
Request 1063818 accepted

- Update to 0.11.2
* compatibility to numpy >1.24
- 0.11.1
* Minor release. Small fixes to image windowing, four dimensional visualizer,
and adding of a structure attribute to the sidpy.dataset object.
- 0.11
* Added CHANNEL dimension type for sidpy dimensions (for example of usage see
this link) . This is useful for multi-channel spectral datasets, which can
now be plotted using the intrinsic .plot() method
* Added updated capability on spectral visualizer to enable plotting of
multi-channel spectra
* Small changes with set_dimension() method to be more robust
* Minor bug fixes
* Updates to various tests
- 0.10
* This release adds a few 'under the hood' changes to the sidpy dataset
object, with respect to chunking and folding/unfolding. Some minor edits to
some visualization functions were also made. A new method
visualize_fit_results() to the SidFitter class was added to aid in
visualization of functional fits.
- 0.0.9
* Added fitter class and improved tests.

Request History
Daniel Garcia's avatar

dgarcia created request

- Update to 0.11.2
* compatibility to numpy >1.24
- 0.11.1
* Minor release. Small fixes to image windowing, four dimensional visualizer,
and adding of a structure attribute to the sidpy.dataset object.
- 0.11
* Added CHANNEL dimension type for sidpy dimensions (for example of usage see
this link) . This is useful for multi-channel spectral datasets, which can
now be plotted using the intrinsic .plot() method
* Added updated capability on spectral visualizer to enable plotting of
multi-channel spectra
* Small changes with set_dimension() method to be more robust
* Minor bug fixes
* Updates to various tests
- 0.10
* This release adds a few 'under the hood' changes to the sidpy dataset
object, with respect to chunking and folding/unfolding. Some minor edits to
some visualization functions were also made. A new method
visualize_fit_results() to the SidFitter class was added to aid in
visualization of functional fits.
- 0.0.9
* Added fitter class and improved tests.

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factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

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factory-auto accepted review

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dimstar_suse added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:38 as a reviewer

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dimstar_suse accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:38"

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:38 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:38 got accepted.

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dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:38 got accepted.

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