Revisions of git-cola

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 732609 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 98)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 97)
- Update to 3.5
- Usability, bells and whistles
* Auto-completion for filenames can now be disabled.  This speeds up
  revision completion when working in large repositories with many files.
* The Stash dialog now shows the stash date as a tooltip when hovering
  over a stashed change.>
* Qt HiDPI settings are overriden by the `git cola` HiDPI appearance settings.
  These overrides can now be disabled by selecting the "Disable" mode.
  This allows users to control Qt's HiDPI settings through environment
  variables.  Additionally, the "Auto" mode now detects the presence of
  the Qt HiDPI variables and no longer overrides them when the user has
  configured their environment explicitly.
* Confirmation dialogs can now focus buttons using the Tab key.
  Previously, the "Y" and "N" keys could be used to confirm or deny
  using the keyboard, but "Tab" is more familiar.
* Error dialogs (for example, when a commit hook fails) will now always
  show the details.  The details were previously hidden behind a toggle.
- Translations
* Updated Japanese translation.
* Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
- Fixes
* The filesystem monitor no longer logs that it has been enabled after the
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 719704 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 96)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 95)
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 94)
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 93)
- Fixed Send2Trash names
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) accepted request 717377 from Yunhe Guo's avatar Yunhe Guo (guoyunhe) (revision 92)
Previous versions must depend on Python 2. If the user deleted Python 2 packages, git-cola will be deleted, even if here are Python 3 packages available.

This version support either Python 2 or Python 3. For users want to use pure Python 3 on system, it is still possible to install git-cola.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 710322 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 91)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 90)
- Update to 3.4
- Usability, bells and whistles
* The file browser now includes "Blame" in its context menu.
* The "Push" action now uses "git push --force-with-lease" when using
  the "Force" option with Git v1.8.5 and newer.
* Updated German translation.
* The `Status` widget learned to optionally display file counts in its
  category headers, and indent the files displayed in each category.
* The `Branches` widget can now sort branches by their most recent commit.
* `git cola` now includes configurable GUI themes that can be used to style
  the user interface.  Enable the new themes by configuring `cola.theme`
  in the preferences window.  See the
  `cola.theme documentation
  for more details.
* `git cola` now has built-in support for HiDPI displays by enabling
  Qt's 5.6's `QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR` feature.
* `git cola` now uses HiDPI pixmaps when rendering icons, and the builtin
  icons have been updated to look sharp when displayed in HiDPI.
- Fixes
* `git cola`'s "Revert Unstaged Edits" previously checked out from "HEAD^",
  when in "Amend" mode, and removing staged changes.  This behavior has been
  changed to always checkout from the index, which avoids data loss.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 672702 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 89)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 88)
- Update to 3.3
- Usability, bells and whistles
* git dag improved how it renders parent commits. (#921)
* The Branches widget now checks out branches when double-clicked. (#920)
* The new Submodules widget makes it easy to interact with submodules.
  Additionally, submodules can now be updated using the Status widget. (#916)
* Updated Japanese translation. (#914)
* The “Open Terminal” action now launches a Git Bash shell on Windows. (#913)
* New menu actions for updating all submodules. (#911)
* The status widget can now update submodules. (#911)
* The “Apply Patch” git cola am dialog now includes a diff viewer to display
  the contents of the selected patch.
* The “Alt+D” diffstat hotkey now selects the staged/modified/etc. header in
  the Status widget, which shows the totality of everything that will be committed. (#771)
* Running “Launch Editor” from the diff editor now opens the editor at the current line. (#898)
* The textwidth and tabwidth configuration values can now be set per-repository,
  rather than globally only.
* Text entry widgets switched to using a block cursor in v3.2.
  This has been reverted to the original line cursor for consistency with other
  applications and user expectations. (#889)
* The “edit at line” feature, used by the “Grep” tool, now supports the Sublime text editor. (#894)
- Fixes
* Launching external programs has been improved on Windows. (#925)
* Improve compatibility when using PySide2. (#912)
* The Diff Editor was not honoring the configured tab width on startup. (#900)
* The “Delete Files” feature was creating an unreadable display when many files were selected.
  Word-wrap the list of files so that the display stays within a sensible size. (#895)
* Spelling and grammar fixes. (#915) (#891)
- Development
* The logo was run through tidy to give it a consistent style.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 643320 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 87)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) accepted request 643282 from Jacob W's avatar Jacob W (winski) (revision 86)
- Change to use QT5 instead of QT4 as recommended by upstream (see
  * Fixes 100% CPU usage bug
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 631602 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 85)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) accepted request 631599 from Jan Engelhardt's avatar Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (revision 84)
- Ensure neutrality of descriptions.
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 83)
- Update to 3.2
- Usability, bells and whistles
* The `git cola dag` DAG window now supports `git revert`.
* `git stash pop` is now supported by the stash dialog.
* The status widget now ensures that each item is visible when selection
  changes.  Previously, if you scrolled to the right to see the name of
  a long filename, and then selected a short filename above it, the widget
  may not have shown the short filename in the viewport.  We now ensure
  that the filenames are visible when the selection changes.
* The `git xbase` rebase editor no longer displays an error when
  cancelling an interactive rebase.
* The dialog shown when renaming remotes has been simplified.
* The help dialog in the `git-xbase` Rebase editor is now scrollable.
- Translations
* Updated Brazilian translation
* Updated Czech translation
* Update Spanish translation
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 602396 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 82)
baserev update by copy to link target
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 81)
Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) committed (revision 80)
- Update to 3.1
- Usability, bells and whistles
* The “Browser” widget learned to rename files using “git mv”.
* The “Diff” widget learned to diff images. Side-by-side and pixel diff modes allow you to inspect changes to common images formats.
* Git LFS and Git Annex are natively supported by the image diff viewer.
* Git Annex operations are now included. git annex init can be performed on repositories, and git annex add can be run on untracked files from the status widget. Install git-annex to activate this feature.
* Git LFS operations are now included. git lfs install can be performed on repositories, and git lfs track can be run on untracked files from the status widget. Install git-lfs to activate this feature.
* The “Stash” tool learned to stash staged changes only. Select the “Stage Index” option and only staged changes will be stashed away.
* The “Stash” tool learned to use vim-like navigation keyboard shortcuts, shows error messages when things go wrong, and now saves the “Stash Index” and “Keep Index” options across sessions.
* The Edit menu’s “Copy” and “Select All” actions now forward to either the diff, status, recent, or favorites widgets, based on which widget has focus.
* The “File” and “Edit” menu can now be activated using Alt-{f,e} hotkeys.
* It was easy to accidentally trigger the first action in the Status tool’s context menu when using a quick right-click to bring up the menu. A short sub-second delay was added to ensure that the top-most action is not triggered unless enough time has passed. This prevents accidental activation of the first item (typically “Stage” or “Unstage”) without burdening common use cases.
* The “Ctrl+S” hotkey now works for the header items in the Status tool. Selected the “Modified” header item and activating the “Stage” hotkey, for example, will stage all modified files. This works for the “Staged”, “Modified”, and “Untracked” headers. This is not enabled for the “Unmerged” header by design.
* The list of “Recent” repositories previously capped the number of repositories shown to 8 repositories. This can be set to a higher value by setting the cola.maxrecent configuration variable.
* The “Create Branch” dialog now prevents invalid branch names.
* Updated Turkish translation.
* Updated Ukrainian translation.
* Updated German translation.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 543859 from Marcin Bajor's avatar Marcin Bajor (marcinbajor) (revision 79)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 61 - 80 of 158
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