
Request 214314 accepted

- drop dependency on glib, strlcpy can be implemented with
snprintf with glibc/linux
- drop "quilt" from buildrequires, no longer used.
- Use fvisibiliy=hidden to build, this is a program not
a library and no symbols should be exported.
- modified patches:
* glib-strlcpy.patch

Request History
Cristian Rodríguez's avatar

elvigia created request

- drop dependency on glib, strlcpy can be implemented with
snprintf with glibc/linux
- drop "quilt" from buildrequires, no longer used.
- Use fvisibiliy=hidden to build, this is a program not
a library and no symbols should be exported.
- modified patches:
* glib-strlcpy.patch

mrdocs's avatar

mrdocs accepted request

Thanks for the clean up

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