Revisions of python-dask

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1171090 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 157)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1170944 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 156)
- Update to 2024.4.2
  * Trivial Merge Implementation
  * Auto-partitioning in read_parquet
- Release 2024.4.1
  * Fix an error when importing dask.dataframe with Python 3.11.9.
- Release 2024.4.0
  * Query planning fixes
  * GPU metric dashboard fixes
- Release 2024.3.1
  * Demote an exception to a warning if dask-expr is not installed
    when upgrading.
- Release 2024.3.0
  * Query planning
  * Sunset of Pandas 1.X support
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1155503 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 155)
baserev update by copy to link target
Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) accepted request 1155359 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 154)
- Update to 2024.2.1
  * Allow silencing dask.DataFrame deprecation warning
  * More robust distributed scheduler for rare key collisions
  * More robust adaptive scaling on large clusters
- The test subpackage now directly depends on pandas-test which
  does not use pytest-asyncio anymore
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1146835 from Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) (revision 153)
baserev update by copy to link target
Matej Cepl's avatar Matej Cepl (mcepl) accepted request 1146758 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 152)
- Update to 2024.2.0
  * Deprecate Dask DataFrame implementation
  * Improved tokenization
- Really drop python39 from testing instead of testing it with
  every other test flavor
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 151)
- add testing for py312, remove py39
    the "c" and "python" engines
  * Bug in Series.str.split() and Series.str.rsplit() with expand=True
  * Fixed regression in DataFrame.groupby.rolling.cov() and
  * The deprecated attributes _AXIS_NAMES and _AXIS_NUMBERS of
  * Bumped minimum fastparquet version to 0.4.0 to avoid
  * Bumped minimum pymysql version to 0.8.1 to avoid test failures
  * Added reference to backwards incompatible check_freq arg of
    testing.assert_frame_equal() and testing.assert_series_equal()
    no longer maintained. The xlrd package is now only for reading
      Previously, the default argument engine=None to read_excel()
    would result in using the xlrd engine in many cases, including
    new Excel 2007+ (.xlsx) files. If openpyxl is installed, many
    of these cases will now default to using the openpyxl engine.
      Thus, it is strongly encouraged to install openpyxl to read
    Excel 2007+ (.xlsx) files. Please do not report issues when
    using ``xlrd`` to read ``.xlsx`` files. This is no longer
    supported, switch to using openpyxl instead.
      Attempting to use the xlwt engine will raise a FutureWarning
    unless the option io.excel.xls.writer is set to "xlwt". While
    this option is now deprecated and will also raise a
    FutureWarning, it can be globally set and the warning
    suppressed. Users are recommended to write .xlsx files using
  * Change in default floating precision for read_csv and
  gh#pandas-dev/pandas#34991 pandas-pr34991-npconstructor.patch
    * DataFrame.plot keywords logy, logx and loglog can now accept the value 'sym' for symlog scaling.
    * Added support for ISO week year format ('%G-%V-%u') when parsing datetimes using to_datetime
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1144172 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 150)
- Add python312 test flavor
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1142781 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 149)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 148)
- update to 2024.1.1:
  * This release contains compatibility updates for the latest
    pandas and scipy releases. See :pr:`10834`, :pr:`10849`,
    :pr:`10845`, and :pr-distributed:`8474` from `crusaderky`_
    for details.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1140136 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 147)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 146)
- update to 2024.1.0:
  * Released on January 12, 2024
  * P2P rechunking now utilizes the relationships between input
    and output chunks. For situations that do not require all-to-
    all data transfer, this may significantly reduce the runtime
    and memory/disk footprint. It also enables task culling.
  * The fastparquet Parquet engine has been deprecated. Users
    should migrate to the pyarrow engine by installing PyArrow
    and removing engine="fastparquet" in read_parquet or
    to_parquet calls.
  * This release improves serialization robustness for arbitrary
    data. Previously there were some cases where serialization
    could fail for non-msgpack serializable data. In those cases
    we now fallback to using pickle.
  * Deprecate shuffle keyword in favour of shuffle_method for
    DataFrame methods (:pr:`10738`) `Hendrik Makait`_
  * Deprecate automatic argument inference in repartition
  * Deprecate compute parameter in set_index
  * Deprecate inplace in eval
  * Deprecate Series.view
  * Deprecate npartitions="auto" for set_index & sort_values
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1135096 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 145)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 144)
- update to 2023.12.1:
  * Dask DataFrames are now much more performant by using a
    logical query planner.
  * ``read_parquet`` will now infer the Arrow types
    ``pa.date32()``, ``pa.date64()`` and
    ``pa.decimal()`` as a ``ArrowDtype`` in pandas. These dtypes
    are backed by the original Arrow array, and thus avoid the
    conversion to NumPy object.
  * This release contains several updates that fix a possible
    deadlock introduced in 2023.9.2 and improve the robustness of
    P2P-based merging when the cluster is dynamically scaling up.
  * The ``distributed.scheduler.pickle`` configuration option is
    no longer supported. As of the 2023.4.0 release, ``pickle`` is
    used to transmit task graphs, so can no longer be disabled.
    We now raise an informative error when
    ``distributed.scheduler.pickle`` is set to ``False``.
  * Update DataFrame page
  * Add changelog entry for ``dask-expr`` switch
  * [Dask.order] Remove non-runnable leaf nodes from ordering
  * Update installation docs
  * Fix software environment link in docs
  * Avoid converting non-strings to arrow strings for
  * Dask.order rewrite using a critical path approach
  * Avoid substituting keys that occur multiple times
  * Add missing image to docs
  * Update landing page
  * Make meta check simpler in dispatch
  * Pin PR Labeler
  * Reorganize docs index a bit
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1132242 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 143)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) committed (revision 142)
- update to 2023.12.0:
  * Bokeh 3.3.0 compatibility
  * Add ``network`` marker to
  * Bump GPU CI to CUDA 11.8 (:pr:`10656`)
  * Tokenize ``pandas`` offsets deterministically
  * Add tokenize ``pd.NA`` functionality
  * Update gpuCI ``RAPIDS_VER`` to ``24.02`` (:pr:`10636`)
  * Fix precision handling in ``array.linalg.norm`` (:pr:`10556`)
  * Add ``axis`` argument to ``DataFrame.clip`` and
    ``Series.clip`` (:pr:`10616`) `Richard (Rick) Zamora`_
  * Update changelog entry for in-memory rechunking (:pr:`10630`)
    `Florian Jetter`_
  * Fix flaky ``test_resources_reset_after_cancelled_task``
  * Bump GPU CI to CUDA 11.8
  * Bump ``conda-incubator/setup-miniconda``
  * Add debug logs to P2P scheduler plugin
  * ``O(1)`` access for ``/info/task/`` endpoint
  * Remove stringification from shuffle annotations
  * Don't cast ``int`` metrics to ``float``
  * Drop asyncio TCP backend
  * Add offload support to ``context_meter.add_callback``
  * Test that ``sync()`` propagates contextvars
  * Fix ``test_statistical_profiling_cycle``
  * Replace ``Client.register_plugin`` s ``idempotent`` argument
    with ``.idempotent`` attribute on plugins
  * Fix test report generation
  * Install ``pyarrow-hotfix`` on ``mindeps-pandas`` CI
  * Reduce memory usage of scheduler process - optimize
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1127184 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 141)
baserev update by copy to link target
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) accepted request 1127183 from Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) (revision 140)
- Update to 2023.11.0
 * Zero-copy P2P Array Rechunking
 * Deprecating PyArrow <14.0.1
 * Improved PyArrow filesystem for Parquet
 * Improve Type Reconciliation in P2P Shuffling
 * official support for Python 3.12
 * Reduced memory pressure for multi array reductions
 * improved P2P shuffling robustness
 * Reduced scheduler CPU load for large graphs
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1110218 from Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) (revision 139)
baserev update by copy to link target
Dirk Mueller's avatar Dirk Mueller (dirkmueller) accepted request 1110164 from Benjamin Greiner's avatar Benjamin Greiner (bnavigator) (revision 138)
- Update to 2023.9.1
  ## Enhancements
  * Stricter data type for dask keys (GH#10485) crusaderky
  * Special handling for None in DASK_ environment variables
    (GH#10487) crusaderky
  ## Bug Fixes
- Release 2023.9.0
  ## Bug Fixes
  * Remove support for np.int64 in keys (GH#10483) crusaderky
  * Fix _partitions dtype in meta for shuffling (GH#10462) Hendrik
  * Don’t use exception hooks to shorten tracebacks (GH#10456)
- Release 2023.8.1
  ## Enhancements
  * Adding support for cgroup v2 to cpu_count (GH#10419) Johan
  * Support multi-column groupby with sort=True and split_out>1
    (GH#10425) Richard (Rick) Zamora
  * Add DataFrame.enforce_runtime_divisions method (GH#10404)
    Richard (Rick) Zamora
  * Enable file mode="x" with a single_file=True for Dask DataFrame
    to_csv (GH#10443) Genevieve Buckley
  ## Bug Fixes
  * Fix ValueError when running to_csv in append mode with
    single_file as True (GH#10441)
- Release 2023.8.0
  ## Enhancements
  * Fix for make_timeseries performance regression (GH#10428) Irina
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 157
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