
Request 211711 accepted

- Prevent crash on systems with more than 601 sensors.
Add freeipmi-max-sensor.patch

- FreeIPMI 1.3.4 - 12/12/13
o Support 'solchannelsupport' workraound in ipmiconsole /
flag in libipmiconsole.
o Fix SDR cache workaround for motherboards with invalid SDR record
counts listed.
o Workaround Supermicro bug in bmc-watchdog.
o Fix error checks in sensor decoding functions, leading to
possible problems in ipmi-sensors-config.
o Update documentation with additional workarounds for motherboards.
o Fix various minor bugs.

- FreeIPMI 1.3.3
o Add support for intelnm get-node-manager-alert-destination and
set-node-manager-alert-destination in ipmi-oem.
o Under very verbose mode, ipmi-sel will now record types for OEM
records. This should allow OEM parses outside of FreeIPMI to more
effectively parse OEM specific SEL records.
o Fix big endian portability bugs.

Request History
Klaus Kämpf's avatar

kwk created request

- Prevent crash on systems with more than 601 sensors.
Add freeipmi-max-sensor.patch

- FreeIPMI 1.3.4 - 12/12/13
o Support 'solchannelsupport' workraound in ipmiconsole /
flag in libipmiconsole.
o Fix SDR cache workaround for motherboards with invalid SDR record
counts listed.
o Workaround Supermicro bug in bmc-watchdog.
o Fix error checks in sensor decoding functions, leading to
possible problems in ipmi-sensors-config.
o Update documentation with additional workarounds for motherboards.
o Fix various minor bugs.

- FreeIPMI 1.3.3
o Add support for intelnm get-node-manager-alert-destination and
set-node-manager-alert-destination in ipmi-oem.
o Under very verbose mode, ipmi-sel will now record types for OEM
records. This should allow OEM parses outside of FreeIPMI to more
effectively parse OEM specific SEL records.
o Fix big endian portability bugs.

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Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

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Michal Vyskocil's avatar

mvyskocil approved review

Michal Vyskocil's avatar

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