
Request 400409 accepted

Sync with what I submitted to SLE12-SP2 at sr#116013
- Modified python3-to-python2.diff : One of the changes included
there now comes in fix_connect_dialog_focus.diff.
- Create a python3-cupshelpers or python-cupshelpers package
depending on the value of the use_python3 variable.
- Require python3-cups or python-cups (and the associated
python3-cupshelpers/python-cupshelpers) depending on the case.
- Remove %py_requires: It's not really needed.
- Merge the spec file from SLE12-SP2 and GNOME:Factory

- Do not handle template service (configure-printer@) with the
sytemd service_* macros (boo#982299).
- Add rpmlintrc to silence the warnings about it.

- Add fix_connect_dialog_focus.diff: Enable the focus on the text
entry part of the combobox in the Connect Dialog. This way, users
can edit its content and write the ip of the remote cups server
to connect to (gh#twaugh/system-config-printer#38).

- Add python3-to-python2.diff : Remove all python3 dependencies.
- Modified python3 dependencies in the spec file too to use python2
in SLE12.

- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572

- Move system-config-printer to the main package where also the
respective .desktop file is packaged.

udev-add-printer with invalid parameters (boo#942809).

Request History
Antonio Larrosa's avatar

alarrosa created request

Sync with what I submitted to SLE12-SP2 at sr#116013
- Modified python3-to-python2.diff : One of the changes included
there now comes in fix_connect_dialog_focus.diff.
- Create a python3-cupshelpers or python-cupshelpers package
depending on the value of the use_python3 variable.
- Require python3-cups or python-cups (and the associated
python3-cupshelpers/python-cupshelpers) depending on the case.
- Remove %py_requires: It's not really needed.
- Merge the spec file from SLE12-SP2 and GNOME:Factory

- Do not handle template service (configure-printer@) with the
sytemd service_* macros (boo#982299).
- Add rpmlintrc to silence the warnings about it.

- Add fix_connect_dialog_focus.diff: Enable the focus on the text
entry part of the combobox in the Connect Dialog. This way, users
can edit its content and write the ip of the remote cups server
to connect to (gh#twaugh/system-config-printer#38).

- Add python3-to-python2.diff : Remove all python3 dependencies.
- Modified python3 dependencies in the spec file too to use python2
in SLE12.

- Update to GNOME 3.20 Fate#318572

- Move system-config-printer to the main package where also the
respective .desktop file is packaged.

udev-add-printer with invalid parameters (boo#942809).

Max Lin's avatar

mlin7442 added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Leap:42.2:Staging:E"

Max Lin's avatar

mlin7442 accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Leap:42.2:Staging:E

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper added GNOME:Factory as a reviewer

Submission by someone who is not maintainer in the devel project. Please review

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leaper added lnussel as a reviewer

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leaper accepted review

Origin project changed

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel accepted review

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

no objections from G:F maintainers

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory accepted review

ready to accept

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory approved review

ready to accept

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Leap:42.2

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