Revisions of xonsh

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1170597 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 13)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 12)
- update to 0.16.0:
  * Square brackets can now be used in command arguments without
    quotes (e.g. echo a[b])
  * Add XONSH_BASH_PATH_OVERRIDE option (off-by-default) to
    override what is returned by xonsh.platform.bash_command.
  * Added PATH.prepend(path) to add path to the beginning.
  * Xonsh AppImage now on Python 3.12 that works faster.
  * Xonsh AppImage: pinned prompt-toolkit version until fix
    upstream issue.
  * Builtin aliases (xontrib, history) switched to threadable
  * EnvPath methods (append, remove, add, insert) prepare the
    path before action.
  * Replaced black formatter with ruff-format
  * source_foreign_fn now does not run subshells in interactive
    mode, so associated RC files like zshrc and bashrc will not
    be auto-loaded on sourcing.
  * Removed usage of deprecated cgi module
  * Removed ArgParserAlias.hook_pre_add_argument,
    ArgParserAlias.hook_post_add_argument. Please use custom
    action instead to modify the argument options.
  * Removed deprecated module xonsh.proc
  * Fixed an issue with completions when using absolute paths to
    commands and having $UPDATE_COMPLETIONS_ON_KEYPRESS set to
  * Jobs: fixed "index out of range" exception.
  * Expressions like 2>1 are now parsed correctly as Python code
    instead of being treated like special io-redirection
  * Redirect tokens in quotes (e.g. ">", "2>", "2>1") are now
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1158714 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 11)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 10)
- update to 0.15.1:
  * pytest: Fix pytest collection starting at pytest>=8.1.0
  * Updated docs to reflect VS Code support for xonsh as the
    user's default shell.
  * Pinned prompt-toolkit version 3.0.29-3.0.40 to workaround
    upstream issue. More info in issue 5241.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1142071 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 8)
- update to 0.14.4:
  * System clipboard can be fully disabled using
  * xonsh now adds the user site packages directory to sys.path
    where required for proper xontrib discovery
  * history: fix json file permissions upon sudo
  * Correctly parse multi line foreign aliases
  * Upgrade Python version at the introduction
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1119077 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 7)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 6)
- update to 0.14.1:
  * Added ``history delete`` command to both the JSON and SQLite
    history backends allowing users to delete commands from
    history that matches a pattern.
  * Added preliminary support for Python v3.12
  * Always load rc files except that --norc is passed.
  * Unset the default line continuation environment variables
    allow differentiating between user setting an empty value and
    not setting anything
  * Dropped support for Python v3.8
  * This change fixes issue #4855, that is, rc files will be
    loaded in non-interactive mode.
    multiline prompts via two environment variables:
  * Added ``chdir`` to ````. This allows to use
    ``menu-complete`` enables TAB behavior like ``readline`` command ``menu-complete``.  First TAB selects the first matching
  - ``xonfig jupyter-kernel`` new subcommand to generate xonsh kernel spec for jupyter.
    Installing a new xonsh kernel for jupyter automatically removes any other one registered with jupyter,
  - xonsh/ new rule: for "registered" environment variables (in ``DEFAULT_VARS`` or via ``env.register()``),
    if default is set to ``DefaultNotGiven``, then variable has no default and raises ``KeyError`` if it is not
  - ``xonfig info`` displays whether jupyter detected in environment and
  - setup no longer (tries to) install jupyter kernel automatically,
    ``pip install .`` wouldn't (because pip mucks with ``sys.path``),
  - Rewrote Installation and Configuration sections of Getting Started doc
  - Flake8/black fixes to the whole code tree, in 3 steps.
  - Fixed bug on Windows if Path elements has trailing spaces. Windows in general and ``os.path.isdir()``
    are still executed first to avoid a bug were other tests would prevent ``test_*.xsh``
  -  `[color] in .gitconfig (#3427) <>`_ now stripped from {curr\_branch}
  - Remove built in support for "win unicode console". Full unicode support on windows is now provided by
  - Fix coreutils ``cat`` behaviour on empty input (e.g. ``cat -``).
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1095482 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 5)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 4)
- update to 0.14.0:
  * key_bindings: map `escape-f` as another word completer for macOS
  * Added ``history pull`` command to SQLite history backend to pull
    the history from parallel sessions and add to the current
  * Add support for `Semantic Prompt for line continuations in
    multiline prompts via two environment variables: 
    (e.g., ``\x01\x1b]133;B\x07\x02``) that are inserted
    before/after each continuation line 'dots' block to mark input
  * Wheels for Python 3.11 are part of the automated release action
  * Added ``chdir`` to ````. This allows to use 
    ``with chdir("dir"):`` to run commands block in the certain
    directory without manually cd-ing.
  * Display the current branch of Fossil VCS checkouts in the prompt,
    similar to git and hg.
  * Added link to xonsh on Mastodon -
  * xontrib load: added option ``-s`` to skip warning about not
    installed xontribs.
  * Altered documentation for xonshrc to remove Python REPL prompts
    so that you can copy the code without having to edit it.
  * xonsh AppImage - bumped python to 3.11
  * The prompt end character switched to ``@``.
  * The `command not found` error will show the ``repr(cmd)``
    to uncover the cases when the command name has ``\n``, ``\t``
    or not visible color codes and raises the error.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1040647 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 3)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 2)
- update to 0.13.3:
  * ``pygments`` startup crash when incorrect prepending ``bg:`` to
    ``noinherit`` style directives
  * When there is no git repository, the values of all ``gitstatus`` prompt
    fields are now ``None``.
  * With ``$THREAD_SUBPROCS=False``: When a callable alias is executed with
    ``![]``, its standard output and standard error are no longer captured.
    This is because a separate thread is required in order to both capture
    the output and stream it to the terminal while the alias is running.
  * Fixed timeit syntax error
  * When there is no git repository, ``$PROMPT`` format strings like
    ``{gitstatus: hello {}}`` now work as expected.
  * With ``$THREAD_SUBPROCS=False``: When ``cd`` is used with an invalid
    directory, the error message is now correctly displayed.
  * Fixed case when xpip returns None instead of command.
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 1)
Displaying all 13 revisions
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