Revisions of python-virtualenvwrapper

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 149687 from Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) (revision 32)
baserev update by copy to link target
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 31)
- Fix bnc#787875, added python-virtualenv-clone as Requires in spec
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 30)
Add stevedore as package Requieres.
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 29)
- Update to 3.6:
  - Switch to stevedore for plugin management
  - mkvirtualenv_help should use $VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON instead
    of calling virtualenv directly (issue 148).
  - Fix issue with lazy-loader code under zsh (issue 144).
  - Fix issue with noclobber option under zsh (issue 137). Fix based
    on patch from rob_b.
  - Fix documentation for add2virtualenv to show the correct name for
    the file containing the new path entry. (contributed by rvoicilas)
  - Fix problem with virtualenvwrapper_show_workon_options under zsh
    with chpwd functions that produce output. (issue 153)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 126140 from Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) (revision 28)
baserev update by copy to link target
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 27)
- Update to 3.5:
  - Rewrite cpvirtualenv to use virtualenv-clone instead of making
    the new environment relocatable. Contributed by Justin Barber
    (barberj). This also resolves a problem with cpvirtualenv not
    honoring the --no-site-packages flag (issue 102).
  - Update docs with link to virtualenvwrapper-win port by David
  - Use command to avoid functions named the same as common
    utilities. (issue 119)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 122677 from Factory Maintainer's avatar Factory Maintainer (factory-maintainer) (revision 26)
baserev update by copy to link target
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 25)
- Update to 3.4:
  - Add install-lazy-loader option.
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 24)
- Update to 3.3:
  - Clean up file permissions and remove shebangs from scripts not
    intended to be executed on the command line. (contributed by
  - Worked on some brittle tests.
  - Received updates to Japanese translation of the documentation 
    from t2y.
  - Fix the test script and runner so the user’s $WORKON_HOME is not
    erased if they do not have some test shells installed. (big thanks
    to agriffis).
  - If the hook loader is told to list plugins but is not given a
    hook name, it prints the list of core hooks.
  - Merge several fixes for path and variable handling for MSYS users
    from bwanamarko. Includes a fix for issue 138.
  - Change mkvirtualenv so it catches both -h and --help.
  - Fix some issues with the way temporary files are used for hook
    scripts. (contributed by agriffis)
  - Allow relative path to requirements file with mkvirtualenv and
    -r option. (barberj)
  - Make whitespace consistent. (agriffis)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 114452 from Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) (revision 23)
baserev update by copy to link target
Stephan Kulow's avatar Stephan Kulow (coolo) accepted request 113061 from Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) (revision 22)
initialized devel package after accepting 113061
Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) accepted request 113309 from Ciaran Farrell's avatar Ciaran Farrell (babelworx) (revision 21)
license update: HPND
License most akin to SPDX HPND license
Sascha Peilicke's avatar Sascha Peilicke (saschpe) committed (revision 20)
- Update to version 3.2:
  * Make project_dir a local variable so that cdproject does not
    interfere with other variables the user might have set.
  * Fix typo in documentation reported by Nick Martin.
  * Change trove classifier for license "MIT" to reflect the license
    text presented in the documentation. This does not indicate a change
    in the license, just a correction to the expression of that intent.
  * Extend rmvirtualenv to allow removing more than one environment at a time
  * Change the definition of virtualenvwrapper_get_site_packages_dir
    to ask distutils for the site-packages directory instead of trying to
    build the path ourselves in the shell script.
- Use upstream URL
- Macro simplification
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 19)
- Update to 3.2:
  - Make project_dir a local variable so that
    command-cdproject does not interfere with other variables
    the user might have set. (contributed by slackorama)
  - Fix typo in documentation reported by Nick Martin.
  - Change trove classifier for license "MIT" to reflect the license
    text presented in the documentation. *This does not indicate a
    change in the license, just a correction to the expression of that
    intent. See license (contributed by ralphbean as fix for 134)
  - Extend command-rmvirtualenv to allow removing more than one
    environment at a time. (contributed by ciberglo)
  - Change the definition of
    virtualenvwrapper_get_site_packages_dir to ask distutils
    for the site-packages directory instead of trying to build the
    path ourselves in the shell script. This should resolve
    112 and improve support for Python interpreters other
    than C Python. Thanks to Carl Meyer and Dario Bertini for their
    contributions toward the fix.
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 18)
- Update to 3.1:
  - Fix a problem with activation hooks when associating a new
    virtualenv with an existing project directory. (issue 122)
  - Fix a problem with command-add2virtualenv and paths containing
    “special” characters such as &. (issue 132)
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 17)
- Update to 3.0.1:
  - Fix some packaging issues that made it more difficult to run the
    tests directly from the sdist package. (issue 126)
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 16)
- Update to 3.0:
  - Add Python 3 support, thanks in large part to the efforts of
    Daniel Kraus. Tested under Python 2.6, 2.7, and
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 15)
- Update to 2.22.1.:
  - Remove the initialization shortcut because it breaks tab completion
    in sub-shell environments like screen and tmux. (issue 121)
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 14)
- Update to 2.11:
  - Add -a option to command-mkvirtualenv to associate a
    new virtualenv with an existing project directory. Contributed by
    Mike Fogel.
  - Drops support for Python 2.4 and 2.5. The tools may still work,
    but I no longer have a development environment set up for testing
    them, so I do not officially support them.
  - Shortcut initialization if it has run before.
  - Set hook log file permissions to be group-writable. (issue 62
    reported by hedgeddown)
    .project file used to link a virtualenv to a project can be
    renamed to avoid conflicts with other tools. (issue 120
    reported by arthuralvim)
Alexandre Rogoski's avatar Alexandre Rogoski (aledr) committed (revision 13)
- Update to 2.10.1:
  - Changed arguments to command-mktmpenv so it always creates
    an environment name for you.
Displaying revisions 41 - 60 of 72
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