Files could not be expanded: openSUSE:Slowroll/osv-scanner.20240502110806: package 'osv-scanner.20240502110806' does not exist

osv-scanner - Vulnerability scanner written in Go

Edit Package osv-scanner

Use OSV-Scanner to find existing vulnerabilities affecting your project's dependencies.

OSV-Scanner provides an officially supported frontend to the OSV database that connects a project’s list of dependencies with the vulnerabilities that affect them. Since the database is open source and distributed, it has several benefits in comparison with closed source advisory databases and scanners:

- Each advisory comes from an open and authoritative source (e.g. the RustSec Advisory Database)
- Anyone can suggest improvements to advisories, resulting in a very high quality database
- The OSV format unambiguously stores information about affected versions in a machine-readable format that precisely maps onto a developer’s list of packages

The above all results in fewer, more actionable vulnerability notifications, which reduces the time needed to resolve them.

Source Files

Sources could not be expanded: openSUSE:Slowroll/osv-scanner.20240502110806: package 'osv-scanner.20240502110806' does not exist

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