
Request 1113750 accepted

- Add build-blake-3-as-static.patch that builts BLAKE 3 support as static library
into mold. The library is not provided in openSUSE yet.

- Update to version 2.2.0
* We now use BLAKE3 as a cryptographic hash function instead of SHA256. This
change has made --build-id a few percent faster. libssl is no longer a build
dependency. (7f7a744)
* mold is now a few percent faster than the previous version due to an
optimization of string merging code path. (1a13c50)
* mold now emits slightly optimized code for thread-local variable accesses.
(f057fda, d56f528)
* [RISC-V] mold now supports TLSDESC relocations. TLSDESC is a new mechanism for
faster thread-local variable access. We (@ishitatsuyuki) actually led the effort
to ratify the specification (riscv-non-isa/riscv-elf-psabi-doc#373) and
implement it to compiler toolchain including GCC, GNU binutils and, of course,
mold. (141556d)
* mold no longer marks an as-needed .so as "needed" if the .so file is not
directly used by the output file. Previously, mold marked a .so file as "needed"
if the .so file was used by another "needed" .so file. (f02db0f)
* [PPC64] --execute-only now works on 64-bit PowerPC. (ac20d87, 51fec5f)
- Remove openssl dependency.


Ana Guerrero's avatar
nothing provides libblake3.so.0()(64bit) needed by mold-2.2.0.x86_64

Martin Liška's avatar
author source maintainer

Thanks for the heads up, fixed in the SR that supersedes this one.

Request History
Martin Liška's avatar

martinliska created request

- Add build-blake-3-as-static.patch that builts BLAKE 3 support as static library
into mold. The library is not provided in openSUSE yet.

- Update to version 2.2.0
* We now use BLAKE3 as a cryptographic hash function instead of SHA256. This
change has made --build-id a few percent faster. libssl is no longer a build
dependency. (7f7a744)
* mold is now a few percent faster than the previous version due to an
optimization of string merging code path. (1a13c50)
* mold now emits slightly optimized code for thread-local variable accesses.
(f057fda, d56f528)
* [RISC-V] mold now supports TLSDESC relocations. TLSDESC is a new mechanism for
faster thread-local variable access. We (@ishitatsuyuki) actually led the effort
to ratify the specification (riscv-non-isa/riscv-elf-psabi-doc#373) and
implement it to compiler toolchain including GCC, GNU binutils and, of course,
mold. (141556d)
* mold no longer marks an as-needed .so as "needed" if the .so file is not
directly used by the output file. Previously, mold marked a .so file as "needed"
if the .so file was used by another "needed" .so file. (f02db0f)
* [PPC64] --execute-only now works on 64-bit PowerPC. (ac20d87, 51fec5f)
- Remove openssl dependency.

Ana Guerrero's avatar

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Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:53"

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Accepted review for by_group opensuse-review-team request 1113750 from user factory-auto

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:53 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:53 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:53 got accepted.

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