
Request 1117828 accepted

- update to 1.37.2:
* feat(ext/web): cancel support for TransformStream (#20815)
* feat(lsp): jupyter notebook analysis (#20719)
* feat(lsp): send "deno/didChangeDenoConfiguration" notifications (#20827)
* feat(unstable): add Deno.jupyter.display API (#20819)
* feat(unstable): add unix domain socket support to Deno.serve (#20759)
* feat(unstable): Await return from Jupyter.display (#20807)
* feat(unstable): send binary data with Deno.jupyter.broadcast (#20755)
* feat(unstable): send Jupyter messaging metadata with
Deno. jupyter.broadcast (#20714)
* feat(unstable): support Deno.test() (#20778)
* fix(bench): use total time when measuring wavg (#20862)
* fix(cli): Support using both --watch and --inspect at the
same time (#20660)
* fix(cli): panic with __runtime_js_sources (#20704)
* fix(ext/ffi): use anybuffer for op_ffi_ptr_of (#20820)
* fix(ext/formdata): support multiple headers in FormData (#20801)
* fix(ext/http): Deno.Server should not be thenable (#20723)
* fix(ext/kv): send queue wake messages accross different kv
instances (#20465)
* fix(ext/node): don't call undefined nextTick fn (#20724)
* fix(ext/node): fix TypeError in Buffer.from with base64url
encoding. (#20705)
* fix(ext/node): implement uv.errname (#20785)
* fix(ext/web): writability of ReadableStream.from (#20836)
* fix(jupyter): Rename logo assets so they are discoverable (#20806)
* fix(jupyter): keep this around (#20789)
* fix(jupyter): more robust Deno.jupyter namespace (#20710)
* fix(lsp): allow formatting vendor files (#20844)
* fix(lsp): normalize "deno:" urls statelessly (#20867)
* fix(lsp): percent-encode host in deno: specifiers (#20811)
* fix(lsp): show diagnostics for type imports from untyped deps (#20780)
* fix(node/buffer): utf8ToBytes should return a Uint8Array (#20769)
* fix(node/http2): fixes to support grpc (#20712)
* fix(npm): upgrade to deno_npm 0.15.2 (#20772)
* fix(upgrade): use tar.exe to extract on Windows (#20711)
* fix: define window.name (#20804)
* fix: upgrade dprint-plugin-markdown 0.16.2 and typescript 0.88.1 (#20879)
* perf(ext/web): optimize DOMException (#20715)
* perf(ext/web): optimize structuredClone without transferables (#20730)
* perf(lsp): fix redundant file reads (#20802)
* perf(lsp): optimize formatting minified files (#20829)
* perf(node): use faster utf8 byte length in Buffer#from (#20746)

Request History
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

avindra created request

- update to 1.37.2:
* feat(ext/web): cancel support for TransformStream (#20815)
* feat(lsp): jupyter notebook analysis (#20719)
* feat(lsp): send "deno/didChangeDenoConfiguration" notifications (#20827)
* feat(unstable): add Deno.jupyter.display API (#20819)
* feat(unstable): add unix domain socket support to Deno.serve (#20759)
* feat(unstable): Await return from Jupyter.display (#20807)
* feat(unstable): send binary data with Deno.jupyter.broadcast (#20755)
* feat(unstable): send Jupyter messaging metadata with
Deno. jupyter.broadcast (#20714)
* feat(unstable): support Deno.test() (#20778)
* fix(bench): use total time when measuring wavg (#20862)
* fix(cli): Support using both --watch and --inspect at the
same time (#20660)
* fix(cli): panic with __runtime_js_sources (#20704)
* fix(ext/ffi): use anybuffer for op_ffi_ptr_of (#20820)
* fix(ext/formdata): support multiple headers in FormData (#20801)
* fix(ext/http): Deno.Server should not be thenable (#20723)
* fix(ext/kv): send queue wake messages accross different kv
instances (#20465)
* fix(ext/node): don't call undefined nextTick fn (#20724)
* fix(ext/node): fix TypeError in Buffer.from with base64url
encoding. (#20705)
* fix(ext/node): implement uv.errname (#20785)
* fix(ext/web): writability of ReadableStream.from (#20836)
* fix(jupyter): Rename logo assets so they are discoverable (#20806)
* fix(jupyter): keep this around (#20789)
* fix(jupyter): more robust Deno.jupyter namespace (#20710)
* fix(lsp): allow formatting vendor files (#20844)
* fix(lsp): normalize "deno:" urls statelessly (#20867)
* fix(lsp): percent-encode host in deno: specifiers (#20811)
* fix(lsp): show diagnostics for type imports from untyped deps (#20780)
* fix(node/buffer): utf8ToBytes should return a Uint8Array (#20769)
* fix(node/http2): fixes to support grpc (#20712)
* fix(npm): upgrade to deno_npm 0.15.2 (#20772)
* fix(upgrade): use tar.exe to extract on Windows (#20711)
* fix: define window.name (#20804)
* fix: upgrade dprint-plugin-markdown 0.16.2 and typescript 0.88.1 (#20879)
* perf(ext/web): optimize DOMException (#20715)
* perf(ext/web): optimize structuredClone without transferables (#20730)
* perf(lsp): fix redundant file reads (#20802)
* perf(lsp): optimize formatting minified files (#20829)
* perf(node): use faster utf8 byte length in Buffer#from (#20746)

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staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:35 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:35"

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licensedigger accepted review

The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

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anag+factory accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:35 got accepted.

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anag+factory approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:35 got accepted.

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anag+factory accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:35 got accepted.

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