Revisions of kubernetes1.21

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 936733 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 10)
- Update to version 1.21.7:
  * parameter 'disabled-metrics' is invalid
  * defer close the rotated log open
  * Fixed nil pointer dereference
  * Add tests for checking bind mounts
  * Check subpath file
  * Add check for subpaths
  * Manual cherry pick of kube-openapi changes for release-1.21 Bump kube-openapi against kube-openapi/release-1.21 branch
  * Fixed unit test SELinux support
  * Add shortcut for SELinux detection
  * Don't guess SELinux support on error
  * Use separate pathSpec for local and remote to properly handle cleaning paths
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.10
  * Automated cherry pick of #105122: added keys for structured logging (#105138)
  * Update debian, debian-iptables, setcap images to pick up CVEs fixes
  * Fixing how EndpointSlice Mirroring handles Service selector transitions
  * Fix race condition in logging when request times out
  * Remove nodes with Cluster Autoscaler taint from LB backends.
  * Retry detaching FibreChannel volume few times
  * Regenerate vendor/
  * Move error reporting to volume plugins
  * Retry reading /proc/mounts indifinetly in FC and iSCSI volume reconstruction
  * ConsistentRead tries 10 times
  * Bump
  * Fix issue in node status updating VolumeAttached list
  * Support cgroupv2 in node problem detector test
  * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.21.6
  * Fix log spam for du failure on pod etc-hosts metrics
  * Run storage hostpath e2e test client pod as privileged
  * support more than 100 disk mounts on Windows
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 919511 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 8)
- Update to version 1.21.5:
  * Update to go1.16.8
  * legacy-cloud-providers: aws: Add support for consuming web identity credentials
  * e2e iperf2 change threshold to 10MBps = 80 Mbps
  * Fix NodeAuthenticator tests in dual stack
  * Fix the key missing issue for structured log
  * Fix a small regression in Service updates
  * Service: Fix semantics for Update wrt allocations
  * Don't prematurely close reflectors in case of slow initialization in watch based manager
  * Fix storage class setup in regional_pd.go
  * backport 104410 to release-1.21
  * pkg/kubelet/cm: use SkipFreezeOnSet
  * vendor: bump runc to 1.0.2
  * Switch to non-deprecated timestamppb.Now()
  * Fix buckets initialization
  * fix: ensure InstanceShutdownByProviderID return false for creating Azure VMs
  * fix: skip case sensitivity when checking Azure NSG rules
  * Keep MakeMountArgSensitive and add a new signature that receives flags
  * Update the unit tests to handle mountFlags
  * Add missing interface method in mount_unsupported.go
  * Pass additional flags to subpath mount to avoid flakes in certain conditions
  * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.21.4
  * Copy golang license to staging copies
  * delete stale UDP conntrack entries for loadbalancer IPs
  * Set idle and readheader timeouts
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 914239 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 7)
- Update to version 1.21.4:
  * Avoid spurious calls to update/delete validation
  * Update to go1.16.7
  * Fix metrics reporting for the deprecated watch path
  * Update
  * Update
  * Update
  * Fix disruptive subPath test failures
  * Fix: ignore not a VMSS error for VMAS nodes in reconcileBackendPools
  * feat: Provide IPv6 support for internal load balancer
  * Update to using apiserver-network-proxy v1.22
  * Make CSR cleaner tolerate objects with invalid status.certificate
  * disable aufs module
  * Update pd csi driver images to use v1 images (CSINode, CSIDriver, etc)
  * storage e2e: patch in RBAC rules for secrets
  * storage e2e: downgrade hostpath driver
  * storage e2e: disable health check containers
  * storage e2e: automate hostpath YAML updates, hostpath v1.6.2
  * update comments and owners file for pkg/util/removeall
  * kubelet: do not call RemoveAll on volumes directory for orphaned pods
  * Fix panic in master upgrade tests
  * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.21.3
  * Updated to use konnectivity client v0.0.21, and implemented placeholder context
  * Fix the code is leaking the defaulting between unrelated pod instances
  * Simplify use of the fake dynamic client
  * fix: return empty VMAS name if using standalone VM
  * wait for endpoints to be available
  * Remove extra zone test
  * Fix frameworkImpl.extenders being not set
  * fix: Refresh VM cache when node is not found
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 907299 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 6)
- Introduce revert-coredns-image-renaming.patch to correct new
  upstream behaviour

- Drop kubeadm-opensuse-corednsimage.patch: fixed upstream.

- Update to version 1.21.3:
  * move upgrade test frameworks closer to Describe
  * Update setcap image to buster-v2.0.3
  * Update debian-iptables image to buster-v1.6.5
  * Update debian-base image to buster-v1.8.0
  * Update to go1.16.6
  * Bump SMD to v4.1.2 to pick up #102749 fix
  * generate scheduler merge patches on the pod status instead of the full pod
  * Loadbalancer IngressIP policy should be configured as non-DSR to enable routing mesh by default
  * Fix race in attachdetach tests
  * Fix Node Resources plugins score when there are pods with no requests
  * Do not throw error when we can't get canonical path
  * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.21.2
  * Remove error wrap from logs
  * client-go: reduce log level of reflector again
  * Update to go1.16.5
  * feat: remove ephemeral-storage etcd requirement
  * endpointslicemirroring controller mirror address status
  * sched: fix a bug that a preemptor pod exists as a phantom
  * Revert "Cleanup portforward streams after their usage"
  * serviceOwnsFrontendIP shouldn't report error when the public IP doesn't match
  * Return UnschedulableAndUnresolvable when looking up volume-related resources returns NotFound error
  * Return UnschedulableAndUnresolvable instead of Error when failing to lookup pvc or storageclass in VolumeZone plugin
  * use subpath for coredns only for default repository
  * (scheduler e2e) Create balanced pods in parallel
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 895311 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 5)
- Toggle ip4/ipv6 forwarding sysctls to ensure all devices are
  refreshed [boo#1186125]
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 894631 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 4)
- Restore 90-kubeadm.conf, still needed [boo#1186125] 

- Stop setting sysctls on kubelet start with `sysctl -a --system`.
  Instead use more specific sysctl calls in kubelet service start.

- Update to version 1.21.1:
  * [go1.16] Update to go1.16.4
  * Automated cherry pick of #101377: Fix validation in kubectl create ingress (#101426)
  * Update tests to use agnhost 2.32
  * Fix EndpointSlice describe panic when an Endpoint doesn't have zone
  * Add test create service with ns
  * Set namespace when using kubectl create service
  * Update pkg/volume/azure_file/azure_provision.go
  * Normalize share name to not include capital letters
  * Extend pod start timeout to 5min for storage subpath configmap test
  * Fix cleanupMountpoint issue for Windows
  * fix: set "host is down" as corrupted mount
  * no watch endpointslice in userpace mode
  * Ensure service deleted when the Azure resource group has been deleted
  * Update Makefile
  * Update dependencies.yaml
  * update debian-base to buster-v1.5.0 for CVEs
  * fix TestMutatingWebhookResetsInvalidManagedFields flakes
  * Updating EndpointSlice validation to match Endpoints validation
  * fix: azure file namespace issue in csi translation
  * pkg/kubelet: improve the node informer sync check
  * Remove Limits from scheduling e2e balanced pod resources
  * Additional CVE-2021-3121 fix
  * Fix RBAC of generic ephemeral volumes controller
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar Dominique Leuenberger (dimstar_suse) accepted request 893739 from Richard Brown's avatar Richard Brown (RBrownSUSE) (revision 3)
- Revert remove workaround in 10-kubeadm.conf - still needed [boo#1186125]
Displaying all 14 revisions
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