTerm.
- Update to 2.0.2
+ Bug fixes:
* Python 3.7 support: correctly handle StopIteration in asynchronous generator.
* Fixed off-by-one bug in Vi visual block mode.
* Bugfix in TabsProcessor: handle situations when the cursor is at the end of
the line.
- Update to 2.0.1
+ Changes:
* No automatic translation from \r into \n during the input processing. These
are two different keys that can be handled independently. This is a big
backward-incompatibility, because the `Enter` key is `ControlM`, not
`ControlJ`. So, now that we stopped translating \r into \n, it could be that
custom key bindings for `Enter` don't work anymore. Make sure to bind
`Keys.Enter` instead of `Keys.ControlJ` for handling the `Enter` key.
* The `CommandLineInterface` and the `Application` classes are merged. First,
`CommandLineInterface` contained all the I/O objects (like the input, output
and event loop), while the `Application` contained everything else. There was
no practical reason to keep this separation. (`CommandLineInterface` was
mostly a proxy to `Application`.)
* prompt_toolkit no longer depends on Pygments, but it can still use Pygments
for its color schemes and lexers. In many places we used Pygments "Tokens",
this has been replaced by the concept of class names, somewhat similar to
> `PygmentsStyle` and `PygmentsLexer` adaptors are available for
plugging in Pygments styles and lexers.
> Wherever we had a list of `(Token, text)` tuples, we now have lists of
`(style_string, text)` tuples. The style string can contain both inline
styling as well as refer to a class from the style sheet. `PygmentsTokens`
is an adaptor that converts a list of Pygments tokens into a list of
`(style_string, text)` tuples.
* Changes in the `Style` classes.
> `style.from_dict` does not exist anymore. Instantiate the ``Style`` class
directory to create a new style. ``Style.from_dict`` can be used to create
a style from a dictionary, where the dictionary keys are a space separated
list of class names, and the values, style strings (like before).
> `print_tokens` was renamed to `print_formatted_text`.
> In many places in the layout, we accept a parameter named `style`. All the
styles from the layout hierarchy are combined to decide what style to be
> The ANSI color names were confusing and inconsistent with common naming
conventions. This has been fixed, but aliases for the original names were
* The way focusing works is different. Before it was always a `Buffer` that
was focused, and because of that, any visible `BufferControl` that contained
this `Buffer` would be focused. Now, any user control can be focused. All
of this is handled in the `Application.layout` object.
* The `buffers` dictionary (`CommandLineInterface.buffers`) does not exist
anymore. Further, `buffers` was a `BufferMapping` that keeps track of which
buffer has the focus. This significantly reduces the freedom for creating
complex applications. We wanted to move toward a layout that can be defined
as a (hierarchical) collection of user widgets. A user widget does not need
to have a `Buffer` underneath and any widget should be focusable.
> `layout.Layout` was introduced to contain the root layout widget and keep
track of the focus.
* The key bindings were refactored. It became much more flexible to combine
sets of key bindings.
> `Registry` has been renamed to `KeyBindings`.
> The `add_binding` function has been renamed to simply `add`.
> Every `load_*` function returns one `KeyBindings` objects, instead of
populating an existing one, like before.
> `ConditionalKeyBindings` was added. This can be used to enable/disable
all the key bindings from a given `Registry`.
> A function named `merge_key_bindings` was added. This takes a list of
`KeyBindings` and merges them into one.
> `key_binding.defaults.load_key_bindings` was added to load all the key
> `KeyBindingManager` has been removed completely.
> `input_processor` was renamed to `key_processor`.
> The `Key` class does not exist anymore. Every key is a string and it's
considered fine to use string literals in the key bindings. This is more
readable, but we still have run-time validation. The `Keys` enum still
exist (for backwards-compatibility, but also to have an overview of which
keys are supported.)
> 'enter' and 'tab' are key aliases for 'c-m' and 'c-i'.
* User controls can define key bindings, which are active when the user control
is focused.
> `UIControl` got a `get_key_bindings` (abstract) method.
* Changes in the layout engine:
> `LayoutDimension` was renamed to `Dimension`.
> `VSplit` and `HSplit` now take a `padding` argument.
> `VSplit` and `HSplit` now take an `align` argument.
> `Float` now takes `allow_cover_cursor` and `attach_to_window` arguments.
> `Window` got an `WindowAlign` argument. This can be used for the alignment
of the content. `TokenListControl` (renamed to `FormattedTextControl`) does
not have an alignment argument anymore.
> All container objects, like `Window`, got a `style` argument. The style for
parent containers propagate to child containers, but can be overriden.
This is in particular useful for setting a background color.
> `FillControl` does not exist anymore. Use the `style` and `char` arguments
of the `Window` class instead.
> `DummyControl` was added.
> The continuation function of `PromptMargin` now takes `line_number` and
`is_soft_wrap` as input.
* Changes to `BufferControl`:
> The `InputProcessor` class has been refactored. The `apply_transformation`
method should now takes a `TransformationInput` object as input.
> The text `(reverse-i-search)` is now displayed through a processor. (See
the `shortcuts` module for an example of its usage.)
* `widgets` and `dialogs` modules:
> A small collection of widgets was added. These are more complex collections
of user controls that are ready to embed in a layout. A `shortcuts.dialogs`
module was added as a high level API for displaying input, confirmation and
message dialogs.
> Every class that exposes a ``__pt_container__`` method (which is supposed
to return a ``Container`` instance) is considered a widget. The
``to_container`` shortcut will call this method in situations where a
``Container`` object is expected. This avoids inheritance from other
``Container`` types, but also having to unpack the container object from
the widget, in case we would have used composition.
> Warning: The API of the widgets module is not considered stable yet, and
can change is the future, if needed.
* Changes to `Buffer`:
> A `Buffer` no longer takes an `accept_action`. Both `AcceptAction` and
`AbortAction` have been removed. Instead it takes an `accept_handler`.
* Changes regarding auto completion:
> The left and right arrows now work in the multi-column auto completion
> By default, autocompletion is synchronous. The completer needs to be
wrapped in `ThreadedCompleter` in order to get asynchronous autocompletion.
> When the completer runs in a background thread, completions will be
displayed as soon as they are generated. This means that we don't have to
wait for all the completions to be generated, before displaying the first
one. The completion menus are updated as soon as new completions arrive.
* Changes regarding input validation:
> Added the `Validator.from_callable` class method for easy creation of
new validators.
* Changes regarding the `History` classes:
> The `History` base class has a different interface. This was needed for
asynchronous loading of the history. `ThreadedHistory` was added for this.
* Changes related to `shortcuts.prompt`:
> There is now a class `PromptSession` which also has a method `prompt`. Both
the class and the method take about the same arguments. This can be used to
create a session. Every `prompt` call of the same instance will reuse all
the arguments given to the class itself.
The input history is always shared during the entire session.
Of course, it's still possible to call the global `prompt` function. This
will create a new `PromptSession` every time when it's called.
> The `prompt` function now takes a `key_bindings` argument instead of
`key_bindings_registry`. This should only contain the additional bindings.
(The default bindings are always included.)
* Changes to the event loops:
> The event loop API is now closer to how asyncio works. A prompt_toolkit
`Application` now has a `Future` object. Calling the `.run_async()` method
creates and returns that `Future`. An event loop has a `run_until_complete`
method that takes a future and runs the event loop until the Future is set.
The idea is to be able to transition easily to asyncio when Python 2
support can be dropped in the future.
> `Application` still has a method `run()` that underneath still runs the
event loop until the `Future` is set and returns that result.
> The asyncio adaptors (like the asyncio event loop integration) now require
Python 3.5. (We use the async/await syntax internally.)
> The `Input` and `Output` classes have some changes. (Not really important.)
> `Application.run_sub_applications` has been removed. The alternative is to
call `run_coroutine_in_terminal` which returns a `Future`.
* Changes to the `filters` module:
> The `Application` is no longer passed around, so both `CLIFilter` and
`SimpleFilter` were merged into `Filter`. `to_cli_filter` and
`to_simple_filter` became `to_filter`.
> All filters have been turned into functions. For instance, `IsDone`
became `is_done` and `HasCompletions` became `has_completions`.
This was done because almost all classes were called without any arguments
in the `__init__` causing additional braces everywhere. This means that
`HasCompletions()` has to be replaced by `has_completions` (without
The few filters that took arguments as input, became functions, but still
have to be called with the given arguments.
For new filters, it is recommended to use the `@Condition` decorator,
rather then inheriting from `Filter`.
* Other renames:
> `IncrementalSearchDirection` was renamed to `SearchDirection`.
> The `use_alternate_screen` parameter has been renamed to `full_screen`.
> `Buffer.initial_document` was renamed to `Buffer.document`.
> `TokenListControl` has been renamed to `FormattedTextControl`.
> `Application.set_return_value` has been renamed to `Application.set_result`.
* Other new features:
> `DummyAutoSuggest` and `DynamicAutoSuggest` were added.
> `DummyClipboard` and `DynamicClipboard` were added.
> `DummyCompleter` and `DynamicCompleter` were added.
> `DummyHistory` and `DynamicHistory` was added.
> `to_container` and `to_window` utilities were added.

Todd R's avatar

TheBlackCat accepted request

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