
Request 1104661 accepted

- update to 2.0.3:
* Bug in Timestamp.weekday`() was returning incorrect results
before '0000-02-29'
* Fixed performance regression in merging on datetime-like columns
* Fixed regression when DataFrame.to_string() creates extra space
for string dtypes
* Bug in DataFrame.convert_dtype() and Series.convert_dtype()
when trying to convert ArrowDtype with dtype_backend="nullable_numpy"
* Bug in RangeIndex.union() when using sort=True with another
* Bug in Series.reindex() when expanding a non-nanosecond datetime
or timedelta
* Bug in read_csv() when defining dtype with bool[pyarrow] for
the "c" and "python" engines
* Bug in Series.str.split() and Series.str.rsplit() with expand=True
* Bug in indexing methods (e.g. DataFrame.__getitem__()) where
taking the entire DataFrame/Series would raise an OverflowError
when Copy on Write was enabled the length of the array was over
the maximum size a 32-bit integer can hold
* Bug when constructing a DataFrame with columns of an ArrowDtype
with a pyarrow.dictionary type that reindexes the data
* Bug when indexing a DataFrame or Series with an Index with a
timestamp ArrowDtype would raise an AttributeError
- drop pandas-fix-tests.patch (upstream)

Daniel Garcia's avatar
author source maintainer

This depends on the latest version of python-tables https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1104660

Request History
Daniel Garcia's avatar

dgarcia created request

- update to 2.0.3:
* Bug in Timestamp.weekday`() was returning incorrect results
before '0000-02-29'
* Fixed performance regression in merging on datetime-like columns
* Fixed regression when DataFrame.to_string() creates extra space
for string dtypes
* Bug in DataFrame.convert_dtype() and Series.convert_dtype()
when trying to convert ArrowDtype with dtype_backend="nullable_numpy"
* Bug in RangeIndex.union() when using sort=True with another
* Bug in Series.reindex() when expanding a non-nanosecond datetime
or timedelta
* Bug in read_csv() when defining dtype with bool[pyarrow] for
the "c" and "python" engines
* Bug in Series.str.split() and Series.str.rsplit() with expand=True
* Bug in indexing methods (e.g. DataFrame.__getitem__()) where
taking the entire DataFrame/Series would raise an OverflowError
when Copy on Write was enabled the length of the array was over
the maximum size a 32-bit integer can hold
* Bug when constructing a DataFrame with columns of an ArrowDtype
with a pyarrow.dictionary type that reindexes the data
* Bug when indexing a DataFrame or Series with an Index with a
timestamp ArrowDtype would raise an AttributeError
- drop pandas-fix-tests.patch (upstream)

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