Revisions of kitty

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1029741 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 112)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 111)
- Update to 0.26.4:
  * Allow centering the background_image (#5525)
  * X11: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused pasting
    from GTK based applications to have extra newlines (#5528)
  * Tab bar: Improve empty space management when some tabs have
    short titles, allocate the saved space to the active tab (#5548)
  * Fix background_tint not applying to window margins and padding (#3933)
  * Wayland: Fix background image scaling using tiled mode on
    high DPI screens
  * Wayland: Fix an abort when changing background colors with
    wayland_titlebar_color set to background (#5562)
  * Update to Unicode 15.0 (#5542)
  * GNOME Wayland: Fix a memory leak in gnome-shell when using client
    side decorations
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1006016 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 110)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 109)
- Update to 0.26.3:
  * Wayland: Mark windows in which a bell occurs as urgent on compositors
    that support the xdg-activation protocol
  * Allow passing null bytes through the system clipboard (#5483)
  * ssh kitten: Fix KITTY_PUBLIC_KEY not being encoded properly
    when transmitting (#5496)
  * Sessions: Allow controlling which OS Window is active via
    the focus_os_window directive
  * Wayland: Fix for bug in NVIDIA drivers that prevents
    transparency working (#5479)
  * Wayland: Fix for a bug that could cause kitty to become
    non-responsive when using multiple OS windows in a single
    instance on some compositors (#5495)
  * Wayland: Fix for a bug preventing kitty from starting on
    Hyprland when using a non-unit scale (#5467)
  * Wayland: Generate a XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN when opening URLs
    or running programs in the background via the launch action
  * Fix a regression that caused kitty not to restore SIGPIPE
    after python nukes it when launching children. Affects bash
    which does not sanitize its signal mask. (#5500)
  * Fix a use-after-free when handling fake mouse clicks and the
    action causes windows to be removed/re-allocated (#5506)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1001194 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 108)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 107)
- Update to 0.26.2:
  * Allow creating overlay-main windows, which are treated as the
    active window unlike normal overlays (#5392)
  * hints kitten: Allow using The launch command as the program to run, to open the
    result in a new kitty tab/window/etc. (#5462)
  * hyperlinked_grep kitten: Allow control over which parts of rg output are
    hyperlinked (#5428)
  * Fix regression in 0.26.0 that caused launching kitty without working STDIO
    handles to result in high CPU usage and prewarming failing (#5444)
  * The launch command: Allow setting the margin and padding for newly created
    windows (#5463)
  * hints kitten: hyperlink matching: Fix hints occasionally matching text on
    subsequent line as part of hyperlink (#5450)
  * Fix a regression in 0.26.0 that broke mapping of native keys whose key codes
    did not fit in 21 bits (#5452)
  * Wayland: Fix remembering window size not accurate when client side decorations
    are present
  * Fix an issue where notification identifiers were not sanitized leading to code
    execution if the user clicked on a notification popup from a malicious source.
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1000693 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 106)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 105)
- Update to 0.26.1:
  * ssh kitten: Fix executable permission missing from kitty bootstrap script (#5438)
  * Allow specifying a title when using the set_tab_title action (#5441)
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 104)
- Update to 0.26.0:
  * A new option remote_control_password to use fine grained permissions
    for what can be remote controlled (#5320)
  * Reduce startup latency by ~30 milliseconds when running kittens
    via key bindings inside kitty (#5159)
  * A new option modify_font to adjust various font metrics like
    underlines, cell sizes etc. (#5265)
  * A new shortcut ctrl+shift+f1 to display the kitty docs in a browser
  * Graphics protocol: Only delete temp files if they have the
    string tty-graphics-protocol in their file paths. This prevents
    deletion of arbitrary files in /tmp.
  * Deprecate the adjust_baseline, adjust_line_height and
    adjust_column_width options in favor of modify_font
  * Wayland: Fix a regression in the previous release that caused
    mouse cursor animation and keyboard repeat to stop working when switching seats (#5188)
  * Allow resizing windows created in session files (#5196)
  * Fix horizontal wheel events not being reported to client programs
    when they grab the mouse (#2819)
  * kitty @ set-colors: Fix changing inactive_tab_foreground not working (#5214)
  * Add a mappable action to toggle the mirrored setting for the tall and fat layouts (#5344)
  * Add a mappable action to switch between predefined bias values
    for the tall and fat layouts (#5352)
  * Wayland: Reduce flicker at startup by not using render frames
    immediately after a resize (#5235)
  * Linux: Update cursor position after all key presses not just
    pre-edit text changes (#5241)
  * ssh kitten: Allow ssh kitten to work from inside tmux, provided
    the tmux session inherits the correct KITTY env vars (#5227)
  * ssh kitten: A new option --symlink-strategy to control how
    symlinks are copied to the remote machine (#5249)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 981198 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 103)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 102)
- Update to 0.25.2:
  * A new command edit-in-kitty to Edit files in new kitty windows
    even over SSH
  * Allow getting the last non-empty command output easily via an
    action or remote control (#4973)
  * Fix a bug that caused macos_colorspace to always be default
    regardless of its actual value (#5129)
  * diff kitten: A new option kitten-diff.ignore_name to exclude
    files and directories from being scanned (#5171)
  * ssh kitten: Fix bash not being executed as a login shell since
    kitty 0.25.0 (#5130)
  * Themes kitten: Add a tab to show user defined custom color themes
    separately (#5150)
  * Iosevka: Fix incorrect rendering when there is a combining char
    that does not group with its neighbors (#5153)
  * Weston: Fix client side decorations flickering on slow computers
    during window resize (#5162)
  * Remote control: Fix commands with large or asynchronous payloads
    like kitty @ set-backround-image, kitty @ set-window-logo and
    kitty @ select-window not working correctly when using a
    socket (#5165)
  * hints kitten: Fix surrounding quotes/brackets and embedded
    carriage returns not being removed when using line number
    processing (#5170)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 979456 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 101)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) accepted request 979454 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 100)
- Update to 0.25.1:
  * Shell integration: Add a command to Clone the current shell into
    a new window
  * Remote control: Allow using Boolean operators when constructing
    queries to match windows or tabs
  * Sessions: Fix os_window_size and os_window_class not applying
    to the first OS Window (#4957)
  * Allow using the cwd of the oldest as well as the newest foreground
    process for launch --cwd (#4869)
  * Bash integration: Fix the value of shell_integration not taking
    effect if the integration script is sourced in bashrc (#4964)
  * Fix a regression in the previous release that caused mouse move
    events to be incorrectly reported as drag events even when a button
    is not pressed (#4992)
  * remote file kitten: Integrate with the ssh kitten for improved
    performance and robustness. Re-uses the control master connection
    of the ssh kitten to avoid round-trip latency.
  * Fix tab selection when closing a new tab not correct in some scenarios (#4987)
  * A new action open_url to open the specified URL (#5004)
  * A new option select_by_word_characters_forward that allows changing
    which characters are considered part of a word to the right when
    double clicking to select words (#5103)
  * Fix reloading of config not working when kitty.conf does not exist
    when kitty is launched (#5071)
  * Fix deleting images by row not calculating image bounds correctly (#5081)
  * Increase the max number of combining chars per cell from two to three,
    without increasing memory usage.
  * Linux: Load libfontconfig at runtime to allow the binaries to work for
    running kittens on servers without FontConfig
  * GNOME: Fix for high CPU usage caused by GNOME’s text input subsystem
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 970627 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 99)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) accepted request 970594 from Ferdinand Thiessen's avatar Ferdinand Thiessen (susnux) (revision 98)
Fixed build on Factory and Leap.
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 97)
- Update to 0.25.0:
  * Truly convenient SSH: automatic shell integration when using SSH.
    Easily clone local shell and editor configuration on remote machines,
    and automatic re-use of existing connections to avoid connection setup latency.
  * When pasting URLs at shell prompts automatically quote them. Also allow
    filtering pasted text and confirm pastes. See paste_actions for details. (#4873)
  * diff kitten: Fix incorrect rendering in rare circumstances when scrolling
    after changing the context size (#4831)
  * icat kitten: Fix a regression that broke kitty +kitten icat --print-window-size (#4818)
  * Wayland: Fix hide_window_decorations causing docked windows to be resized on blur (#4797)
  * Bash integration: Prevent shell integration code from running twice if user
    enables both automatic and manual integration
  * Bash integration: Handle existing PROMPT_COMMAND ending with a literal newline
  * Fix continued lines not having their continued status reset on line feed (#4837)
  * Wayland: Fix a regression that broke IME when changing windows/tabs (#4853)
  * Avoid flicker when starting kittens such as the hints kitten (#4674)
  * A new action scroll_prompt_to_top to move the current prompt to the top (#4891)
  * select_tab: Use stable numbers when selecting the tab (#4792)
  * Only check for updates in the official binary builds. Distro packages or source
    builds will no longer check for updates, regardless of the value of update_check_interval.
  * Fix inactive_text_alpha still being applied to the cursor hidden window after focus (#4928)
  * Fix resizing window that is extra tall/wide because of left-over cells not working reliably (#4913)
  * A new action close_other_tabs_in_os_window to close other tabs in the active OS window (#4944)
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 96)
- Update to 0.24.4:
  * Shell integration: Fix the default Bash $HISTFILE changing
    to ~/.sh_history instead of ~/.bash_history (#4765)
  * Linux binaries: Fix binaries not working on systems with older
    Wayland client libraries (#4760)
  * Fix a regression in the previous release that broke kittens
    launched with STDIN not connected to a terminal (#4763)
  * Wayland: Fix surface configure events not being acknowledged
    before commit the resized buffer (#4768)
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 95)
- Update to 0.24.3:
  * Bash integration: No longer modify ~/.bashrc to load shell
    integration. It is recommended to remove the lines used to load
    the shell integration from ~/.bashrc as they are no-ops.
  * Splits layout: A new value for launch --location to auto-select
    the split axis when splitting existing windows. Wide windows
    are split side-by-side and tall windows are split one-above-the-other
  * hints kitten: Fix a regression that broke recognition of
    path:linenumber:colnumber (#4675)
  * Fix a regression in the previous release that broke
    active_tab_foreground (#4620)
  * Fix show_last_command_output not working when the output is
    stored partially in the scrollback pager history buffer (#4435)
  * When dropping URLs/files onto kitty at a shell prompt insert
    them appropriately quoted and space separated (#4734)
  * Improve CWD detection when there are multiple foreground processes
    in the TTY process group
  * A new option narrow_symbols to turn off opportunistic wide rendering
    of private use codepoints
  * ssh kitten: Fix location of generated terminfo files on NetBSD (#4622)
  * A new action to clear the screen up to the line containing the
    cursor, see clear_terminal
  * A new action copy_ansi_to_clipboard to copy the current selection
    with ANSI formatting codes (#4665)
  * Linux: Do not rescale fallback fonts to match the main font cell
    height, instead just set the font size and let FreeType take care
    of it. This matches rendering on macOS (#4707)
  * Fix a regression in the previous release that broke strikethrough (#4632)
  * A new action scroll_prompt_to_bottom to move the current prompt to
    the bottom, filling in the window from the scrollback (#4634)
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 94)
- Update to 0.24.2:
  * Allow including config files matching glob patterns in
    kitty.conf (#4533)
  * Shell integration: Fix bash integration not working when
    PROMPT_COMMAND is used to change the prompt variables (#4476)
  * Shell integration: Fix cursor shape not being restored to
    default when running commands in the shell
  * Improve the UI of the ask kitten (#4545)
  * Allow customizing the placement and formatting of the
    tab_activity_symbol and bell_on_tab symbols by adding
    them to the tab_title_template (#4581, #4507)
  * hints kitten: Fix common single letter extension files
    not being detected (#4491)
  * Support dotted and dashed underline styles (#4529)
  * For the vertical and horizontal layouts have the windows
    arranged on a ring rather than a plane. This means the
    first and last window are considered neighbors (#4494)
  * A new action to clear the current selection (#4600)
  * Shell integration: fish: Fix cursor shape not working
    with fish’s vi mode (#4508)
  * Shell integration: fish: Dont override fish’s native
    title setting functionality. See discussion.
  * Draw the dots for braille characters more evenly spaced
    at all font sizes (#4499)
  * icat kitten: Add options to mirror images and remove
    their transparency before displaying them (#4513)
  * Fix getting last command output not working correctly
    when the screen is scrolled (#4522)
  * Show number of windows per tab in the select_tab action (#4523)
  * Fix clicking in a window to focus it and typingimmediately
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 93)
Displaying revisions 41 - 60 of 152
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