
Request 198046 accepted

- updated to 2.17.26:
* Decimal numbers can now be written directly in music, without a
hash sign. Together with the previous change in the way object
properties are specified, the code to change the length of stems
has changed from this:
\override Stem #'length = #5.6
e' f' g' a'
to this:
\override Stem.length = 5.6
e' f' g' a'
One has to write a digit on both sides of the dot - values like
`4.' or `-.3' are not allowed.
Decimal fractions are also not accepted in `\chordmode'.
* A number of shorthands like `(', `)', `|', `[', `]', `~', `\(',
`\)' and others can now freely be redefined like normal commands.
An example would be
"\\{" = (
"\\}" = )
"(" = \melisma
")" = \melismaEnd
\new Staff <<
\relative c' {
c8 \{ d e f \} % slurred
g ( a b c ) % no slur, but with melisma
c,1 \bar "|."
\addlyrics { Li -- ly -- pond. }
[image of music]
* The articulation shorthand for `\staccatissimo' has been renamed

Request History
Petr Gajdos's avatar

pgajdos created request

- updated to 2.17.26:
* Decimal numbers can now be written directly in music, without a
hash sign. Together with the previous change in the way object
properties are specified, the code to change the length of stems
has changed from this:
\override Stem #'length = #5.6
e' f' g' a'
to this:
\override Stem.length = 5.6
e' f' g' a'
One has to write a digit on both sides of the dot - values like
`4.' or `-.3' are not allowed.
Decimal fractions are also not accepted in `\chordmode'.
* A number of shorthands like `(', `)', `|', `[', `]', `~', `\(',
`\)' and others can now freely be redefined like normal commands.
An example would be
"\\{" = (
"\\}" = )
"(" = \melisma
")" = \melismaEnd
\new Staff <<
\relative c' {
c8 \{ d e f \} % slurred
g ( a b c ) % no slur, but with melisma
c,1 \bar "|."
\addlyrics { Li -- ly -- pond. }
[image of music]
* The articulation shorthand for `\staccatissimo' has been renamed

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Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "version update 2.17.24 -> 2.17.26 covered by ldb"}

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review


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lilypond-doc is still building for repository openSUSE_Factory

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factory-repo-checker approved review

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Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


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