Revisions of python-datashader

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1155041 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 72)
baserev update by copy to link target
Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) accepted request 1154290 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 71)
- Skip python39: no xarray anymore
- Add datashader-pr1314-fix-pandas2.2-tests.patch
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1146235 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 70)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1146175 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 69)
- Drop DataShape requirement, it's included and maintained in
  datashader since 0.16.0
  * gh#holoviz/datashader#1003
  * gh#holoviz/datashader#1284
- Use %pyproject macros to build the package
- skip known failing test with latest dask gh#holoviz/datashader#1032
- update to 0.16.0:
  * Support rendering of GeoPandas GeoDataFrames as lines, points
    and polygons
  * Implement lines using 2D xarray with common x coordinates
  * Add debug logging to compiler module (#1280)
  * Vendor DataShape (#1284)
  * Don't use object as base class (#1286)
  * Fix typos using codespell (#1288)
  * Fix float16 being a floating type. (#1290)
  * Simplify line _internal_build_extend (#1294)
  * Update to latest holoviz_tasks (#1281)
  * Support Pandas 2.1 (#1276, #1287)
  * Replace np.NaN with np.nan (#1289)
  * Drop support for Python 3.8 (#1291)
- drop pd21.patch (upstream)
- Add pd21.patch to support Pandas 2.1
- update to 0.15.2:
  * This release adds antialiased line support for inspection
    reductions such as max_n and where, including within
    categorical by reductions. It also improves support
    for summary reductions and adds CUDA implementations
    of std and var reductions
- update to 0.15.1:
  * Fix single category reductions
  * Ensure categorical column order is the same across dask partitions
  * see
- Mention dropped patches:
  * Do-not-use-warnings-from-numpy.patch
  * numpy-1.24.patch
- Update to 0.15.0
  * This release provides significant improvements for inspection
    reductions by adding new first_n, last_n, max_n and min_n
    reductions, and providing Dask and CUDA support for all
    existing and new inspection reductions including where. It also
    provides support for Numba 0.57, NumPy 1.24 and Python 3.11,
    and drops support for Python 3.7.
  ## Enhancements:
  ### Inspection reductions:
  * Reduction append functions return index not boolean (#1180)
  * first_n, last_n, max_n and min_n reductions (#1184)
  * Add cuda argument to _build_combine (#1194)
  * Support max_n and min_n reductions on GPU (#1196)
  * Use fast cuda mutex available in numba 0.57 (#1212)
  * Dask support for first, last, first_n and last_n reductions
  * Wrap use of cuda mutex in where reductions (#1217)
  * Cuda and cuda-with-dask support for inspection reductions
  ### Other:
  * x and y range attributes on returned aggregations (#1198)
  * Make datashader.composite imports lazy for faster import time
  ## Bug fixes
  * Fix conversion from cupy in categorical rescale_discrete_levels
  * Validate canvas width, height (#1183)
  * Support antialiasing in pipeline API (#1213)
- Add pyarrow to tests, run tests in parallel with xdist
- Fix dependencies
- reenable python311 (dask available)
- Skip python38: No xarray anymore
- Skip python311: No dask-all and numba yet
- Add Do-not-use-warnings-from-numpy.patch and numpy-1.24.patch to fix issues
  with latest numpy gh#holoviz/datashader#1176 gh#holoviz/datashader#1158
- Update to 0.14.4
  * This release adds a new where reduction that provides improved inspection
    capabilities and adds support for colormaps that are tuples of hex values.
    There are also various bug fixes and compatibility improvements.
    Thanks to @ianthomas23, @maximlt and @Hoxbro.
  ## Enhancements:
  * New where reduction to provide improved inspection functionality:
    - Add new where reduction (#1155)
    - Where reduction using dataframe row index (#1164)
    - CUDA support for where reduction (#1167)
    - User guide page for where reduction (#1172)
  * Support colormaps that are tuples of hex values (#1173)
  * Add governance docs (#1165)
  * Improve documentation build system (#1170, #1171)
  * Improvements to CI:
    - Rename default branch from master to main (#1156)
    - Use holoviz_task install action (#1163)
  ## Bug fixes:
  * Validate calculated log canvas range (#1154)
  * Better validate canvas.line() coordinate lengths (#1160)
  * Return early in eq_hist() if all data masked out (#1168)
  ## Compatibility:
  * Follow recommended numba best practice.
    - Ensure cuda functions are correctly jitted (#1153)
    - nopython=True everywhere (#1162)
  * Update dependencies:
    - Pip pyarrow in tests dependencies (#1174)
- Update to 0.14.3
  * This release fixes a bug related to spatial indexing of
    spatialpandas.GeoDataFrames, and introduces enhancements to
    antialiased lines, benchmarking and GPU support.
  ## Enhancements:
  * Improvements to antialiased lines:
    - Fit antialiased line code within usual numba/dask framework
    - Refactor stage 2 aggregation for antialiased lines (#1145)
    - Support compound reductions for antialiased lines on the CPU
  * New benchmark framework:
    - Add benchmarking framework using asv (#1120)
    - Add cudf, dask and dask-cudf Canvas.line benchmarks (#1140)
  * Improvements to GPU support:
    - Cupy implementation of eq_hist (#1129)
  * Improvements to dependency management (#1111, #1116)
  * Improvements to CI (#1132, #1135, #1136, #1137, #1143)
  ## Bug fixes:
  * Ensure spatial index _sindex is retained on dataframe copy
- Version 0.14.2
  * This is a bug fix release to fix an important divide by zero
    bug in antialiased lines, along with improvements to
    documentation and handling of dependencies.
  ## Enhancements:
  * Improvements to handling of dependencies:
    - Correct dask and bokeh dependencies (#1104)
    - Add requests as an install dependency (#1105)
    - Better handle returned dask npartitions in tests (#1107)
  ## Bug fixes:
  * Fix antialiased line divide by zero bug (#1099)
- Version 0.14.1
  * This release provides a number of important bug fixes and small
    enhancements from Ian Thomas along with infrastructure
    improvements from Maxime Liquet and new reductions from
  ## Enhancements:
  * Improvements to antialiased lines:
    - Support antialiased lines for categorical aggregates (#1081,
    - Correctly handle NaNs in antialiased line coordinates (#1097)
  * Improvements to rescale_discrete_levels for how='eq_hist':
    * Correct implementation of rescale_discrete_levels (#1078)
    * Check before calling rescale_discrete_levels (#1085)
    * Remove empty histogram bins in eq_hist (#1094)
  * Implementation of first and last reduction (#1093) for data
    types other than raster.
  ## Bug fixes:
  * Do not snap trimesh vertices to pixel grid (#1092)
  * Correctly orient (y, x) arrays for xarray (#1095)
  * Infrastructure/build fixes (#1080, #1089, #1096)
- Version 0.14.0
  * This release has been nearly a year in the making, with major
    new contributions from Ian Thomas, Thuy Do Thi Minh, Simon
    Høxbro Hansen, Maxime Liquet, and James Bednar, and additional
    support from Andrii Oriekhov, Philipp Rudiger, and Ajay Thorve.
  ## Enhancements:
  * Full support for antialiased lines of specified width (#1048,
    #1072). Previous antialiasing support was limited to
    single-pixel lines and certain floating-point reduction
    functions. Now supports arbitrary widths and arbitrary
    reduction functions, making antialiasing fully supported.
    Performance ranges from 1.3x to 14x slower than the simplest
    zero-width implementation; see benchmarks.
  * Fixed an issue with visibility on zoomed-in points plots and on
    overlapping line plots that was first reported in 2017, with a
    new option rescale_discrete_levels for how='eq_hist' (#1055)
  * Added a categorical color_key for 2D (unstacked) aggregates
    (#1020), for producing plots where each pixel has at most one
    category value
  ## Bugfixes:
  * Fixed details of the raster coordinate calculations to match
    other primitives, making it simpler to overlay separately
    rendered results (#959, #1046)
  * Various fixes and extensions for cupy/CUDA, e.g. to use cuda
    for category_binning, spread, and dynspread, including
    cupy.interp where appropriate (#1015, #1016, #1044, #1050,
  * Infrastructure/build/ecosystem fixes (#1022, #1025, #1027,
    #1036, #1045, #1049, #1050, #1057, #1061, #1062, #1063, #1064)
  ## Compatibility:
  * Canvas.line() option antialias=True is now deprecated; use
    line_width=1 (or another nonzero value) instead. (#1048)
  * Removed long-deprecated (#1059)
  * Dropped support for Python 2.7 (actually already dropped from
    the tests in Datashader 0.12) and 3.6 (no longer supported by
    many downstream libraries like rioxarray, but several of them
    are not properly declaring that restriction, making 3.6 much
    more difficult to support.) (#1033)
- Drop upstreamed fixes
  * datashader-pr1022-RaggedTests.patch
  * datashader-pr1025-testfixes.patch
- Remove skip_python310, it is not needed anymore.
- Update to 0.13.0
  * Defined new dynspread metric based on counting the fraction of
    non-empty pixels that have non-empty pixels within a given
    radius. The resulting dynspread behavior is much more intuitive
    than the old behavior, which counted already-spread pixels as
    if they were neighbors (#1001)
  * Added ds.count() as the default reduction for (#1004)
  * Fixed array-bounds reading error in dynspread (#1001)
  * Fix color_key argument for dsshow (#986)
  * Added Matplotlib output to the 3_Interactivity getting started
    page. (#1009)
  * Misc docs fixes (#1007)
  * Fix nan assignment to integer array in RaggedArray (#1008)
  * Any usage of dynspread with datatypes other than points should
    be replaced with spread(), which will do what was probably
    intended by the original dynspread call, i.e. to make isolated
    lines and shapes visible. Strictly speaking, dynspread could
    still be useful for other glyph types if that glyph is
    contained entirely in a pixel, e.g. if a polygon or line
    segment is located within the pixel bounds, but that seems
  * Dynspread may need to have the threshold or max_px arguments
    updated to achieve the same spreading as in previous releases,
    though the new behavior is normally going to be more useful
    than the old.
- Drop datashader-pr996-numpy-ragged.patch
- Add datashader-pr1022-RaggedTests.patch
- Add datashader-pr1025-testfixes.patch
- Skip remaining failing ragged tests gh#holoviz/datashader#1043
- Add datashader-pr996-numpy-ragged.patch in order to fix
  failures with NumPy 1.20 -- gh#holoviz/datashader#995 and
- Update to version 0.12.1:
  * Fix for xarray 0.17 raster files, supporting various nodata
    conventions (gh#holoviz/datashader#991)
  * Fix RaggedArray groupby test
  * Disable the interactivity warning on the homepage
- Add BuildRequires: python-numpy now needed for building.
- skip python 36
- Test in _multibuild flavor in order to avoid build dependency
  cycle with holoviews
- update to version 0.11.1:
  * Fixes support for cuDF 0.13 and Numba 0.48 (#933)
  * Fixes for cuDF support on Numba>=0.51 (#934, #947)
  * Fixes tile generation using aggregators with output of boolean
    dtype (#949)
  * Fixes for CI and build infrastructure (#935, #948, #951)
  * Updates to docstrings (b1349e3, #950)
- version update to 0.11.0
  New features (see getting_started/2_Pipeline.ipynb for examples):
    New by() categorical aggregator, extending count_cat to work with other reduction functions, no longer just count. Allows binning of aggregates separately per category value, so that you can compare how that aggregate is affected by category value. (#875, #902, #904, #906)
    Support for negative and zero values in tf.shade for categorical aggregates. (#896, #909, #910, #908)
    Support for span in _colorize(). (#875, #910)
    Support for Dask-based quadmesh rendering for rectilinear and curvilinear mesh types (#885, #913)
    Support for Dask-based raster mesh rendering (via Canvas.quadmesh) (#872)
    Faster TMS tileset generation (#886)
    Expanded performance guide (#868)
    Misc bugfixes and improvements (#874, #882, #888, #889, #890, #891)
  Compatibility (breaking changes and deprecations):
    To allow negative-valued aggregates, count_cat now weights categories according to how far they are from the minimum aggregate value observed, while previously they were referenced to zero. Previous behavior can be restored by passing color_baseline=0 to count_cat or by.
    count_cat is now deprecated and removed from the docs; use by(..., count()) instead.
    Result of a count() aggregation is now uint32, not int32, to distinguish counts from other aggregation types (#910).
    tf.shade now only treats zero values as missing for count aggregates (uint); zero is otherwise a valid value distinct from NaN (#910).
    alpha is now respected as the upper end of the alpha range for both _colorize() and _interpolate() in tf.shade; previously only _interpolate respected it.
    Added new nansum_missing utility for working with Numpy>1.9, where nansum no longer returns NaN for all-NaN values.
    ds.geo and ds.spatial modules are now deprecated; their contents have moved to xarray_spatial and spatialpandas, respectively. (#894)
- %python3_only -> %python_alternative
- Update to 0.10.0:
  * Compatibility with new pandas, numba and llvm
- update to version 0.9.0:
  * New features:
    + Support for CUDA GPU dataframes (cudf and dask_cudf) (#794,
      #793, #821, #841, #842)
    + Documented new quadmesh support (renaming user guide section
      5_Rasters to 5_Grids to reflect the more-general grid support)
  * Bugfixes and compatibility:
    + Avoid double-counting line segments that fit entirely into a
      single rendered pixel (#839)
    + Improved geospatial toolbox, including 75X speedups to viewshed
      algorithm (#811, #824, #844)
- Fix build dependencies.
- Update to 0.8.0:
  * Compatibility with latest Numba, Intake, Pandas, and Xarray (#763, #768, #791)
  * Improved datetime support (#803)
  * Simplified docs (now built on Travis, and no longer requiring GeoViews) and examples (now on
  * Skip rendering of empty tiles (#760)
  * Improved performance for point, area, and line glyphs (#780)
  * InteractiveImage and Pipeline are now deprecated; removed from examples (#751)
- Disable python2 builds.
  This requires xarray, which requires python3 now.
- Update to version 0.7.0
  + New features:
    * Simplified Panel-based dashboard using new Param features; now only 48 lines with fewer new concepts (#707)
    * Added pandas ExtensionArray and Dask support for storing homogeneous ragged arrays (#687)
    * Added SpatialPointsFrame and updated census, osm-1billion, and osm examples to use it (#702, #706, #708)
    * Expanded 8_Geography.ipynb to document other geo-related functions
    * Added Dask support for trimesh rendering, though computing the mesh initially still requires vertices and simplicies to fit into memory (#696)
    * Add zero-copy rendering of row-oriented line coordinates, using a new axis argument (#694)
  + Bugfixes and compatibility:
    * Added lnglat_to_meters to geo module; new code should import it from there (#708)
- Update to version 0.6.9
  + New features:
    * Replaced outdated 536-line Bokeh with 71-line Panel+HoloViews dashboard.ipynb (#676)
    * Allow aggregating xarray objects (in addition to Pandas and Dask DataFrames) (#675)
    * Create WMTS tiles from Datashader data (#636)
    * Added various geographic utility functions (ndvi, slope, aspect, hillshade, mean, bump map, Perlin noise) (#661)
    * Made OpenSky data public (#691)
  + Bugfixes and compatibility:
    * Fix array bounds error on line glyph (#683)
    * Fixed the span argument to tf.shade (#680)
    * Fixed composite.add (for use in spreading) to clip colors rather than overflow (#689)
    * Fixed gerrymandering shape file (#688)
    * Updated to match Bokeh (#656), Dask (#681, #667), Pandas/Numpy (#697)
- Remove upstream included python-datashader-dask-api-change-fix.patch
- Added patch to fix broken test_dask tests.
  * python-datashader-dask-api-change-fix.patch
  Upstream URL:
- Update to version 0.6.8
  + New features:
    * Added Strange Attractors example (#632)
    * Major speedup: optimized dask datashape detection (#634)
  + Bugfixes and compatibility:
    * Silenced inappropriate warnings (#631)
    * Fixed various other bugs, including #644
    * Added handling for zero data and zero range (#612, #648)
- Switch to pypi sources
- Fix dependencies.
- Rebuilt with the new numba
- Update to 0.6.7:
    - Supports dask >= 0.18.
    - InteractiveImage is now deprecated; please use the Datashader
      support in HoloViews instead.
    - Updated installation and example instructions to use new
      datashader command.
    - Ensured transparent (not black) image is returned when there is no
      data to plot (thanks to Nick Xie)
    - Simplified getting-started example (thanks to David Jones)
- Fix some grammar issues.
- Use %license tag
- Update to 0.6.5
  + New features:
    - Trimesh support: Rendering of irregular triangular meshes
      using Canvas.trimesh() (see user guide) (#525,#552)
    - Added a new website at, with new Getting
      Started pages and an extensive User Guide, with about 50%
      new material not previously in example notebooks. Built
      entirely from Jupyter notebooks, which can be run in the
      examples/ directory. Website is now complete except for
      sections on points (see the nyc_taxi example in the
    - Canvas.raster() now accepts xarray Dataset types, not just
      DataArrays, with the specific DataArray selectable from the
      Dataset using the column= argument of a supplied
      aggregation function.
    - tf.Images() now displays anything with an HTML
      representation, to allow laying out Pandas dataframes
      alongside datashader output.
  + Bugfixes and compatibility:
    - Changed Raster API to match other glyph types:
      > Now accepts a reduction function via an agg= argument
        like Canvas.line(), Canvas.points(), etc. The previous
        downsample_method is still accepted for this release, but
        is now deprecated.
      > upsample_method is now interpolate, accepting linear=True
        or linear=False; the previous spelling is now deprecated.
      > The layer= argument previously accepted a 1-based integer
        index, which was confusing given the standard Python
        0-based indexing elsewhere. Changed to accept an xarray
        coordinate, which can be a 1-based index if that's what is
        defined on the array, but also works with arbitrary
        floating-point coordinates (e.g. for a depth parameter in
        an image stack).
      > Now auto-ranges in x and y when not given explicit ranges,
        instead of raising an error.
    - Fixed various bugs, including one generating incorrect output
      in Canvas.raster(agg='mode')
- initial version
Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) committed (revision 68)
- Drop DataShape requirement, it's vendorder since 0.16.0
- Use %pyproject macros to build the package
- skip known failing test with latest dask gh#holoviz/datashader#1032
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1123583 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 67)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 66)
- update to 0.16.0:
  * Support rendering of GeoPandas GeoDataFrames as lines, points
    and polygons
  * Implement lines using 2D xarray with common x coordinates
  * Add debug logging to compiler module (#1280)
  * Vendor DataShape (#1284)
  * Don't use object as base class (#1286)
  * Fix typos using codespell (#1288)
  * Fix float16 being a floating type. (#1290)
  * Simplify line _internal_build_extend (#1294)
  * Update to latest holoviz_tasks (#1281)
  * Support Pandas 2.1 (#1276, #1287)
  * Replace np.NaN with np.nan (#1289)
  * Drop support for Python 3.8 (#1291)
- drop pd21.patch (upstream)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1113486 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 65)
baserev update by copy to link target
Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) accepted request 1113445 from Markéta Machová's avatar Markéta Machová (mcalabkova) (revision 64)
- Add pd21.patch to support Pandas 2.1
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 63)
- update to 0.15.2:
  * This release adds antialiased line support for inspection
    reductions such as max_n and where, including within
    categorical by reductions. It also improves support
    for summary reductions and adds CUDA implementations
    of std and var reductions
- reenable python311 (dask available)
    than the old.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1103720 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 62)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 61)
- update to 0.15.1:
  * Fix single category reductions
  * Ensure categorical column order is the same across dask partitions
  * see
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1090542 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 60)
baserev update by copy to link target
Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) accepted request 1090483 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 59)
- Mention dropped patches:
  * Do-not-use-warnings-from-numpy.patch
  * numpy-1.24.patch
Steve Kowalik's avatar Steve Kowalik (StevenK) accepted request 1090240 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 58)
- Update to 0.15.0
  * This release provides significant improvements for inspection
    reductions by adding new first_n, last_n, max_n and min_n
    reductions, and providing Dask and CUDA support for all
    existing and new inspection reductions including where. It also
    provides support for Numba 0.57, NumPy 1.24 and Python 3.11,
    and drops support for Python 3.7.
  ## Enhancements:
  ### Inspection reductions:
  * Reduction append functions return index not boolean (#1180)
  * first_n, last_n, max_n and min_n reductions (#1184)
  * Add cuda argument to _build_combine (#1194)
  * Support max_n and min_n reductions on GPU (#1196)
  * Use fast cuda mutex available in numba 0.57 (#1212)
  * Dask support for first, last, first_n and last_n reductions
  * Wrap use of cuda mutex in where reductions (#1217)
  * Cuda and cuda-with-dask support for inspection reductions
  ### Other:
  * x and y range attributes on returned aggregations (#1198)
  * Make datashader.composite imports lazy for faster import time
  ## Bug fixes
  * Fix conversion from cupy in categorical rescale_discrete_levels
  * Validate canvas width, height (#1183)
  * Support antialiasing in pipeline API (#1213)
- Add pyarrow to tests, run tests in parallel with xdist
- Fix dependencies
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 57)
- reenable python311 (dask available)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1074163 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 56)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1073822 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 55)
- Skip python38: No xarray anymore
- Skip python311: No dask-all and numba yet
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1063601 from Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) (revision 54)
baserev update by copy to link target
Daniel Garcia's avatar Daniel Garcia (dgarcia) committed (revision 53)
- Add Do-not-use-warnings-from-numpy.patch and numpy-1.24.patch to fix issues
  with latest numpy gh#holoviz/datashader#1176 gh#holoviz/datashader#1158
- Update to 0.14.4
  * This release adds a new where reduction that provides improved inspection
    capabilities and adds support for colormaps that are tuples of hex values.
    There are also various bug fixes and compatibility improvements.
    Thanks to @ianthomas23, @maximlt and @Hoxbro.
  ## Enhancements:
  * New where reduction to provide improved inspection functionality:
    - Add new where reduction (#1155)
    - Where reduction using dataframe row index (#1164)
    - CUDA support for where reduction (#1167)
    - User guide page for where reduction (#1172)
  * Support colormaps that are tuples of hex values (#1173)
  * Add governance docs (#1165)
  * Improve documentation build system (#1170, #1171)
  * Improvements to CI:
    - Rename default branch from master to main (#1156)
    - Use holoviz_task install action (#1163)
  ## Bug fixes:
  * Validate calculated log canvas range (#1154)
  * Better validate canvas.line() coordinate lengths (#1160)
  * Return early in eq_hist() if all data masked out (#1168)
  ## Compatibility:
  * Follow recommended numba best practice.
    - Ensure cuda functions are correctly jitted (#1153)
    - nopython=True everywhere (#1162)
  * Update dependencies:
    - Pip pyarrow in tests dependencies (#1174)
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 72
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