Revisions of perl-Perl-Critic

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1156562 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 65)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) committed (revision 64)
Fix disabling of __perllib_provides
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1120847 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 63)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 1120561 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 62)
- updated to 1.152
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      Now requires PPI 1.177.
      Fix a test failure for Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking. Thanks, Christian
      Walde. (GH #1048)
      Fixed a test failure in t/06_violation.t on Perl 5.39.1 or above. Thanks,
      Yves Orton. (GH #1037)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1070679 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 61)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 1070489 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 60)
- updated to 1.150
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      Added Test::Builder and Text::Wrap to the list of default exceptions in
      Variables::ProhibitPackageVars. Thanks, Graham Knop. (GH #1025)
      We now use PPIx::Utils instead of PPIx::Utilities, which is more recently
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1062258 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 59)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 1061360 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 58)
- updated to 1.148
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      [Possible breakage]
      Removed Perl::Critic::Utils::DataConversion. Any add-on policies that used
      it will need to copy the functions from there into their own code.
      ProhibitCascadingIfElse no longer suggests using given/when.
      We no longer require Test::Deep for testing.
      Test::Kwalitee is now only recommended, not required.
      Random microoptimizations, like using hashes for array contents checking,
      and using any() instead of calling grep as a boolean.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1055918 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 57)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 1046339 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 56)
- updated to 1.146
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      [New features]
      ProhibitBarewordDirHandles now checks for sysopen as well as open. Thanks,
      Tadeusz Sośnierz. (GH #732)
      Added a Dockerfile in the extras/ directory for those who want to run P::C
      in a container. Thanks, Isaac Gittins. (GH #832)
      Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms now can take an "allows" parameter to
      specify subroutines that won't violate the policy. Thanks, UTAGAWA Kiki.
      (GH #14, #932)
      ProhibitStringyEval now allows package declarations in evals when
      allow_includes = true. This is a common way packages are declared.
      Thanks, Chris Novakovic. (GH #908)
      [Bug Fixes]
      Fixed some problems with how Perl::Critic determined scope. Thanks, Tom
      Wyant. (GH #793)
      Fixed improper violation for lexical subroutines in
      Subroutines::ProhibitBuiltinHomonyms. Thanks, TOYAMA Nao. (GH #973, #955,
      ValuesAndExpressions::RequireNumberSeparators no longer complains if your
      version numbers do not have number separators in them. Thanks, Tom Wyant.
      (GH #856, #904)
      Fixed a false positive with split() in ProhibitUnusedCapture. Thanks, Tom
      Wyant. (GH #888)
      We no longer use or need IO::String. Thanks, Graham Knop. (GH #997)
      Removed requirements and mentions of modules no longer used:
      * Fatal
      * IO::String
      * IPC::Open2
      * Pod::Parser
      * Task::Weaken
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1042614 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 55)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) accepted request 1042273 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 54)
- updated to 1.144
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      Perl::Critic now requires Perl 5.10.1.
      [New features]
      The ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration policy now allows augmented
      assignments to "our" variables, if the allow_our option is enabled.
      Thanks, Graham Knop. (GH #993)
      ProhibitExplicitISA now recommends "use parent" instead of "use base".
      (GH #987)
      RequireUseWarnings now recognizes that "use v5.36" implies warnings.
      Thanks, Andrew Grechkin. (GH #984)
      Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs now allows lexical subroutines can
      now be inside of other subroutines. Thanks, TOYAMA Nao. (GH #946,
      #971, #972)
      RequireUseStrict now knows that Test::Spec enables it. (GH #906)
      ProhibitUnusedCapture now understands @{^CAPTURE} and %{^CAPTURE_ALL} that
      were added in Perl 5.26.0. Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #778)
      Allow numeric operators on special number strings 'NaN' and 'inf'. Thanks,
      Omer Gazit. (GH #803)
      Miscellanea::ProhibitUselessNoCritic no longer filters out errors about
      itself, just as Miscellanea::ProhibitUnrestrictedNoCritic cannot. Thanks,
      Bernhard Schmalhofer. (GH #939)
      Fixed GH #878: bareword filehandle dies on `open(CHECK, '/foo');`. Thanks,
      Tom Wyant.
      Updated to using Perl 5.10.1. Starting migrating to Perl 5.10-isms like
      defined-or. Thanks, James Raspass.
      Updated some outdated docs in Perl::Critic::Utils. Thanks, Slaven Rezić.
      (GH #951)
      This is the last version of Perl::Critic that will run on Perl 5.6.1.  The
      next release will require Perl 5.10.1.
      [New Features]
      Add new policy InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordDirHandles, comparable to
      ProhibitBarewordFilehanles.  Thanks, raf. (GH #912)
      References::ProhibitDoubleSigils policy now allows for Perl's
      postfix dereference syntax and does not report a policy violation.
      Thanks to Ilya Rassadin (GH #578)
      Added Test::Class::Moose and MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role to the
      list of modules that are equivalent to "use strict".  (GH #808, GH #886)
      Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking now detects anonymous subroutines with
      attributes, prototypes or signatures.  Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #684)
      ProhibitVoidMap and ProhibitVoidGrep now detect void context inside subs,
      such as:
          sub { map { foo($_) } @list; return }
      Thanks, James Raspass. (GH #905)
      RequireArgUnpacking now allows a closure to be recognized as a way that
      subroutine arguments can be unpacked.  This is specified with an optional
      allow_closures configuration option.  Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #737)
      ProhibitTwoArgOpen now disallows one-arg opens as well. Also, it
      no longer allows two-arg opening of STDIN/STDOUT/STDERR.  Thanks,
      Dan Book. (GH #652, #653)
      ProhibitLeadingZeros would not handle sysopen and lexical variables
      correctly. This has been fixed. Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #789)
      We note that the any() function is available in both List::MoreUtils and
      Added instructions to perlcritic on how to integrate with Visual Studio
      Code.  Thanks, sigzero.
      Switch to using List::SomeUtils instead of List::MoreUtils.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1008328 from Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) (revision 53)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) committed (revision 52)
- Add 3 more Pod::* requires to make it build (and reverse dependencies).
  Not sure where they were hidden before, but now they are required
  on Tumbleweed
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 884092 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 51)
baserev update by copy to link target
Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) accepted request 881474 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 50)
- updated to 1.140
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      [New Features]
      Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn now lets you specify a
      terminal_methods parameter to specify methods that should been as
      terminal.  This is like the terminal_funcs parameter, but for methods.
      Thanks, Robin Smidsrød and Mike Bruins. (GH #920)
      Removed an extra /x in that caused
      deprecation warnings in Perl 5.22 and higher.  (GH #822)
      Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName now recognizes the package
      name if it's in C<< I<> >> or C<< B<> >> markup.  Thanks, Renée Bäcker.
      (GH #913)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 767810 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 49)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 767041 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 48)
- updated to 1.138
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      Stable release.  No changes since 1.137_01.
      RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval didn't count returning the result of an
      eval as checking it.  Now it does.  However, it's only if you "return eval
      { ... }".  It still doesn't handle the case of "return ( eval {} )".
      Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #324)
      ProhibitPunctuationVars would get confused and think that the expression
      qr/SOME$/ was using the $/ special variable.  Thanks, Tom Wyan. (GH #843)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 751733 from Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) (revision 47)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Stoecker's avatar Dirk Stoecker (dstoecker) accepted request 751552 from Tina Müller's avatar Tina Müller (tinita) (revision 46)
- updated to 1.136
   see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes
      Stable release.  No changes since 1.135_01.
      [New Features]
      The ProhibitNoWarnings pollicy now handles warnings in the experimental::
      group.  Thanks, Renée Bäcker. (GH #892)
      Prevented some example code from showing up in `perldoc`.  Thanks, Tom
      Hukins.  (GH #799)
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 65
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