Revisions of topgrade

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1170070 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 11)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1170069 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 10)
- Upgrade dependencies
  * Fix boo#1223244 (CVE-2024-32650) by pushing rustls to 0.21.11
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1168656 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1167785 from Gerald Chen's avatar Gerald Chen (ramdomPTM) (revision 8)
- Uppate to version 14.0.1:
  * workflows(homebrew): replace Homebrew/actions/bump-formulae with Homebrew/actions/bump-packages (#656)
  * chore: fix file name typo[skip ci] (#657)
  * docs: add doc on how to do a new release (#658)
  * feat: skip breaking changes notification with env var (#659)
  * Follow up to the follow up in #616 (#660)
  * fix vscode extensions update step (#650)
  * Fix system updates for Nobara (#661)
  * chore: release v14.0.1 (#662)
- Update to version 14.0.0:
  * fix: omz remote execution if ZSH is not present (#592)
  * chore: update issue template label (#596)
  * Added Bun packages step (#599)
  * docs: fix typo in config.example.toml (#603)
  * docs: migration and breaking changes (#606)
  * revert git pushing functionalities (#615)
  * refactor: cleanup for #615 (#616)
  * Make zinit and zi use parallel updates (#614)
  * Bun packages fixes (#617)
  * chore(deps): bump all deps (#618)
  * Add option to ignore containers to pull (#613)
  * Update config.example.toml (#621)
  * feat: inform users of breaking changes on first run (#619)
  * fix: remove deprecated brew option '--ignore-pinned' (#629)
  * Skip nix upgrade-nix when Nix is installed in a nix profile (#622)
  * refactor: update pip if extern managed and global.break-system-packages is true (#634)
  * feat(pipx-update): add quiet flag for pipx upgrade-all on version 1.4.0+ (#635)
  * fix(os) consider Fedora Kinoite to be the Fedora Silverblue distribution (#638)
  * Added an Audit step for FreeBSD and DragonFly packagees. (#640)
  * chore(deps): bump h2 from 0.3.22 to 0.3.24 (#645)
  * fix: oh-my-zsh step issue #646 (#647)
  * chore: release v14.0.0 (#652)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1127188 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 7)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) accepted request 1126778 from Andrea Manzini's avatar Andrea Manzini (amanzini) (revision 6)
- Update to version 13.0.0:
  * bump deps 
  * docs: new demo video (#584)
  * fix: make logger work while loading config file (#581)
  * switch git push and pull order (#578)
  * fix: shellexpand git.pull_only_repos & git.push_only_repos (#576)
  * Add support for pushing custom git repositories (#574)
  * fix: disable dotnet greeting msg with DOTNET_NOLOGO=true (#573)
  * fix: Support yes option for opam upgrade (#570)
  * Fix builds and runs on DragonFly BSD (#569)
  * fix: --yes option for protonup (#560)
  * chore: add the check for the --yes opt in PR template (#561)
  * feat(wsl): pass verbose to topgrade-in-wsl (#556)
  * feat: add option for nix-env arguments (#555)
  * fix: remote oh-my-zsh env var export issue (#528)
  * Make error messages nicer (#551)
  * fix: fix "Nix" step to use `nix upgrade-nix` in more situations (#550)
  * feat: allow setting `misc.log_filters` in `config.toml` (#552)
  * fix: skip needrestart when using nala on debian-based distro (#548)
  * refactor: deprioritize please-sudo (#541)
  * feat: support LURE (#537)
  * feat: support Vscode packages updates (#536)
  * chore: add check for dry-run opt in PR template (#538)
  * feat: support miktex packages update (#535)
  * Prioritize sudo steps to prevent sudo timeout (#532)
  * chore: add ssh-related questions in issue template (#523)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1101329 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 5)
baserev update by copy to link target
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1101328 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 4)
- Update to version 12.0.2:
  * chore: release v12.0.2 (#518)
  * fix: WSL detection (#508)
  * fix: fix Linux and DragonFlyBSD yes option (#513)
  * feat: extra arguments for Home Manager (#507)
  * feat: better error message on wrong os-release file (#511)
  * chore: release v12.0.1 (#510)
  * chore: bump ci toolchain and MSRV (#506)
  * fix(oh-my-zsh): fix remote oh-my-zsh issue (#496)
  * CI: release to PyPI (#500)
  * feat: add assume-yes to more Linux managers (#501)
  * test: unit test for Solus (#504)
  * Fix clippy warning about non_minimal_cfg (#505)
  * Ass assume-yes to DragonflyBSD (#502)
  * steps/toolbx: Don't self-update and don't send notifications (#503)
  * chore: bump tempfile to ~3.6
  * fix(generic): add alternate binary name for spicetify (#486)
  * docs(config): document 4 missing sections in example config file (#485)
  * fix: fix wrong path in oh-my-bash (#478)
  * ci: separate code-coverage and test-config-creation (#488)
  * docs: apply corrections in config.example.toml (#492)
  * docs: add Karma commit messages to (#493)
  * Update only base conda env (#495)
  * refactor(config): move sudo_command to section misc (#484)
  * v12 Cargo files update (#441)
  * test: test for config file creation and default config file parsing (#459)
  * feat: support Bob (#461)
  * chore: update bug report issue template (#474)
  * fix(pip3): prefer python when available (#471)
  * fix: Run AstroUpdate before Lazy sync (#473)
  * fix: handle no topgrade.toml but files in topgrade.d (#460)
  * refactor: unify the behavior of the steps that require sudo (#467)
  * fix: fix Mist (#466)
  * Revert "fix: fix mist" (#465)
  * fix: fix mist (#464)
  * refactor: make update fn take &ExectionContext & put update fn together (#457)
  * docs: update & config.example.toml (#458)
  * fix: warn user about bad pattern paths before skipping step git (#456)
  * fix: Handle '# [include]'. Update default config (#450)
  * fix: run AM without sudo (#454)
  * docs: add config-related CONTRIBUTING doc (#452)
  * fix: Write to correct config path when none exists. (#449)
  * feat: Add arguments to pipupgrade and fix enable_pipupgrade check (#448)
  * feat: support Vanilla Linux (#447)
  * refactor: remove Anarchy and Antergos as they are discontinued (#446)
  * fix: fix panic during container update (#445)
  * feat: support deepin OS (#444)
  * refactor: remove unnecessary qualification (#443)
  * refactor: rename update fn name & some cleanup (#442)
  * Allow apt-get update to continue to apt-get upgrade with error code 100 (#440)
  * Merge code for desktop notification between MacOS and Linux (#438)
  * docs: (#439)
  * Added ability to include directories as an extension of the config file (#421)
  * fix: fix .NET language issue (#437)
  * refactor: make all step functions take &ExectutionContext (#436)
  * fix: use --platform opt when pulling containers (#435)
  * fix: use env ZSH to compose oh-my-zsh install dir (#434)
  * fix: run deb-get without sudo (#430)
  * Adding local pip-review (#433)
  * Differentiate NPM and PNPM steps in name (#431)
  * feat: support maza (#427)
  * feat: support oh-my-bash (#425)
  * feat: support AppMan (#423)
  * feat(shell): add `` (#414)
  * Make `zypper dist-upgrade` opt-in on SLE/Leap (#417)
  * feat: support stew (#422)
  * docs: update README for alternative config path (#419)
  * Add the ability to have the config file in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/topgrade/topgrade.toml (#418)
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 1091130 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 3)
initialized devel package after accepting 1091130
Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) accepted request 1091129 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 2)
Fix as requested the manual stripping
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) accepted request 1088032 from Nicolas FORMICHELLA's avatar Nicolas FORMICHELLA (stig124) (revision 1)

New package `topgrade`, a utility that combines most package managers for most things into one command

Fix as requested 
Displaying all 11 revisions
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