Revisions of loki

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1172900 from Aeneas Jaißle's avatar Aeneas Jaißle (aeneas_jaissle) (revision 26)
baserev update by copy to link target
Aeneas Jaißle's avatar Aeneas Jaißle (aeneas_jaissle) accepted request 1164604 from Michal Hrusecky's avatar Michal Hrusecky (_miska_) (revision 25)
- Update to version 2.8.11+git.1711098663.aa89d817:
- Enable journald parsing in promtail
- Small changes to _service file
  * change tarball compression method to xz
  * use "manual" service mode instead of "disabled"
- Update to version 2.8.10+git.1709154536.536e9cd7:
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1100812 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 24)
baserev update by copy to link target
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 1100811 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 23)
- Update to version 2.8.3+git.1689949088.0d81144c:
  * Backport go 1.20.6 to 2.8 (#9944)
  * Docs : fix promtal typo (#9951) (#9965)
  * Remove ./tools/fetch-tags invocation from Makefile (#8854) (#9946)
  * [release-2.8.x] Adding 3 existing maintainers, and our newest one: Ashwanth! (#9744)
  * query-scheduler: fix query distribution in SSD mode (#9471) (#9637)
  * [release-2.8.x] Fix Ruler remote write panic (#9695)
  * [release-2.8.x] prepare changelog for 2.8 release (#8818)
  * [release-2.8.x] Fix duplicate label values from ingester streams (#9631)
  * [release-2.8.x] Querier: configurable writeback queue bytes size (#9605)
  * [release-2.8.x] docs: add memberlist section to the configuration page (#9453)
  * Promtail: Break on iterate journal failure (#9155) (#9403)
  * [release-2.8.x] Promtail: Prevent logging errors on normal shutdown (#9402)
  * Add missing release notes for 2.8.2 (#9389) (#9390)
- Update to version 2.8.2+git.1683111662.9f809eda:
  * Pin manifest plugin version (#9381)
  * Revert "Bump dskit from 528d8a7 to 1725bcc (#9184) (#9250)" (#9382)
  * Add signature missing to drone pipeline (#9377)
  * Upgrade to latest security release: go1.20.4 (#9370) (#9375)
  * [release-2.8.x] Promtail: Add `decompression` configuration (#9350)
  * Bump dskit from 528d8a7 to 1725bcc (#9184) (#9250)
  * [release-2.8.x] Mark template as draft to unpublish. (#9286)
  * Finalize 2.8.1 changelog and release notes (#9269)
- Update to version 2.8.1+git.1682367724.dd763dcf:
  * [release-2.8.x] Upgrade alpine 3.16.4 -> 3.16.5 (#9268)
  * Update CHANGELOG and release notes (#9241)
  * [release-2.8.x] Prevent redis client from incorrectly choosing cluster mode with local address (#9187)
  * [release-2.8.x] Update helm and jsonnet for 2.8 release (#9003) (#9145)
  * [release-2.8.x] expiration: do not drop index if period is a zero value (#9158)
  * [release-2.8.x] Bump go from 1.20.1 -> 1.20.3 (#9106) (#9116)
  * [release-2.8.x] Add journald support to Promtail amd64 binary builds (#9104)
  * Fix CHANGELOG link (#9054)
  * [release-2.8.x] These features did not make the release (#9043)
  * [release-2.8.x] add 2.8 release date (#9017)
  * [release-2.8.x] Add 2.8 release notes (#9014)
  * [release-2.8.x] Align common instance_addr with memberlist advertise_addr (#9006)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1079282 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 22)
baserev update by copy to link target
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 1078601 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 21)
- Update to version 2.8.0+git.1680557182.90888a0c:
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 992390 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 20)
baserev update by copy to link target
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 992389 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 19)
- Update to version 2.6.1+git.1658128747.6bd05c9a4:
  * [release-2.6.x] Backport dskit, memberlist version updates to 2.6.x to support memberlist cluster labels and verification; re-vendor (#6693)
  * Fix per-tenant delete client (#6696) (#6698)
  * Docs: Fix bad links in the API section (#6688) (#6694)
  * Fix TIME_WAIT connection leak from queriers to compactor (#6681) (#6692)
  * avoid making delete requests if deletes are disabled for a user (#6583) (#6687)
  * Add client type as label (#6469) (#6685)
  * Handle duplicate registration of deletion metrics (#6446) (#6684)
  * Do not fail queries if compactor returns unexpected status code (#6552) (#6683)
  * Add API delete curl examples (#6680) (#6682)
  * added link to release notes page on releases page (#6639)
  * added link to release notes page (#6638)
  * updated date of the release and release notes (#6635)
  * Draft of release notes for loki 2.6. (#6546) (#6624)
  * 2.6 Backport: Promtail: Add text encoding conversion to file targets (#6395) (#6617)
  * Append .x to the versioned directories for the website sync (#6611) (#6613)
  * [release-2.6.x] CI/CD: Update documentation publishing workflows (#6607)
  * manually backported changes from #6386 (#6588)
  * Docs: Edits for several PRs that did not have a docs review (#6398) (#6575)
  * fix(documentation): correct spelling and scrape_config (#6454) (#6576)
  * Fix documentation of environment variable defaults (#6536) (#6577)
  * Docs: revise multi-tenancy prose (#6355) (#6578)
  * Docs: Add multi-tenant query curl examples (#6530) (#6563)
  * Add label_replace and literal expressions to instant query split by range (#6515) (#6559)
  * Fix panic in instant query splitting when using unwrapped rate (#6348) (#6557)
  * [release-2.6.x] Add unwrapped aggregation `rate_counter()` (#6556)
  * Sum values in unwrapped rate aggregation instead of treating them as counter (#6361) (#6555)
  * resolved merge conflict Docs: improve API docs (#6485)
  * Removing CHANGELOG entry (#6525)
  * Promtail: disable syslog tests which have expired certs (#6520)
  * Revert "Add cache usage statistics (#6317)"
  * bumped images/binaries version to 2.6.0
  * created section with loki version 2.6.0 in upgrading guide
  * updated for the release 2.6.0 (#6506)
  * [release-2.6.x] Add TLS config to query frontend (#6498)
  * [k102] Backport Remove whole stream deletion mode (#6435) (#6477) (#6497)
  * Compactor: add per tenant compaction delete enabled flag (#6410) (#6476) (#6496)
  * Add more logging for delete requests (#6394) (#6473) (#6495)
  * Use correct counter when deleting lines (#6376) (#6472) (#6494)
  * Don't interupt the query path if deletes aren't available (#6368) (#6471) (#6493)
  * Backport #6413 and #6377 to k102 (#6422) (#6492)
  * Promtail: Add metrics for journal target (#6105)
  * TSDB/query-planning-groundwork (#6367)
  * cmd/loki: minor consistency patch (#6364)
  * Add total number of unique users involved in query readiness. (#6035)
  * operator: Allow optional installation of webhooks (#6363)
  * operator: Allow reduced tenant OIDC authentication requirements (#6362)
  * operator: Expose only an HTTPS gateway when in openshift-logging mode (#6288)
  * chore(fluentd): resolve rubocop failures (#6359)
  * Tsdb/index sampling endpoint (#6347)
  * loki-canary: Add support for client-side TLS certs for Loki connection (#6310)
  * operator: Add missing rbac to get/list/watch namespaces (#6303)
  * Update (#6284)
  * Support `series|labels` query_type in `logql_query_duration` (#6341)
  * Fix max series test loop that returns early (#6345)
  * [logql] don't try to execute a modified function that is not allowed by the AST (#6346)
  * Docs: Add changelog entry for configuration parameter name change (#6340)
  * TSDB/index-sampling-wiring (#6338)
  * Define a reason why the fifocache has evicted an item (#6335)
  * Set `MetricsNamespace` configurable for MemberlistKV module in Loki (#6330)
  * Update - an unofficial Loki client added (#6312)
  * Expose Memberlist status page on MemberlistKV module init (#6322)
  * Add multi_kv_config block to overrides configmap when multi kv is enabled (#6323)
  * Tsdb/index sampling (#6329)
  * always retry syncing index files from indexshipper when the index list cache is stale (#6327)
  * Add cache usage statistics (#6317)
  * Update delete integration test (#6192)
  * Use fake credentials in storage/chunk/storage tests (#6187)
  * Add licensing boiler plate in case we ever need it (#5251)
  * make index shipper read path handle range of tables by type of index (#6304)
  * copy boltdb-shipper cache changes from PR #6054 to generic index shipper (#6316)
  * Reduce to a single code path through sendBatches regardless of limit (#6216)
  * fix: allow promtail docker_sd_config to handle long log lines (#6256)
  * Fix delete cancellation timeout (#6285)
  * fixed type of the property in memberlist config (#6307)
  * Support tenant id from value (#6290)
  * We shouldn't modify the loki config at all if the memberlist ring is not (#6299) (#6308)
  * Tsdb/inverted index wiring (#6252)
  * Only consider an interval to have possible expired chunks if it overlaps a delete. (#6297)
  * exposes line length hist on distributors  (#6309)
  * do not initialize tsdb index store when using index gateway client for queries (#6305)
  * update loki-mixin json dashboards with latest jsonnet changes (#6306)
  * Look up config file in default locations (#6160)
  * Avoid line copy during LogQL line_format (#6104)
  * Improve write dashboard by removing unrelated route (#5853)
  * make tsdb store instance a singleton (#6273)
  * Import memberlist.libsonnet in loki.libsonnet. (#6294)
  * feat(fluentd): allow fluentd_thread label to be configurable (#6240)
  * Only delete data when WholeStreamDeletion or FilterAndDelete (#6286)
  * Document multi-tenant queries. (#5994)
  * operator: Add ruler config support (#6195)
  * Loki: add a run-once flag to the compactor (#6281)
  * fix boltdb shipper local query in logcli and support `fake` tenant (#6282)
  * operator: Add support for custom S3 CA (#6198)
  * Move ingester metrics around (#6275)
  * Snyk SBOM workflow add (#6274)
  * add metrics for tracking index shipper operations (#6278)
  * update drone signature (#6277)
  * Update docs for xk6-loki log formats (#6134)
  * Add duration filter unit test (#6271)
  * use tsdb config for initializing index gateway client (#6267)
  * Documentation: Explain --config.expand-env=true double slash with slash substitution (#6139)
  * Fix wording about pattern parser (#6264)
  * docs: Add Nomad deployment examples (#6258)
  * operator: Document how to connect Grafana to gateway (#6250)
  * Fix delete updates (#6194)
  * update drone branch match for 3 digit k release (#6263)
  * feat: Add support for Azure user assigned identity (#5891)
  * Memberlist related jsonnet (#6253)
  * docs: Default loki service port. (#6212)
  * Loki mixin: publish compiled version of the mixin (#6254)
  * Add jsonnet tools to build image (#6255)
  * chore(cache): Make exprimental messages more clear for cache. (#6219)
  * feat(ruler): support alert relabeling (#6220)
  * Docs: Reimplement PR 5649 on troubleshooting timeout errors (#6183)
  * Migrate Tool: Update to work with boltdb-shipper, improve logging output. (#6237)
  * Fix the signature for substr (#6236)
  * Add upgrade guide regarding azure container name change (#6118)
  * make boltdb-shipper use the generic indexshipper for managing index in object storage (#6226)
  * Add NRC in Adopters (#6242)
  * [Promtail] drop lines with malformed json (#6099)
  * Runtime reloadable config; ring migration setup (#6214)
  * Tsdb/inverted index (#6233)
  * Remove __name__ from label calls (#6229)
  * Improve labels computation during LogQL pipeline (#6110)
  * Fix label extraction pushdown on instant queries (#6215)
  * operator: Add rules support (#5986)
  * Docs: Hint about potential high cardinality metrics (#5603)
  * docs: describe ordering in http query results (#6024)
  * Docs: Fix design docs index page (#6008)
  * run store queries in ingester when using tsdb as index store (#6209)
  * prevents sharding avg and avg_over_time when their children arent shardable. (#6204)
  * docs: Fix broken link from unpack parser to pack stage (#6207)
  * doc(storage-example-configs): AWS single store configs (#6196)
  * Loki: Modifies TableManager to use IndexGateway ring (#5972)
  * Rename fudge_duplicate_timestamp to be increment_duplicate_timestamp (#6120)
  * creates a single tsdb for entire wal recovery (#6203)
  * copy all the fixes/improvements that went into boltdb-shipper that are missing from generic index-shipper (#6200)
  * operator: Changing GCP secret file path (#6199)
  * [loki microservices]: allow custom gateway server configuration (#6138)
  * Change deletion_enabled setting to deletion_mode (#6190)
  * Fix CHANGELOG entries. (#6193)
  * security: Redact credentials when marshalled to YAML (#6186)
  * Fix flaky gRPC server shutdown in tests (#6191)
  * tsdb index gateway (#6158)
  * strips out tenant label from LabelNames queries (#6181)
  * Add integration test for delete request (#6188)
  * Fixed reader to support both authentication and tenant-id at the same time. (#5719)
  * Fix typo in operator/docs/ (#6180)
  * tsdb creation supports fingerprint overrides (#6178)
  * skip empty object key returned by some s3 compatible storage while listing boltdb-shipper index (#6123)
  * fix(querier): Record `result` length after response validation. (#6176)
  * query-scheduler: Now proper support for `querier_forget_delay` (#6174)
  * ruler: Add support for alertmanager header authorization (#6136)
  * fix(tanka): add customizable common env vars (#6124)
  * Update SSL config for cassandra (#6145)
  * feat: support simple selection of labels in json expr parser (#6151)
  * Bump golangci/golangci-lint-action from 3.1.0 to 3.2.0 (#6170)
  * LogQL: add the `default` sprig template function to logql label/line formatter (#6163)
  * update auth header env variable usage help (#6169)
  * Add docs for updated deletion api (#5763)
  * specify logcli authorization header by flag (#6164)
  * corrected copy&paste error in list of labels (#6146)
  * Removed double space in Log (#6166)
  * tsdb query fixes (#6142)
  * operator: Add method to get authenticated from GCP (#6125)
  * Loki: When processing logs during tailing, don't reuse the query pipeline (#6152)
  * Fix certain binary expression queries by optimizing through push down (#6132)
  * Docs: redo PR 5109 (#6119)
  * Bump,, from 0.22.7 to 0.23.6 (#6037)
  * Remove unused grpc health check endpoints (#6113)
  * loads previously created TSDBs into shipper on startup (#6117)
  * fix mutability bug with labels during tsdb flushing (#6116)
  * operator: Ruler enhancement proposal (#5985)
  * Tsdb/head wal feedback (#6107)
  * Document `/services` API endpoint (#6111)
  * do not increment sync operation count metric on per index set (#6109)
  * Update consistent hash ring docs with new index gateway ring (#6041)
  * Feat: add Baidu Cloud BOS as storage backends for Loki #4788 (#5848)
  * Serve correct status of ingester/distributor in gRPC healthcheck endpoint (#6094)
  * lambda-promtail: Add multi-tenancy support (#6102)
  * TSDB shipper + WAL (#6049)
  * clean up the pr diff message (#6098)
  * Revert "Loki: Change live tailing to only allow mutating the log line not the number of streams. (#6063)" (#6097)
  * Revert "Docs: fix pic location in `sources/fundamentals/architecture/` (#6089)" (#6093)
  * docs: update the labels timespan info (#6019)
  * Introduce coverage to PR pipelines (#5357)
  * `metrics.go` support for metadata queries(labels and series) (#5971)
  * table_manager: Change some level.Info() logging to level.Debug() (#6076)
  * Docs: fix pic location in `sources/fundamentals/architecture/` (#6089)
  * Remove nosiy "inflight" requests log entries (#6074)
  * Docs: remove Cortex references (#6079)
  * fix labeler (#6087)
  * renames skip -> ok in ProcessString (#6064)
  * Fix(query-frontend): LokiCodec encode/decode works correctly with label values endpoint (#6084)
  * Auto add labels on new pull request (#6065)
  * Add integration tests which test happy path (#5968)
  * Add UDP protocol support to Promtail's syslog target (#5790)
  * Loki: Change live tailing to only allow mutating the log line not the number of streams. (#6063)
  * Fix(query-frontend): `/label/<name>/values` endpoint to use right set of middlewares (#6072)
  * Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (#5558)
  * Added NLog-Targets-Loki as unofficial C# client to Loki (#6061)
  * Fix broken link on (#6068)
  * allow more time for boltdb-shipper index syncs to finish (#6071)
  * promtail: Add support for exclusion patterns in `static_config` (#5943)
  * Update Loki reads/writes resources dashboards (#5765)
  * Add dot to some DNS address to reduce lookups (#5789)
  * Promoto policyRule to v1 (#6003)
  * Update libsystemd-dev from bullseye-backports for arm32 docker images, fixes (#5938) (#6012)
  * Bump from 7.0.10 to 7.0.24 (#6007)
  * Use quiet flag in logcli tail.go. (#6033)
  * Add missing changelog entry for change introduced by PR 6034. (#6040)
  * boltdb shipper index list cache improvements (#6054)
  * Docs: Improve wording of getting started guide (#6060)
  * Add tailing metrics (#6059)
  * ignores reporting cancellations as errors in the usage-reporter module (#6058)
  * Improve index entries deduping and concurrency (#6055)
  * Add metrics to range mapper (#6030)
  * Improve batching in boltdb index (#6044)
  * Decrease log level for "failed to put to memcached" (#6018)
  * Add IndexGateway Query Readiness Duration panel to `Loki - Reads Resources` dashboard in production/loki-mixin (#6014)
  * Ensure proto definitions are formatted [2/2] (#6000)
  * docker-compose: Disable auth in Grafana (#5998)
  * Add filter parameter to rebound so lines can be deleted by the compactor (#5879)
  * operator: Merge gh index page with to link to docs (#6048)
  * Improve series store index queries (#6045)
  * Upgrade (#6046)
  * Docs: PR 5387 redo - Warn ECS users to avoid plain text creds (#6051)
  * Add query scheduler to "Read Resources" mixin dashboard (#6028)
  * Docs: revise getting started guide (#5939)
  * Minor fixes in docs/sources/api/ (#5915)
  * Add better observability to queryReadiness (#5946)
  * Loki: Add a configurable ability to fudge incoming timestamps for guaranteed query sort order when receiving entries for the same stream that have duplicate timestamps. (#6042)
  * Revendor `grafana/tail` to fix promtail symlink behavior (#6034)
  * Remove empty match within concat of regex (#6026)
  * Disable calling new index-gateway client's API. (#6025)
  * operator: logerr v2 update (#5987)
  * Remove references to cortex (#6015)
  * migrated gelfTarget to go-gelf/v2 library that contains fix for chunked messages (#5992)
  * Add buf to the build image (#5785)
  * Use new build image 0.20.3 (#5904)
  * Invalidate caches on delete (#5661)
  * Querier: prevent unnecessary calls to ingesters (#5984)
  * Add string representation of boltdb shipper mode (#5982)
  * fix: remove typo in gateway config (#5981)
  * Call correct method on index store (#5979)
  * Do not parse string of empty matchers (#5980)
  * Add changelog entry for split by range of instant queries (#5966)
  * redact s3 credential values when printing config to logs (#5961)
  * Loki: Make DNS resolver configurable in Gateway (#5973)
  * Add query filtering to the tailer (#5969)
  * Fix query filtering (#5951)
  * Other: Update pr template (#5885)
  * Other: trigger build of loki-build-image:0.20.3 (#5924)
  * fix index gateway chunk refs response (#5957)
  * operator: Bump operator-sdk to v1.19.1 (#5929)
  * Other: Improve check-drone-drift script (#5925)
  * common index set should not expire before any of the user index sets (#5954)
  * [promtail] Add a log message stating that client level stream lag labels are deprecated (#5850)
  * chore: Fix flaky test with `TestSingleIdx`. (#5947)
  * Docs: Fix typo in 429 exceeded rate limit error message (#5944)
  * build generic index shipper to be shared between boltdb-shipper and tsdb-shipper (#5705)
  * Query filtering in the ingester and storage (#5629)
  * store: fix bug in getting chunk ids from ingesters when using boltdb-shipper (#5945)
  * Update (#5934)
  * Update (#5935)
  * Add SIG operator team to governance doc (#4977)
  * Fix SSD Docker installation (#5916)
  * Loki: Fix issue with recent change to flush code (#5932)
  * Implements TSDB Head (#5864)
  * Fixes the index-gateway when using the ring (#5923)
  * Include tenant ID label in label values. (#5908)
  * Only run boltdb-shipper when appropriate. (#5917)
  * Fixes a panic when response is nil in the index-gw (#5910)
  * operator: Do not include non-static labels in pod selectors (#5907)
  * operator: Align PVC storage size requests for all lokistack t-shirt sizes (#5893)
  * Loki: Flush chunks one at a time (#5894)
  * Update golangci-lint in build image (#5901)
  * Introduce a more scalable index-gateway API. (#5892)
  * Do not use boltdb-shipper if no ring or address are given. (#5902)
  * Raise version of build image correctly (#5900)
  * docs: fix query_ingester_only config (#5873)
  * Enable tenant ID selection for multi-tenant queries. (#5821)
  * Upgrade golang version to v1.17.9 (#5899)
  * Add a Ring to IndexGateway (#5358)
  * loki: Fix common config net interface name overwritten by ring common config (#5888)
  * Update (#5887)
  * Update (#5871)
  * operator: Update Loki operand to v2.5.0 (#5884)
  * Add more function comments to the rangemapper implementation (#5861)
  * remove excessive underscore from `dockerLabelLogStream` (#5890)
  * Return HTTP 400 when multiple tenants are present in push. (#5800)
  * Docs: Improve the new schema docs (#5869)
  * Update dskit to v0.0.0-20220331160727-49faf69f72ca. (#5881)
  * document flag for disabling broad index queries (#5880)
  * [promtail] Mark promtail single client config flags and config file block as deprecated (#5842)
  * GCS: refactor creation of http client (#5838)
  * Minor fix in docs/sources/logql/ (#5868)
  * Bump actions/setup-go from 2 to 3 (#5859)
  * Improve kafka discovery test. (#5860)
  * Fix flaky test (#5307)
  * Docs: Add usage reporting section to 2.5 release notes (#5865)
  * add some docs for working with the storage schema (#5863)
  * fix: adopters link for Heureka Group (#5862)
  * Moves TSDB to the stores package. (#5852)
  * Fix wrong indentation in example config (#5828)
  * promtail: Add ActiveTargets method (#5839)
  * Add Heureka Group to adopters (#5846)
  * lambda-promtail: fix typos in CloudFormation and Terraform files. (#5749)
  * Refactoring of the Loki storage (#5833)
  * Makefile: run lint and tests with default garbage-collection (#5841)
  * usagestats tests: don't check unpredictable number (#5840)
  * Fixes deduping when multiple timestamp are equal (#5799)
  * gcs client: use fake credentials in unit test (#5834)
  * TestPromtail: avoid hanging when test fails midway (#5837)
  * incorporate feedback on merged pr #5830 (#5831)
  * improve mutex locking when writing index in boltdb-shipper (#5830)
  * [Optimization] boltdb: reduce the code block affected by the lock tablesMtx in the TableManager.query() function. (#5829)
  * Split by range of instant queries (#5662)
  * try fixing drone again (#5826)
  * update drone to push images on tagged builds (#5824)
  * 2.5 changelog, release notes, and upgrade guide (#5819)
  * fix missing file during rpm and deb packaging step (#5818)
  * Tsdb/compaction (#5783)
  * storage: make Azure blobID chunk delimiter configurable (#5777)
  * Promtail docs: fix metrics stage. (#5740)
  * Add X4B as an adopter (#5795)
  * Return bad request for multi-tenant tail. (#5792)
  * fix boltdb-shipper doc (#5796)
  * Update alpine images to 3.15.4 (#5780)
  * Add a DeletionMode config variable (#5481)
  * Allow promtail to push RFC5424 formatted syslog messages (#5715)
  * golangci-lint: Check for pointers to enclosing loop variables (#5775)
  * Build: update package for fuzzer after refactoring (#5776)
  * Loki: Add more details about usage reporting to the docs and default config files. (#5767)
  * Loki: Revert #4845 which changed the format of errors from the API (#5772)
  * Docs: Document Promtail global rate limiting (#5737)
  * Increase flush_op_timeout to 10m, 10s is often much too short for a big WAL replay which can generate a lot of chunks very quickly. (#5768)
  * use an empty registry when setting up the logger for the push server (#5761)
  * operator: Update Prometheus go client to resolve CVE-2022-21698 (#5748)
  * [new] promtail pipeline:  Promtail Rate Limit stage #5048 (#5051)
  * ensure tsdb is sorted by hash then labelset (#5746)
  * operator: change uuids to tenant name in doc (#5739)
  * fixes existing test case and adds more (#5687)
  * Update MultiTenantQuerier `Series()` and `Label()` to use `user.InjectOrgID()` instead of `user.InjectUserID()` (#5735)
  * operator: Add missing label matcher for openshift logging tenant mode (#5729)
  * Implement `Series` and `Label` for MultiTenantQuerier (#5566)
  * Revert changes to generated assets_vfsdata.go. (#5728)
  * Use dskit/tenant intead of loki/pkg/tenant. (#5724)
  * Update fluent-bit output name (#5711)
  * Fixed Getting started docs error (#5504)
  * Docs: add an empty v2.5 release notes section (#5533)
  * Promtail: Fix retry/stop when erroring for out of cloudflare retention range (e.g. over 168 hours old) (#5698)
  * logcli: Remove port from TLS server name when provided in --addr (#5477)
  * Update docker repo to grafana/loki-query-tee (#5716)
  * Assert that push values tuples consist of string values (#5685)
  * Mark GELF support in Promtail as experimental (#5697)
  * Build querytee image as part of CI pipeline (#5700)
  * Update Fluent Bit docs (#5402)
  * operator: Fix immediate reset of degraded condition (#5691)
  * Update (#5706)
  * Promtail: Rename config name limit_config to limits_config (#5707)
  * operator: Update operator-sdk to 1.18.1 (#5704)
  * operator: Replace frontend_worker parallelism with match_max_concurrent (#5693)
  * operator: Fix multiple storage support for boltdb_shipper and schema (#5699)
  * Move promtail StreamLagLabels config to upper level config.Config (#5686)
  * operator: make replicationFactor optional (#5701)
  * Require unique client configs when there are multiple clients. (#5688)
  * operator: Update to Go 1.17 (#5695)
  * operator: Document how to connect to LokiStack gateway component (#5615)
  * operator: Update Loki operand to 2.4.2 (#5655)
  * Fix bug with new promtail stream lag metric where labels might not be (#5675)
  * Fix debug image by updating Delve version (#5673)
  * Speed up re-labelling in multi-tenant queries. (#5663)
  * Add Digitalist as adopter (#5596)
  * Fix broken Fluentbit / Fluentd plugin doc links (#5664)
  * operator: Update developer addons (#5599)
  * operator: Adding instructions to respond to alerts (#5579)
  * TSDB Index reuses slices, adds pools (#5630)
  * Tsdb/hash order (#5631)
  * Support limits in multi-tenant queries. (#5626)
  * Add inflight requests metric to scheduler (#5658)
  * operator: Update CSV to point to candidate channel and use openshift-operators-redhat ns (#5640)
  * operator: Document how to connect to distributor component (#5551)
  * Preserve interval parameter when splitting queries by time (#5622)
  * Introduce a ChunkRef type as part of logproto  (#5643)
  * improve boltdb-shipper logging to help debug index query latency issues (#5651)
  * Remove more chunkstore and schema version below v9 (#5650)
  * Remove more unused code (#5638)
  * debug log number of index entries cached and retrieved from the cache per index query (#5642)
  * Remove benchmark cron job. (#5641)
  * Remove unused code from cortex (#5633)
  * Remove unused storage gateway references (#5627)
  * Tsdb/sharding-benchmarks (#5628)
  * operator: Use tenant name as id for mode openshift-logging (#5624)
  * [Frontend] Log Result Cache (#5502)
  * [promtail] Refactor promtail client metrics so that we can't have duplicate metrics collected for the lag metric. (#5521)
  * Test multi-tenant context propagation. (#5620)
  * operator: Use recommended labels for LokiStack components (#5621)
  * Query Filtering -- Querier (#5482)
  * Refactor LogQL syntax into its own package (#5539)
  * operator: Use lokistack name as prefix for owned resources (#5607)
  * Update Prometheus to latest (#5545)
  * Print stacktrace to stderr for easier readability (#5616)
  * Replace `PromQL` -> `LogQL` wordings in Querier (#5602)
  * Tsdb/sharding (#5600)
  * Tsdb/multi idx (#5598)
  * Add RBAC for Prometheus service discovery to Loki component metrics (#5588)
  * canary: Adds locking to prevent multiple concurrent invocations of `confirmMissing` from clobbering each other (#5568)
  * bounds utility for tsdb lib (#5593)
  * more tsdb benchmarks + updates script to work with incompatible branches (#5590)
  * Compactor improvements (#5587)
  * Make Loki adopters visible in README (#5586)
  * cleanup common index source files at the end while compacting index with boltdb-shipper (#5585)
  * store tsdb bounds (#5582)
  * build a new batch while starting to process a bucket (#5580)
  * Tsdb/index interface (#5577)
  * operator: Change endpoints for generated liveness and readiness probes (#5576)
  * operator: Reorder changelog in descending order (#5572)
  * Docs: update documentation about "limit" param (#5540)
  * Fix frontend-worker error message (#5567)
  * operator: Add steps to check and run the prometheus rule tests in GitHub action (#5564)
  * Fix service monitor's server name for operaror metrics (#5560)
  * Refactor sharding engine to downstream engine (#5546)
  * operator: Add flag to create Prometheus rules (#5345)
  * Loki mixin: add DiskSpaceUtilizationPanel (#5552)
  * Docs: Fix broken link to "Matching IP addresses" (#5550)
- Rebase proper-data-directories.patch.
- Add missing paths into proper-data-directories.patch.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 986284 from Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) (revision 18)
baserev update by copy to link target
Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) accepted request 986061 from Marcus Rueckert's avatar Marcus Rueckert (darix) (revision 17)
- also track quilt series file to make it easy to setup a quilt
  working copy

- also make the config file permissions more strict:
  /etc/loki/loki.yaml     root:loki u=rw,g=r,o=
  /etc/loki/promtail.yaml root:root u=rw,g=r,o=

- default configs reference paths in /tmp. move those to proper
  loki data dir: /var/lib/loki loki:loki u=rwx,g=rx,o=
  promtail data dir: /var/lib/promtail root:root u=rwx,g=rx,o=
  Existing configs will not be updated
  Added proper-data-directories.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 978660 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 16)
baserev update by copy to link target
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 978659 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 15)
- Update to version 2.5.0+git.1649366683.2d9d0ee23:
- Use BuildRequires: golang(API) = 1.17 instead of >=, 
  because with go1.18 it stop mmediately and rise up an error:
  "panic: Something in this program imports to declare that it
  assumes a non-moving garbage collector, but your version of
  hasn't been updated to assert that it's safe against the go1.18 runtime. If you want to risk it,
  run with environment variable ASSUME_NO_MOVING_GC_UNSAFE_RISK_IT_WITH=go1.18 set.
  Notably, if go1.18 adds a moving garbage collector, this program is unsafe to use."
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 949574 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 14)
- Update to version 2.4.2+git.1642005974.525040a32:
  * fix merge conflict (#5120)
  * Docs: Fix documentation with correct default values and add missing options (#4792) (#5115)
  * Backport 5077: improve default config values (#5077) (#5104)
  * Loki: Implement custom /config handler (#4785) (#5078)
  * temporary fix for the ruler joining the ingester ring (#4968) (#5037)
  * Backport to 2.4: always apply replication factor common config (#4875) (#4989)
  * Docs: fix broken links (#4770) (#4778)
  * Adding upgrade guide for recording rules (#4751) (#4763)
  * Docs: inject newlines into knob descriptions to avoid horizontal scroll bar (#4733) (#4758)
  * Docs: small v2.4.1 release notes edits (#4718) (#4719)
  * update everything for 2.4.1 (#4701) (#4702)
Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) accepted request 940653 from Eric Schirra's avatar Eric Schirra (ecsos) (revision 13)
- Change user in promtail.service from loki to root.
  Without run as root promtail can not tail logfiles.
- Update to version 2.4.1+git.1636374074.f61a4d261:
- Also included change from Robert Munteanu
Lars Vogdt's avatar Lars Vogdt (lrupp) accepted request 923534 from Johannes Segitz's avatar Johannes Segitz (jsegitz) (revision 12)
Automatic systemd hardening effort by the security team. This has not been tested. For details please see
Stefano Torresi's avatar Stefano Torresi (STorresi) committed (revision 11)
update changelog
Stefano Torresi's avatar Stefano Torresi (STorresi) committed (revision 10)
fix config fillup
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 897231 from Stefano Torresi's avatar Stefano Torresi (STorresi) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stefano Torresi's avatar Stefano Torresi (STorresi) committed (revision 8)
remove defattr spec statements
Stefano Torresi's avatar Stefano Torresi (STorresi) committed (revision 7)
add a changelog entry
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 26
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