Revisions of python-esptool

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1094120 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 23)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 22)
- update to 4.6.2:
  * `ESP32-H2, ESP32-C6`: Fixed byte order in MAC address.
  * `C900: Too much data`: Fixed occasional compressed upload
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1092287 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 21)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 20)
- update to 4.6.1:
  * `ESP32-S3 USB-Serial/JTAG`: Fix incorrect RTC WDT registers
    to avoid resets during flashing.
- update to 4.6:
  * Added the option to specify `ALL` as a size argument in
    `read_flash` and `erase_region` to perform said operation
    until the end of the flash memory.
  * `image_info`: Display the WP pin state in human-readable
  * `image_info`: Display chip type based on Chip ID, if
  * `ESP32-C6` and `ESP32-H2`: Added support for reading 64-bit
    MAC address.
  * Added efuse description YAML files for all chips.
  * `ECDSA_KEY`: Added support for burning from PEM file.
  * `burn_key` and `burn_key_digest`: Hide sensitive info during
    burning by default.
  * Added support for external `esp` instance.
  * Improved efuse error viewing.
  * `ESP32-H2`: Added RF Calibration Information.
  *  Fixed `01060000: Operation or feature not supported` error
    by setting flash parameters even with `--flash_size keep`.
  * `USB-Serial/JTAG`: Autofeed super watchdog (SWD) to avoid
    resets during flashing.
  * `USB-Serial/JTAG`: Fixed failing reset sequence on COM ports
    >= 10 due to PID detection error.
  * `ESP32-C6`: Fixed `get_pkg_version` and
  * `image_info`: Removed check that reserved bytes in the image
    header are zero, which would break chip type autodetection.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1086123 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 19)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1086121 from Torsten Gruner's avatar Torsten Gruner (Simmphonie) (revision 18)
- update to 4.5.1
  * Bug Fixes
    - ESP32-S3: Temporarily disabled increasing CPU frequency in the stub flasher (#832, #848, #842).
    - Fixed error messages when esptool is used with an unknown chip.
    - esp_rfc2217_server: Updated reset sequences.
    - esp_rfc2217_server: Registered as a script (#846).
    - pyinstaller: Fixed glibc dependency on gnu/linux (#843).
  * Miscellaneous Changes
    - Added target tests for ESP32-H2.
    - Reduced size of test images.
    - Added a custom host_test marker for the test suite to allow running tests without real hardware (#838).
- version 4.5
  * New Features
    - Configuration file: Added the option to configure internal variables
     (such as timeouts and delays) and to implement a custom reset sequence (see the related documentation).
    - Bootloader reset: Added a new reset strategy to make resetting into the
      download mode more reliable on MacOS and Linux systems (#712).
    - ESP32-S3: Added support for >32MB octal flash chips (#795, #745).
    - ESP32-H2: Added full esptool and flasher stub support.
    - ESP32-C6: Added full flasher stub support.
    - flash_id: Print the flash memory chip type (quad vs. octal) if available (#730).
    - elf2image: Added --pad-to-size <size> option to specify a size to which
      the generated binary image must be aligned.
    - write_flash: Added a security check to prevent bricking the device
      when flash encryption is active.
    - Optimized to reduce the number of steps when a chip is being interrogated.
    - Added an external HSM signing interface.
    - Added support for pre-calculated signatures.
    - Added PKCS#8 identifier support (#819).
  * Bug Fixes
    - USB-Serial/JTAG: Fixed randomly failing transfers when writing/reading large binaries.
    - ESP32-S3: Fixed crashing stub flasher when using in USB-Serial/JTAG mode (#808)
    - ESP32: Recalculate the crystal clock to compensate for the chips baud rate setting
      as a workaround to avoid ESP32 CK_8M frequency drift.
    - ESP32-S3: Fixed v0.0 chip being detected as vX.8.
    - StopIteration: Fixed several possible errors when stub flasher is being uploaded
      and added better error messages for other cases (#824).
    - Fixed chip autodetection and operations in the secure download mode on ESP32-S2 and S3 (#813).
    - write_flash: Fixed the --erase-all option corrupting flash (#805).
    - write_flash: Fixed security checks when min_rev and max_rev_full are specified in the image.
    - Fixed compatibility with bitstring>=4 package.
    - Fixed compatibility with reedsolo when using Python 3.10 and Cython (#711).
    - The serial port now gets closed when espefuse fails (#803).
  * Miscellaneous Changes
    - Refactored to make adding new targets easier, reduce code repetition,
      and comply with the Black 23.1 style.
    - Added target tests for all of the newly supported chips.
    - Updated the toolchains for stub flasher builds.
-version 4.4
 * New Features
   - flasher_stub: Increased read/write speeds over USB-JTAG/Serial or USB-OTG modes, making some operations nearly twice as fast.
   - Added detection for guru meditation errors induced by the flasher stub or ROM bootloader.
   - Added a readable error message for serial-related failures, giving more information about possible HW issues.
   - Improved AES-XTS encryption speed. (#783)
 * Bug Fixes
   - ESP32-S3 v0.0: Fixed chip revision detection.
   - bitstring: Added a workaround for breaking changes of bitstring==4
   - get_default_connected_device: Fixed to close unused serial ports.
   - flash_freq: Fall back to a chip-specific default flash frequency when no flash_freq arg is specified.
   - ESP32-C6: Fixed chip type detection and SPI flash communication.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1034126 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 17)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1033847 from Adrian Schröter's avatar Adrian Schröter (adrianSuSE) (revision 16)
- update to 3.3.2
  * New Features
    - write_flash: Added the ability to recover from serial errors when flashing,
                   effectively making data transfers more robust (#182)
    - Added more memory density definitions to cover known flash chips (#769)
    - Added parsing of stub flasher error definitions in esptool messages
    - Added XTS_AES_256 key_purpose on ESP32-S3-beta2
    - burn_efuse: Improved error messages when a new data value is incorrect (#760)
  * Bug Fixes
    - load_extended_header: Load the minimum chip revision min_rev field
    - Fixed faulty hard_reset() with RTS pin for ESP32-S2/S3 in slower environments
    - get_default_connected_device: Fixed closing unused ports
    - Corrected eFuse tables
    - Removed XTS_AES_256 key purposes on ESP32-C3
    - Fixed location of FAIL_BIT and NUM_BITS on ESP32-C3
    - Added a warning to specify the --port/-p argument if connection fails (#744)
    - _microecc_format: Pad zeroes to curve length
    - Fixed argparse Secure Boot key generation command to work with both V1 and V2
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 986480 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 15)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 986388 from Torsten Gruner's avatar Torsten Gruner (Simmphonie) (revision 14)
- update to 3.3.1
  * New Features
    + Added stub flasher support for ESP32-C2 ECO1, deprecated ECO0 stub (can still be used with ROM)
    + Added a new package - ESP32-D0WDR2-V3
  * Bug Fixes
    + Fixed ESP32-S3 USB-OTG compressed flashing
- version 3.3
  * New Features
    + Added flash size options up to 128MB. (#680)
    + Added stub flasher support for ESP32-C2.
    + Added --flash-mmu-page-size option to change flash MMU page size on ESP32-C2.
    + Added address and dummy cycles configuration to SPI flash commands, allowed reading flash SFDP registers.
    + Added target-specific flash frequency options.
    + Added support for ECDSA P192 and P256 signatures in Secure Boot V2.
    + Refined Secure Boot V2 ECC support.
    + Added support for XTS_AES_128 using 128 bit key FE scheme.
    + Added execute_scripts nesting support, a script can now be called from another script.
    + Added ESP32-C2 support.
    + Fixed power-out time for VDDQ settings for ESP32-S3.
    + Removed dysfunctional JTAG_SEL_ENABLE on ESP32-C3.
    + Removed unused eFuse fields on ESP32-C3 and ESP32-H2.
    + Added execute_scripts error handling in script files. (espressif/esp-idf#8420)
    + Added support for running multiple commands at once.
    + Added checks for secure download mode.
    + Added a recovery option to fix eFuse blocks after encoding errors.
  * Internal features
    These features are intended for use inside Espressif:
    + Preview support for ESP32-H2-beta2 has been added. This SoC is not generally available,
      so it is unsupported in this release. Official support will be added in a later release.
  * Bug Fixes
    + Fixed autodetection on ESP32-S2 in USB-OTG mode. (#685)
    + Fixed flash.rodata not being recognized as part of IRAM in the ELF parser.
    + Fixed wrong UART_RXFIFO_CNT_M mask values in the stub flasher.
    + Added overerase detection and a fix sequence for certain XMC flash chips.
    + Allowed USB PID detection for USB-JTAG-Serial mode on lowercase port names.
    + Fixed chip autodetection to work in secure download mode.
    + Fixed wrong firmware image being returned for beta chips.
    + Fixed a wrong bootloader flashing offset on ESP32-S3. (#728)
  * Miscellaneous Changes
    + Launched a new self-hosted documentation and heavily updated its contents.
    + Renamed the ESP8684 target to ESP32-C2 (added alias for compatibility).
    + Added a warning for flash sizes that are not supported by the stub flasher.
- version 3.2
  * New Features
    + Support for ESP32-S3 SoC has been added (removed ESP32-S3-beta3).
    + Added USB-JTAG-Serial and USB-CDC support for ESP32-S3.
    + Added a check to disable stub when connecting to an unsupported chip.
    + Added boot log detection and context of failures logging.
    + Improved error messages to cover more cases and provide more information.
    + Added get_security_info command stub support.
    + Augmented chip autodetection to work even in secure download mode. (ESP32-C3 and later only)
    + Added flash chip connection verification check.
    + Added ESP8266 version 3 image format support.
    + Added option for 512bit keys for encrypt_flash_data.
    + Added a new command which can execute custom python scripts to burn efuses all at once.
    + Added ESP32-S2 flash_ver, psram_ver, and pkg_ver efuses.
    + Corrected lenght of soft_dis_jtag efuse.
    + Added custom_mac eFuse field for ESP32-C3/-S2/-S3/-H2.
    + Added a check for read_protect_efuse. (#640)
    + Added support for 512bit XTS_AES flash encryption key.
    + Added a step to close the serial port after espefuse operations. (#671)
    + Added a security confirmation flag to espefuse tests. (#677)
  * Internal features
    These features are intended for use inside Espressif:
    - Preview support for ESP32-H2 and ESP8684 has been added. These SoCs are not generally available,
      so they are unsupported in this release. Official support will be added in a later esptool release.
    - Added automatic delay for boot time after ESP32 reset in FPGA.
  * Bug Fixes
    + Fixed build from sources (require wheel only when installing from pip). (#632)
    + Fixed failing flashing process on some supported chips. (#635)
    + Fixed ESP32-C3 package detection. (#638, #639)
    + Fixed test child processes being blocked waiting for the OS pipe buffer to accept more data. (#637)
    + Fixed MacOS USB PID detection on tty and cu ports.
    + Fixed erroneous comparison when handling deflated data. (#650)
  * Miscellaneous Changes
    + Changed unnecessarily alarming error to a warning. (#631)
    + Removed ESP32 rev0 connection workaround.
    + Added a readable error and a use example to merge_bin.
- version 3.1
  * New Features
    + Support for ESP32-C3 SoC has been added
    + Added --encrypt-files option to specify which files need encryption before flashing.
    + Added --use_segments option for elf2image to use segments instead of sections to generate the image. (#546)
    + Improved the write_flash timeout calculation and status message.
    + Support for detecting ESP8285 versions -N08, -N16, -H08, and -H16 has been added.
    + Added support for all write_reg command forms (including delay and mask parameters) to flasher stub.
    + Added merge_bin command to combine binary files on host (#254, #568)
    + Extended the --min-rev argument of elf2image to work on all chips apart from ESP8266.
    + Added diagnostic warnings about the memory regions needing to be erased during a flash write (#306)
    + Added --after no_reset_stub option to keep the flasher stub running and allow its repeated usage.
    + Added support for the USB-JTAG-Serial peripheral of ESP32-C3.
    + Added custom command-line argument to allow calling from other Python scripts.
    + Added --aes-xts option to encrypt/decrypt flash data files with AES-XTS algorithm on the S2 and C3.
    + Fixed handling of files to forbid empty output and re-writing input.
    + Added custom command-line argument to allow calling from other Python scripts.
    + Added security measures to prevent burning custom multicast MAC address. (#472)
    + Fixed errors when burning and read-protecting an efuse at the same time (#584)
    + Fixed burning of SPI pins configuration efuses (#216)
  * Internal features
    These features are intended for use inside Espressif:
    - Support for ESP32-S3-beta3 & ESP32-C6-beta have been added. These SoCs are not generally available,
      so they are unsupported in this release. Official support will be added in a later esptool release.
    - Support for 32-bit addressing to enable 32/64MB flash memory chips on the S3.
  * Bug Fixes
    + Fixed error outputs when installing from pip.
    + Increased the timeout for writing to flash to improve stability (#577, #533)
    + Fixed failing dump_mem overall bytes read message.
    + Allowed the write_mem mask argument to be optional to match with its usage example on Wiki.
    + Ensured expand_file_arguments gets called when using custom command-line arguments. (#400)
    + Fixed SecureBoot v2 public key extraction (#623)
  * Miscellaneous Changes
    + Decomposed port detection logic.
    + Added flushing after each command before waiting for a reply.
    + Made it easier to use as a component by permitting passing an already formed esp object to main() (#402)
    + Added function to merge adjacent sections in elf2image for the use case of linker scripts that have a large number of sections.
    + Decoupled esptool reset logic for easier monkey-patching (#508)
- version 3.0
  * Breaking changes
    + The default write_flash --flash_size argument has changed from detect to keep.
      This means that if no --flash_size argument is passed when flashing a bootloader, the value
      in the bootloader .bin file header is kept instead of detecting the actual flash size and
      updating the header. To keep the old behaviour, add the argument [...] write_flash [...] -fs detect
    + command line arguments for ESP32 have changed:
      - BLK1, BLK2, BLK3 is now BLOCK1, BLOCK2, BLOCK3`
      - The key usage secure_boot has been replaced with secure_boot_v1, secure_boot_v2.
        Secure Boot V2 is the new RSA-based Secure Boot mechanism supported on ESP32 V3.
  * New Features
    + Support for ESP32-S2 SoC has been added
    + Support for detecting ESP32-PICO-V3-02 and ESP32-U4WDH have been added
    + New --connect-attempts argument (#464)
    + Fixed scrolling problems when output is redirected (for example in Arduino IDE, see discussion at #482)
    + Produce a meaningful error if the SoC we connect to doesn't match the --chip argument
    + Support different capitalization and spelling for --chip argument (ie -c ESP32, -c esp32-s2, etc.
    + Added dedicated program for flashing via RFC2217 (i.e. flashing over the network, #383)
    + Added support for Secure Boot V2 (ESP32 V3, ESP32-S2)
    + Secure Boot V1: PKCS8 formatted ECDSA keys are now supported via ecdsa library (not including password protected keys)
    + Added ESP32 ECO3 efuse UART_DOWNLOAD_DIS
    + Added new batch burn mode, support burning more than one eFuse on a single command line
    + internals have been refactored to support multiple chips, produce more information about
      which eFuses are being written to which values.
    + "Virtual" mode added for host-based testing, allows updating eFuse values on a "virtual" chip inside the host.
  * Internal features
    + These features are intended for use inside Espressif:
      Support for ESP32-S3beta2 & ESP32-C3 have been added. These SoCs are not currently available
      outside Espressif, so these SoCs are unsupported in this release. Official support will be
      added in a later esptool release. --no-stub read_flash is now supported on ESP32 and later. This option
      is slower than using the default stub option to read flash, so it's generally not useful for production SoCs.
  * Bug Fixes
    + Added temporary workaround for a pyserial failure on macOS Big Sur Preview (#540)
    + Fixed gcc9 warning in the stub (#501)
    + Fixed some memory types printed in the memory map output
    + Fixed the check for zero bytes before applying an ELF SHA-256 with elf2image --elf-sha256-offset option (#560)
    + Fixed displaying some single core ESP32 features incorrectly, i.e. ESP32-S0WD
    + Fixed exception on Python 3 if the same flash address was repeated twice (#558)
  * Miscellanous Changes
    + Updated miniz to v2.1.0 (#500)
    + Moved ESP32 stub loader location to facilitate loading large applications direct to IRAM
    + Vendored modules ecdsa, pyaes and optional pycrypto have been removed. Pyaes has been replaced
      with the pyca-cryptography library
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 809394 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 13)
baserev update by copy to link target
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 781109 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 11)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) accepted request 781023 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 10)
- Update to 2.8
  * image_info now prints a summary of segment memory types
    (IRAM, DRAM, etc) based on the address range.
  * write_flash will warn if it looks like a bootloader binary 
    is built for ESP32-S2 or another newer chip (support for flashing 
    ESP32-S2 will be added in a future version.)
  * few bugfixes
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 730626 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 9)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) committed (revision 8)
- Update to 2.7:
  * New option write_flash --flash-size keep will keep whatever flash size is
    set in the bootloader header
  * write_flash no longer updates the flash header if the file being written
    to the bootloader offset isn't a valid image file for the chip
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 681232 from Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) (revision 7)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tomáš Chvátal's avatar Tomáš Chvátal (scarabeus_iv) accepted request 681073 from John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) (revision 6)
- Remove unnecessary build dependencies on flake8 and plugins
- Activate test suite
- Add flasher_stub/ to %doc, as it is the source for binary blob in
- Update to v2.6
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 654038 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 5)
baserev update by copy to link target
Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) committed (revision 4)
Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 23
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