Revisions of bcftools

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1136413 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 20)
baserev update by copy to link target
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 1136376 from Stefan Brüns's avatar Stefan Brüns (StefanBruens) (revision 19)
- Update to version 1.19
  Too many changes to list, for details see
- Update to version 1.18
  Too many changes to list, for details see
- Update to version 1.17
  Too many changes to list, for details see
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1002326 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 18)
baserev update by copy to link target
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 1002259 from Jan Engelhardt's avatar Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (revision 17)
- Update to release 1.16

libhts>=%{minor} is >=16, and is actually incorrect,
since libhts is on 1.15.1/1.16 as well, just like bcftools.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 974425 from Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar Ferdinand Thiessen (susnux) (revision 16)
baserev update by copy to link target
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 971878 from Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar Ferdinand Thiessen (susnux) (revision 15)
- Update to version 1.15.1
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 896936 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 14)
baserev update by copy to link target
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 896934 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 13)
- Fixed a bug in python scripts handling making them require "python33"
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 893090 from Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar Ferdinand Thiessen (susnux) (revision 12)
- Update to version 1.12
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 779042 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 11)
initialized devel package after accepting 779042
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) committed (revision 10)
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) committed (revision 9)
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 773805 from Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) (revision 8)
- Add use_python3.patch to switch from python2 to python3
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 770397 from Todd R's avatar Todd R (TheBlackCat) (revision 7)
- Update to 1.10.2
  * This release fixes crashes reported on files including integer
    INFO tags with values outside the range officially supported
    by VCF. It also fixes a bug where invalid BCF files would be
    created if such values were present.
- Update to 1.10.0
  + Numerous bug fixes, usability improvements and sanity checks were added to prevent common user errors.
  + The -r, --regions (and -R, --regions-file) option should never create unsorted VCFs or duplicates records again. This also fixes rare cases where a spanning deletion makes a subsequent record invisible to bcftools isec and other commands.
  + Additions to filtering and formatting expressions
    * support for the spanning deletion alternate allele (ALT=*)
    * new ILEN filtering expression to be able to filter by indel length
    * new MEAN, MEDIAN, MODE, STDEV, phred filtering functions
    * new formatting expression %PBINOM (phred-scaled binomial probability), %INFO (the whole INFO column), %FORMAT (the whole FORMAT column), %END (end position of the REF allele), %END0 (0-based end position of the REF allele), %MASK (with multiple files indicates the presence of the site in other files)
  + New plugins
    * +gvcfz: compress gVCF file by resizing gVCF blocks according to specified criteria
    * +indel-stats: collect various indel-specific statistics
    * +parental-origin: determine parental origin of a CNV region
    * +remove-overlaps: remove overlapping variants.
    * +split-vep: query structured annotations such INFO/CSQ created by bcftools/csq or VEP
    * +trio-dnm: screen variants for possible de-novo mutations in trios
  + annotate
    * new -l, --merge-logic option for combining multiple overlapping regions
  + call
    * new bcftools call -G, --group-samples option which allows grouping samples into populations and applying the HWE assumption within but not across the groups.
  + csq
    * significant reduction of memory usage in the local -l mode for VCFs with thousands of samples and 20% reduction in the non-local haplotype-aware mode.
    * fixes a small memory leak and formatting issue in FORMAT/BCSQ at sites with many consequences
    * do not print protein sequence of start_lost events
    * support for "start_retained" consequence
    * support for symbolic insertions (ALT="<INS...>"), "feature_elongation" consequence
    * new -b, --brief-predictions option to output abbreviated protein predictions.
  + concat
    * the --naive command now checks header compatibility when concatenating multiple files.
  + consensus
    * add a new -H, --haplotype 1pIu/2pIu feature to output first/second allele for phased genotypes and the IUPAC code for unphased genotypes
    * new -p, --prefix option to add a prefix to sequence names on output
  + +contrast
    * added support for Fisher's test probability and other annotations
  + +fill-from-fasta
    * new -N, --replace-non-ACGTN option
  + +dosage
    * fix some serious bugs in dosage calculation
  + +fill-tags
    * extended to perform simple on-the-fly calculations such as calculating INFO/DP from FORMAT/DP.
  + merge
    * add support for merging FORMAT strings
    * bug fixed in gVCF merging
  + mpileup
    * a new optional SCR annotation for the number of soft-clipped reads
  + reheader
    * new -f, --fai option for updating contig lines in the VCF header
  + +trio-stats
    * extend output to include DNM homs and recurrent DNMs
  + VariantKey support
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 633582 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 6)
- Update to 1.9
    * `annotate`
        - REF and ALT columns can be now transferred from the annotation 
        - fixed bug when setting vector_end values.
    * `consensus`
        - new -M option to control output at missing genotypes
        - variants immediately following insersions should not be skipped. 
          Note however, that the current fix requires normalized VCF and may 
          still falsely skip variants adjacent to multiallelic indels.
        - bug fixed in -H selection handling
    * `convert`
        - the --tsv2vcf option now makes the missing genotypes diploid, 
          "./." instead of "."
        - the behavior of -i/-e with --gvcf2vcf changed. Previously only 
          sites with FILTER set to "PASS" or "." were expanded and the -i/-e 
          options dropped sites completely. The new behavior is to let the -i/-e 
          options control which records will be expanded. In order to drop 
          records completely, one can stream through "bcftools view" first.
    * `csq`
        - since the real consequence of start/splice events are not known, 
          the aminoacid positions at subsequent variants should stay unchanged
        - add `--force` option to skip malformatted transcripts in GFFs 
          with out-of-phase CDS exons.
    * `+dosage`: output all alleles and all their dosages at multiallelic 
    * `+fixref`: fix serious bug in -m top conversion
    * `-i/-e` filtering expressions:
        - add two-tailed binomial test
        - add functions N_PASS() and F_PASS()
        - add support for lists of samples in filtering expressions, with 
          many samples it was impractical to list them all on the command line. 
          Samples can be now in a file as, e.g., GT[@samples.txt]="het"
        - allow multiple perl functions in the expressions and some bug 
        - fix a parsing problem, '@' was not removed from '@filename' 
    * `mpileup`: fixed bug where, if samples were renamed using the `-G` 
       (`--read-groups`) option, some samples could be omitted from the 
       output file.
    * `norm`: update INFO/END when normalizing indels
    * `+split`: new -S option to subset samples and to use custom file 
       names instead of the defaults
    * `+smpl-stats`: new plugin
    * `+trio-stats`: new plugin
    * Fixed build problems with non-functional configure script produced 
      on some platforms
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) committed (revision 5)
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) accepted request 622265 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 4)
- Update to 1.8
- Cleaned spec file using spec-cleaner
Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) committed (revision 3)
Matthias Mailänder's avatar Matthias Mailänder (Mailaender) accepted request 397304 from Pierre Bonamy's avatar Pierre Bonamy (flyos) (revision 1)
ChangeLog added. Sorry about that.
Displaying all 20 revisions
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