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Juergen Weigert


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner
Maintainer Bugowner

IOANA - a tool to monitor behaviour of processes in a system.
The focus is on tracking of data-flow, so that dependencies between
inbound and outbound data streams (or files) can be described.
This can be used to analyze inter-process communication.

Maintainer Bugowner

A tool to remove SUSE/Novell branding from openSUSE.
Contains rpminjectfile.

Usage see

Maintainer Bugowner

The software for the instrument graphical user interfaces is maintained as part
of the Open Instrumentation Project. The source code is licensed under the GPL,
and the current revisions can be found on https://sourceforge.net/projects/oip

SysComp CGR101 is an oscilloscope, waveform generator, and digital I/O port
integrated into one small, low cost unit.

* 20MS/s dual channel, 10-bit oscilloscope
* 2 MHz DDS arbitrary waveform generator
* Eight channel digital I/O
* USB powered, no AC adaptor required
* Open source software for Windows, Linux and Mac

Maintainer Bugowner

Please check the subprojects

Use packages of the community version of ownCloud server from here.

Packages found here belong to the latest stable release. Register this download repo to
enable auto-update to the latest features.
For production use, we have subprojects for versions 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0, so if you need a specific version release go there.
See also https://owncloud.org/release-channels/ and https://staging.owncloud.org/release-channels/

For CentOS, RHEL please enable the EPEL repository.

yum install wget
## RHEL7, CentOS7:
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-2.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-7-2.noarch.rpm
## RHEL6, CentOS6:
# wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/e/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
# rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:desktop/CentOS_7/isv:ownCloud:desktop.repo
yum install owncloud

CAUTION: For RHEL 6/7, we actually build against the respective CentOS repos.

CAUTION: The names CentOS_6, CentOS_7 are used in the packaging test suite.
The names CentOS_CentOS_6, CentOS_CentOS_7 are deprecated, to be removed.

For CentOS, RHEL please enable the EPEL repository.

yum install wget
## RHEL7, CentOS7:
wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-2.noarch.rpm
rpm -ivh epel-release-7-2.noarch.rpm
## RHEL6, CentOS6:
# wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/e/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
# rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:ownCloud:desktop/CentOS_7/isv:ownCloud:desktop.repo
yum install owncloud

CAUTION: For RHEL 6/7, we actually build against the respective CentOS repos.

CAUTION: The names CentOS_6, CentOS_7 are used in the packaging test suite.
The names CentOS_CentOS_6, CentOS_CentOS_7 are deprecated, to be removed.

These are pre releases of ownCloud for testing purposes.

Since ownCloud version 8.2, we host the packages at http://download.owncloud.org

=================== Blink ============ Blink ========================
Client 2.6.3 is the last client that was built here.
For 2.7.0 and up, please visit https://owncloud.com/desktop-app/
=================== Blink ============ Blink ========================

# this project exposes a consistent snapshot, as seen 2016-03-14, when 2.1.1 was released
osc copypac -r 160 $orig owncloud-client $here
osc copypac -r 2 $orig cmake $here
osc copypac -r 30 $orig qtkeychain $here
osc copypac -r 18 $orig qt5keychain $here
osc copypac -r 4 $orig libqt4 $here
osc copypac -r 4 $orig libqt4-sql-plugins $here
osc copypac -r 29 $orig qtwebkit $here
osc copypac -r 3 $orig qt5-qtbase $here # needed by qt5keychain on centos7
osc copypac -r 1 $orig qt5-qtwebkit $here
osc copypac -r 1 $orig qt5-qttools $here

osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:cmake revision:2
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:libqt4 revision:5
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:libqt4-sql-plugins revision:4
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:neon revision:9
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:owncloud-client revision:175
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:qt5keychain revision:20
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:qt5-qtbase revision:3
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:qt5-qttools revision:2
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:qt5-qtwebkit revision:1
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:qtkeychain revision:32
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:qtwebkit revision:30
osc copypac from project:isv:ownCloud:desktop package:sni-qt revision:8

The repository isv:ownCloud:desktop contains official builds of the ownCloud Desktop Client for various Linux distributions.

The repository isv:ownCloud:desktop contains official builds of the ownCloud Desktop Client for various Linux distributions.

The repository isv:ownCloud:desktop contains official builds of the ownCloud Desktop Client for various Linux distributions.

done 2017-11-03 using

sh obs-deepcopy-prj.sh isv:ownCloud:desktop isv:ownCloud:desktop:client-2.3.4

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