Revisions of javaparser

Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) accepted request 1172219 from Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) (revision 38)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.10
  * Fixed
    + Fix issue 4345 Strange error when trying to find erasure of
      generic t… (PR #4362 by @jlerbsc)
    + fix: issue 4358 prevent infinite cycles with static imports
      (PR #4359 by @kdunee)
    + Refactor ResolvedReferenceType#equals (PR #4351 by @freya022)
    + fix: issue 4331 Cannot be 'abstract' and also 'private'. for
      a private method in an interface (PR #4332 by @jlerbsc)
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (PR
      #4341 by @dependabot[bot])
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1140609 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 37)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) accepted request 1138417 from Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) (revision 36)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.8
  * Added
    + feat: creates cache statistics and moves Cache interface to
      javaparser-core (PR #4278 by @jlerbsc)
    + feat: Add parseArrayInitializerExpr to JavaParser API (PR
      #4276 by @iMashtak)
    + feat: A visitor looking for a node by its position in an AST
      (PR #4258 by @jlerbsc)
  * Changed
    + fix: Partial removal of the use of instanceof in favour of
      the use of the API (PR #4280 by @jlerbsc)
    + [GHA] Run on java 18 (PR #4252 by @hazendaz)
  * Fixed
    + fix: issue 4240 Calling resolve on catch block parameter
      throws exception (PR #4279 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue 4270 Exception when resolving ObjectCreationExpr
      with nested varargs (PR #4273 by @jlerbsc)
    + add Java_18 to yieldSupport (PR #4262 by @Kimmmey)
    + fix: issue #4245 UnsupportedOperationException with
      LexicalPreservingPrinter when removing a sealed modified (PR
      #4253 by @jlerbsc)
    + [ci] Fix change log released version as 3.25.7 (PR #4251 by
    + Fix: issue 3278 Lazy types cause stack overflow when trying
      to find the least upper bound type (PR #4246 by @jlerbsc)
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): bump from 32.1.3-jre to
      33.0.0-jre (PR #4264 by @dependabot[bot])
  * Uncategorised
    + Revert "Refactoring: Move cache features to javaparser-core"
      (PR #4274 by @jlerbsc)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1137465 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 35)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) accepted request 1134735 from Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) (revision 34)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.7
  * Added
    + [GHA] Remove old comment that is no longer valid around jdks
      and add jdk 17 (PR #4226 by @hazendaz)
    + Fix: issue 3833 No enum constant
      (PR #4221 by @jlerbsc)
  * Changed
    + Refactoring: Move cache features to javaparser-core (PR #4238
      by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: removes reference to coveralls plugin which is not
      useful because codecov is used to track code coverage (PR
      #4235 by @jlerbsc)
    + Uses jakarta.json api, upgrades jakarta.json-api to the
      latest version & uses new default Eclipse Parsson (PR #4234
      by @jlerbsc)
    + Move mockito to 4.11.0 and handle byte buddy consistently as
      well as properly define its agent in argLine for surefire (PR
      #4228 by @hazendaz)
    + Cleanup poms, use jakarta provided (javax namespace),
      hamcrest follow up, and switch coveralls plugin - Fixes #4111
      (PR #4225 by @hazendaz)
    + [pom] Switch from hamcrest-library (deprecated) to hamcrest
      (PR #4200 by @hazendaz)
    + Putting code in the .orElse that has a side effect that can
      affect performance (PR #4199 by @jlerbsc)
  * Fixed
    + Fix: issue 3650 unreproducible MAVEN_BUILD_TIMESTAMP (PR
      #4243 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue 3972 StackOverflowError when resolving type of
      scope of a MethodCall (PR #4236 by @jlerbsc)
    + [fix] Jdk 18 enum stub was extended off java 16 post
      processor not java17 (PR #4227 by @hazendaz)
    + Fix: issue #4047 Symbol Solver mixes name with type (PR #4206
      by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix grammar (PR #4203 by @mernst)
    + Minor changes : corrupted format, useless cast, javadoc (PR
      #4198 by @jlerbsc)
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): update actions/setup-java action to v4 (PR #4241
      by @renovate[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin
      from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (PR #4223 by @dependabot[bot])
    + Adds sponsor link to help the project live and grow (PR #4204
      by @jlerbsc)
    + chore(deps): bump org.codehaus.mojo:templating-maven-plugin
      from 1.0.0 to 3.0.0 (PR #4195 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): update junit5 monorepo to v5.10.1 (PR #4193 by
  * Uncategorised
    + Added unit tests for visitors (PR #4239 by @4everTheOne)
    + Unit tests for class GenericListVisitorAdapter (PR #4237 by
    + Update (PR #4222 by @jlerbsc)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1128023 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 33)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) committed (revision 32)
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) accepted request 1128008 from Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) (revision 31)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.6
  * Changed
    + reformat javaconcept take 2 (PR #4167 by @JimmyGan437)
    + Using JAXP on XMLPrinter implementation (PR #4166 by
    + replace deprecated methond calls to their replacements (PR
      #4157 by @JimmyGan437)
    + feat(#4075): Improve the validation error messages (PR #4116
      by @volodya-lombrozo)
  * Fixed
    + Fix: issue #2751 new HashSet()" != "new HashSet<>() (PR #4183
      by @lcbarcellos)
    + Fixes #2625 Add messages to thrown exceptions (PR #4177 by
    + Fix: issue 4163 Calling
      MethodDeclaration.getDeclarationAsString leads to
      MethodDelaration.getComment returning no comment (PR #4165 by
    + Fix: issue 3673 isAssignableBy method StackOverflowError (PR
      #4156 by @jlerbsc)
    + fix: issue 3184 Unable to get the resolved type of class
      ResolvedReferenceType from T (PR #4147 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue #3269 Test resources containing included
      interfaces do not compile (PR #4139 by @jlerbsc)
    + CalculateResolvedType Type error (PR #4138 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue #4036 LeastUpperBoundLogic.lub returns null when
      matches ConditionalExpr (PR #4137 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue #2484 SymbolResolver on MethodCallExpr fails if
      method parameter is of kind Class<? extends y> (PR #4136 by
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): bump from 32.1.2-jre to
      32.1.3-jre (PR #4154 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v4 (PR #4141
      by @renovate[bot])
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1120418 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 30)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) committed (revision 29)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1110253 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 28)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) committed (revision 27)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1110023 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 26)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) committed (revision 25)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1108492 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 24)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) committed (revision 23)
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) accepted request 1108417 from Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) (revision 22)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.5
  * Added
    + fix: issue 4115 ResolvedUnionType should give access to a
      list of resolved types (PR #4119 by @jlerbsc)
    + Support getting more annotation default values using
      reflection (PR #4103 by @freya022)
  * Changed
    + Minor refactoring: Simplifies how to group deleted tokens by
      extracting a method into an independent class (PR #4134 by
    + Replace deprecated command with environment file (PR #4122 by
    + Fixes missing named constructor in (PR #4092 by
  * Fixed
    + Fix: issue 4133 Top-level class containerType() throws an
      exception instead of Optional.empty() (PR #4135 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: apply multiline strings (PR #4130 by @70825)
    + Fix: issue 3976 Issue resolving implicit generic types (PR
      #4128 by @jlerbsc)
    + Add unit test for PR 4091 Fixed missing permits in pretty
      printer (PR #4126 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue 4124 UnsupportedOperationException: 'T' is thrown
      in MethodCallExpr resolve (PR #4125 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue 4051 Switched upperBounds and lowerBounds on
      ResolvedTypeP… (PR #4123 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix failing test on JDK 17 (PR #4121 by @mahesh-hegde)
    + Fix: issue 3673 isAssignableBy method StackOverflowError (PR
      #4118 by @jlerbsc)
    + Orphan comment added when using lexical preservation is not
      printed (PR #4114 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fixed missing permits in pretty printer (PR #4091 by
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): update actions/checkout action to v3.6.0 (PR
      #4127 by @renovate[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump from 32.1.1-jre to
      32.1.2-jre (PR #4109 by @dependabot[bot])
  * Uncategorised
    + Fix: issue 4104 LPP doesn't handle new switch entries well
      (PR #4106 by @jlerbsc)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.4
  * Changed
    + Nested 'if' statements should be simplified (PR #4085 by
    + BDD tests: migrate to JBehave 5 (PR #4028 by @valfirst)
  * Fixed
    + Fix: issue 4077 After building JavaParser (with tests) on
      MacOS multi… (PR #4086 by @jlerbsc)
    + fix line separators of selected test files (PR #4083 by
    + Fix: issue 3978 typesolver can't parse in parallel (PR #4073
      by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix #4056 isDeclaredInInterface() returns true for fields
      declared inside enumerations contained in an interface (PR
      #4057 by @Elewyth)
    + Fix: issue 4037 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException throws when
      method param is variadic (PR #4046 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue 4016 Failed to parse variable with name 'sealed'
      or 'permits' (PR #4039 by @jlerbsc)
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): bump guava from 32.1.0-jre to 32.1.1-jre (PR
      #4089 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump guava from 32.0.0-jre to 32.1.0-jre (PR
      #4087 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump checkstyle from 10.12.0 to 10.12.1 (PR
      #4084 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump versions-maven-plugin from 2.15.0 to 2.16.0
      (PR #4055 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-release-plugin from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1
      (PR #4053 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump guava from 31.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre (PR #4042
      by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-dependency-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0
      (PR #4035 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.2 to 3.3.0
      (PR #4033 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-scm-plugin from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 (PR
      #4031 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4
      (PR #4030 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump build-helper-maven-plugin from 3.3.0 to
      3.4.0 (PR #4026 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): update dependency maven to v3.9.2 (PR #4024 by
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1088152 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 21)
baserev update by copy to link target
Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) accepted request 1088138 from Anton Shvetz's avatar Anton Shvetz (urbic) (revision 20)
- Upgrade to upstream version 3.25.3
  * Changed
    + Minor simplification of the Difference class (PR #4008 by
    + Perf: Remove unnecessary methods and quickly return to the
      Range.cont… (PR #3996 by @jlerbsc)
  * Fixed
    + Fix: issue 1843 Problems with hasAnnotation() and
      hasDirectlyAnnotati… (PR #4015 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: Issue 3995 resolving a method call with a variadic
      argument of p… (PR #3998 by @jlerbsc)
    + Fix: issue 3983 why FieldDeclaration in an interface calling
      isStatic… (PR #3986 by @jlerbsc)
  * Developer Changes
    + chore(deps): bump checkstyle from 10.9.3 to 10.10.0 (PR #4014
      by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): update junit5 monorepo to v5.9.3 (PR #4012 by
    + chore(deps): bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.9 to 0.8.10
      (PR #4011 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps-dev): bump okhttp from 4.10.0 to 4.11.0 (PR #4009
      by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3
      (PR #4006 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-checkstyle-plugin from 3.2.1 to 3.2.2
      (PR #4005 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 (PR
      #3994 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 (PR
      #3992 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2
      (PR #3988 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-deploy-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1 (PR
      #3985 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.8 to 0.8.9 (PR
      #3981 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump checkstyle from 10.9.1 to 10.9.3 (PR #3980
      by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-resources-plugin from 3.3.0 to 3.3.1
      (PR #3979 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-install-plugin from 3.1.0 to 3.1.1
      (PR #3975 by @dependabot[bot])
    + chore(deps): bump maven-release-plugin from 2.5.3 to 3.0.0
      (PR #3965 by @dependabot[bot])
  * Uncategorised
    + add test for showing interface field shall be static & final
      (PR #3984 by @XenoAmess)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1077582 from Fridrich Strba's avatar Fridrich Strba (fstrba) (revision 19)
baserev update by copy to link target
Displaying revisions 1 - 20 of 38
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